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Da Li Volite..

Lavinia Amaldi

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The Man with Night SweatsI wake up cold, I whoProspered through dreams of heatWake to their residue,Sweat, and a clinging sheet.My flesh was its own shield:Where it was gashed, it healed.I grew as I exploredThe body I could trustEven while I adoredThe risk that made robust,A world of wonders inEach challenge to the skin.I cannot but be sorryThe given shield was cracked,My mind reduced to hurry,My flesh reduced and wrecked.I have to change the bed,But catch myself insteadStopped upright where I amHugging my body to meAs if to shield it fromThe pains that will go through me,As if hands were enoughTo hold an avalanche off. Thom Gunn

Edited by estel
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  • 4 weeks later...

Edgar Alan PoAnabel LiPrije mnogo, i mnogo ljetaU kraljevstvu na obaliŽivljaše djeva znana sred svijetaPod imenom Anabela Li,I življaše sred briga i radosnih sjetaDa me voli i da se volimo mi.Bio sam dijete i bila je dijeteU kraljevstvu što plaču valovi,No ljubavlju većom od ljubavi svete.Ljubljasmo se ja i Li,Te nam na ljubavi nebeske četeZaviđahu, anđeli svi.I tako prije ljeta, i ljetaU kraljevstvu što plaču valovi,Vjetar iz oblaka skrši poput cvijetaMoju lijepu Anabelu Li,I tako njoj brata žalost dopa,Da je ponese daleko od mene,Da je u kamenom grobu zakopa,Što ječi od umorne pjene.Anđeli nesrećni i u rajuZaviđahu njoj i meniI, zato (svi ljudi znajuU kraljevstvu što ga more mi)U noći iz magle zaduhajuVjetri i ubiju moju Anabelu Li.No naša je ljubav jača od oneNjih, što bjehu stariji no mi,Njih, što jesu umniji no mi,Pa ni anđeli s vrh vasione,Pa ni bjesovi, što pod morem rone,Duše ne mogu rastaviti; dušu miOd duše lijepe Anabele Li.Kad mjesec sine, nosi mi sanjeO lijepoj Anabeli Li;Kad zvijezde izađu, sinu oči danjePrelijepe Anabele Li;I tako noću za noći ja sjedimI dragu, moju ljubav i moj život gledim,Tamo u grobnici na valu,U njenom grobu na zvučnome žalu.Preveo Tin Ujević

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A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu : voyelles,Je dirai quelque jour vos naissances latentes :A, noir corset velu des mouches éclatantesQui bombinent autour des puanteurs cruelles,Golfes d'ombre ; E, candeur des vapeurs et des tentes,Lances des glaciers fiers, rois blancs, frissons d'ombelles ;I, pourpres, sang craché, rire des lèvres bellesDans la colère ou les ivresses pénitentes ;U, cycles, vibrements divins des mers virides,Paix des pâtis semés d'animaux, paix des ridesQue l'alchimie imprime aux grands fronts studieux ;O, suprême Clairon plein des strideurs étranges,Silence traversés des Mondes et des Anges :- O l'Oméga, rayon violet de Ses Yeux !
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  • 2 months later...

NEŠTO SASVIM LIČNOJa nisam htela da ti budem devojka,Pa da me ti izbegavaš.Ja sam htela da ti budem nokia,Pa da sa mnom razgovaraš.Ja sam htela da budem tvoj soni,Pa da se igramo.Ja sam htela da budemTvoj auto,Da se bolje upoznamo,Tvoj tv,Pa da me dugo gledaš,I tvoj cd,Pa da me dobro slušaš,I tvoj daljinskiDa me držiš za rukuA nisam htela da ti budem devojka!Nisam htela da ti budem dosadna.Htela sam da ti budem posebna,I bliska.Nisam htela da ti budem devojka.Više bih volelaDa budem tvoj tuš,Pa da se zajedno kupamo u kadi,I tvoja lutka,I tvoja desna ruka,I tvoj fudbalski tim,Da budeš moj navijačTvoj ključ stana, i tvoj upaljačTvoj prekidač, brijač, penaGel za kosu, i limenka.Nisam htela da ti budem devojka!Htela sam da ti budem bliska i jedina.Htela sam da ti budem nešto više,Kao, naprimer, tastatura,Ili cigara.Ili pepeljara.Ili Pamela.Ili slično.Nisam htela da smaram.Htela sam da budemNešto sasvim lično.Minja Bogavac

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How funny you are today New Yorklike Ginger Rogers in Swingtimeand St. Bridget’s steeple leaning a little to the lefthere I have just jumped out of a bed full of V-days(I got tired of D-days) and blue you there stillaccepts me foolish and freeall I want is a room up thereand you in itand even the traffic halt so thick is a wayfor people to rub up against each otherand when their surgical appliances lockthey stay togetherfor the rest of the day (what a day)I go by to check a slide and I saythat painting’s not so bluewhere’s Lana Turnershe’s out eatingand Garbo’s backstage at the Meteveryone’s taking their coat offso they can show a rib-cage to the rib-watchersand the park’s full of dancers with their tights and shoesin little bagswho are often mistaken for worker-outers at the West Side Ywhy notthe Pittsburgh Pirates shout because they wonand in a sense we’re all winningwe’re alivethe apartment was vacated by a gay couplewho moved to the country for funthey moved a day too sooneven the stabbings are helping the population explosionthough in the wrong countryand all those liars have left the UNthe Seagram Building’s no longer rivalled in interestnot that we need liquor (we just like it)and the little box is out on the sidewalknext to the delicatessenso the old man can sit on it and drink beerand get knocked off it by his wife later in the daywhile the sun is still shiningoh god it’s wonderfulto get out of bedand drink too much coffeeand smoke too many cigarettesand love you so muchFRANK O’HARA

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  • 2 weeks later...

OvakviOvakvi se ne vole,Ovakvima se srce na živo čupa,Ovakvi se ostave na pola,Ovakvi preko noći od nikog postanu ništa,Ovakvi veruju da nikad višeNeće sebi dopustiti da budu ovakvi,Ovakvi su slepi, gluvi i nemi,Ovakvima tako i treba,Kad su verovali da mogu biti voljeni,Ovakvi kakvi su.Goran Tadić

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believed for years thatLove was the conjunctionOf two oppositions;That was all untrue;Every young man fears thatHe is not worth loving;Bless you, darling, I haveFound myself in you.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXEwoZ0uC1o

Sharp and silent in theClear October lightingOf a Sunday morningThe great city lies;And I at a windowLooking over waterAt the world of BusinessWith a lover’s eyes.All mankind, I fancy,When anticipatingAnything excitingLike a rendezvous,Occupy the time inPurely random thinking,For when love is waitingLogic will not do.Much as he would like toConcentrate completelyOn the precious Object,Love has not the power;Goethe put it neatly:No one cares to watch theLoveliest sunset afterQuarter of an hour.Malinowski, Rivers,Benedict and othersShow how common cultureShapes the separate lives;Matrilineal racesKill their mothers’ brothersIn their dreams and turn theirSisters into wives.Who when looking overFaces in the subway,Each with its uniqueness,Would not, did he dare,Ask what forms exactlySuited to their weaknessLove and desperationTake to govern there:Would not like to know whatInfluence occupationHas on human visionOf the human fate;Do all clerks for instancePigeon-hole creation,Brokers see the Ding-an--sich as Real Estate?When a politicianDreams about his sweetheart,Does he multiply herFace into a crowd,Are her fond respones,All-or-none reactions,Does he try to buy her,Is the kissing loud?Strange are love’s mutations:Thus, the early poemOf the flesh sub rosaHas been known to growNow and then into theAmor intellectu--alis of Spinoza;How we do not know.Slowly we are learning,We at least know this much,That we have to unlearnMuch that we were taught,And are growing charyOf emphatic dogmas;Love like Matter is muchOdder than we thought.Love requires an Object,But this varies so much,Almost, I imagine,Anything will do.When I was a child, ILoved a pumping-engine,Thought it every bit asBeautiful as you.Love has no position,Love’s a way of living,One kind of relationPossible betweenAny things or personsGiven one condition,The one sine qua nonBeing mutual need.Through it we discoverAn essential secretCalled by some SalvationAnd by some Success;Crying for the moon isNaughtiness and envy,We can only love what--ever we possess.I believed for years thatLove was the conjunctionOf two oppositions;That was all untrue;Every young man fears thatHe is not worth loving;Bless you, darling, I haveFound myself in you.When two lovers meet, thenThere’s an end of writingThought and Analytics:Lovers, like the dead,In their loves are equal;Sophomores and peasants,Poets and their criticsAre the same in bed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sanjao sam te noćasBili smo na nekoj zabavi, stajala si pored mene u onoj crnoj haljinionoj koju najviše volim,govorila si mi nešto, ali ja te nisam slušao,gledao sam te u očii razmišljaoda li je moguće da se iza ovako lepih očijukrije kompletni idiotonda si rekla da moraš nešto da završiš i da se brzo vraćašrekao sam dobro i ostao da te čekam da se vratišNisam se pomerio sa mesta,nisam se družio ni sa kim, nisam ništa pio,nisam čak ni razmišljao,bila je to rupa u vremenu u mom snu.Video sam tvoju senku pre nego što si se vratilaSa zvučnika je urlao Bon Jovi"You're born to be my baby..."Stavila si mi ruku na ramenežno kako samo ti umeš, okrenula mestajala si tako ispred meneu toj divnoj haljini sa tim divnim očimaa iza tebe su stajali ovi iz Balkanskih preljubaOna plava sa kačektom je vikala nešto na menekako jebem tvoju sestru od stricaTi si mi lupila šamar,ja sam vikao "nije istinaNikad ne bih jebao onu bedevijuČak ni da mi plate"Ti si plakala, ona plava sa kačketom je mahala kameromi nešto pametovala.Režiser je rekao "Odlično, seci!"Bacila si mi se oko vratašapnula si mi "hvala ti, volim te, znaš koliko mi je ovo važno za glumačku karijeru"Gledao sam te u očiNjih volimi onu haljinu.a i dalje mislim da si kreten.Probudio sam se u znoju. Suviše išekujem Hausa na PinkuVreme je da skinem sve sa torenta.

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  • 3 weeks later...

maggie and milly and molly and maymaggie and milly and molly and maywent down to the beach (to play one day)and maggie discovered a shell that sangso sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles,andmilly befriended a stranded starwhose rays five languid fingers were;and molly was chased by a horrible thingwhich raced sideways while blowing bubbles:andmay came home with a smooth round stoneas small as a world and as large as alone.For whatever we lose(like a you or a me)it's always ourselves we find in the seaE.E. cummings

Edited by logoped
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  • 1 month later...

TVOJIM GLASOMTvojim glasomsve do noći govorižbun vrbe, svetla ga obleću.Visoko gore, kroz pomrčinuleti vodeni cvet.Reka dišesvojim životinjama.U šašunosim svoj ispleten dom.Pužnečujno prelazipreko mog krova.Ucrtanou moje dlanovenalazim tvoje lice.Johanes Bobrovski

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STARA FOTOGRAFIJA STARE ULICEUvući se u ovu požutelu ulicu,s kaldrmom, mrkui bez igde ikoga, osim menei mahnuti vam iz nje: iza sledećeg,za vas nevidljivog uglaveć se odvozim konjskim tramvajemkući u večiti negativ.Ginter Kunert

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  • 3 weeks later...

To see a World in a Grain of SandAnd a Heaven in a Wild Flower,Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.A Robin Redbreast in a CagePuts all Heaven in a Rage.A dove house fill’d with doves and pigeonsShudders Hell thro’ all its regions.A Dog starv’d at his Master’s GatePredicts the ruin of the State.A Horse misus’d upon the RoadCalls to Heaven for Human blood.Each outcry of the hunted HareA fiber from the Brain does tear.He who shall train the Horse to WarShall never pass the Polar Bar.The Beggar’s Dog and Widow’s Cat,Feed them and thou wilt grow fat.The Gnat that sings his Summer song Poison gets from Slander’s tongue.The poison of the Snake and NewtIs the sweat of Envy’s Foot.A truth that’s told with bad intentBeats all the Lies you can invent.It is right it should be so;Man was made for Joy and Woe;And when this we rightly knowThro’ the World we safely go.Every Night and every MornSome to Misery are Born.Every Morn and every NightSome are Born to sweet delight.Some are Born to sweet delight,Some are Born to Endless Night. William Blake

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