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Nadam se da ce (mi) Senegal i Gambija ostati čitavi bar jos ovih mesec i po dana dok ne odem tamo (i nazad)).

Jebote, da barem na pamet padne sastavljacima, doduse i objavljivacima ovakvih karata i statistika koliko su iste bespredmetne, apsurdne kada su u pitanju zemlje kao sto je Niger i vecina africkih zemalja uostalom...

Sa tankim, pretankim slojem samo uslovno urbanog :isuse: stanovnistva, sa visoko dvocifrenim % klasicno nomadskog, sa pravim pravcatim ropstvom kao institucijom...


Ali, nema stvari koju duboko humano nastrojeni interesenti sa svih strana nece da sjebu i podvedu pod uhodane kategorije, samo ako im to vrsi pos'o...


Edited by vememah

Obrisaše, evo iz drugog izvora.



Zasad samo po tviteru, niko ozbiljan još nije potvrdio od agencija ili medija.

Edited by vememah

jel rekose nigeri gdji. nouland 'f.ck the US"? 

ili je i to fake news?


ako neko na forumu zna da iskopa to, to je vemenah. hvala mu na svom fact chekingu koji nam je uradio.

Da, za razliku od ove druge delegacije koju su vratili s aerodroma, primili su je (delom i zato jer je američka vojska naoružavala Niger kao saveznika u prilično neuspešnoj borbi protiv Boko Harama i afričkih ogranaka Al-Kaide i Islamske države i dobro se poznaju), ali ne na najvišem nivou i nisu joj dali da poseti svrgnutog predsednika Bazuma. Takođe su joj u suštini rekli da im ne pada na pamet da slušaju njene savete.





Niger coup leaders refuse to let senior U.S. diplomat meet with deposed president
“They were quite firm about how they want to proceed,” Victoria Nuland said.

NIAMEY, Niger — A senior U.S. diplomat said coup leaders in Niger refused to allow her to meet Monday with the West African country’s democratically elected president, whom she described as under “virtual house arrest.”

Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland also described the mutinous officers as unreceptive to U.S. pressure to return the country to civilian rule.

“They were quite firm about how they want to proceed, and it is not in support of the constitution of Niger,” Nuland told reporters. She characterized the conversations as “extremely frank and at times quite difficult.”

She spoke after a two-hour meeting in Niger’s capital, Niamey, with some leaders of the military takeover of a country that has been a vital counterterrorism partner of the United States.

In speaking to junta leaders, Nuland said, she made “absolutely clear the kinds of support that we will legally have to cut off if democracy is not restored.”

If the U.S. determines that a democratically elected government has been toppled by unconstitutional means, federal law requires a cutoff of most American assistance, particularly military aid.

She said she also stressed U.S. concern for the welfare of President Mohamed Bazoum, who she said was being detained with his wife and son.

The meeting was with Gen. Moussa Salaou Barmou, a U.S.-trained officer, and three of the colonels involved in the takeover. The coup’s top leader, former presidential guard head Abdourahamane Tchiani, did not meet with the Americans.



Intercept o američkoj bazi dronova u Nigeru u februaru:


AGADEZ, Niger — OFFICIALLY, BASE AERIENNE 201, located in this town on the southern fringe of the Sahara desert, is not a U.S. military outpost. In reality, Air Base 201 — known locally as “Base Americaine” — is the linchpin of the U.S. military’s archipelago of bases in North and West Africa and a key part of America’s wide-ranging intelligence, surveillance, and security efforts in the region.

Built at a price tag of $110 million and maintained to the tune of $20 to $30 million each year, AB 201 serves as a Sahelian surveillance hub that’s home to Space Force personnel involved in high-tech satellite communications, Joint Special Operations Air Detachment facilities, and a fleet of drones — including armed MQ-9 Reapers — that scour the surrounding region day and night for terrorist activity. A high-security haven, Air Base 201 sits within a 25-kilometer “base security zone” and is protected by fences, barriers, upgraded air-conditioned guard towers with custom-made firing ports, and military working dogs.



VOA o Nigeru povodom Blinkenove posete u martu:


Landlocked Niger and its neighbors are all struggling to repel Islamist insurgents who have killed thousands of people, displaced millions more and in some cases seized control of vast swathes of territory.
Groups linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State have carried out dozens of attacks in southwestern Niger, including some in which dozens of Nigerien soldiers were killed, but the violence has not spread across the whole country as it has done elsewhere.


Edited by vememah

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Fakat čudno.



Izgleda da je počela intervencija Francuske.

On 2. 8. 2023. at 20:02, vememah said:


Malo "mi smo Putinovi, Putin je naš", malo "ubij, zakolji, da Bur ne postoji".




Malema samo prica ono sto vecina crnaca u Juznoafrickoj republici misli. Sreca pa ANC i dalje ima jako uporiste, iako su korumpirana govna bar nisu totalni ludaci koji bi razjebali drzavu ala Mugabe. 



On 2. 8. 2023. at 14:05, Bojan said:


Ovo je iz 2020.


Sunce ti zarko, ja se oduvek secao Egipta kao zitnice starog Rima, sad se pretvorio u najveceg uvoznika zita na svetu :ph34r:



On 2. 8. 2023. at 16:23, Weenie Pooh said:


Ovo je jako uprošćeno gledanje na stvari - kao, Kinez sipa pare u džepove Namibijcu da izgura Nemca. 


Zapad skoro pola veka drži Treći svet na kratkom štapu, sve vrste pomoći i ustupaka su uslovljene na milion ponižavajućih načina, a nezadovoljstvo samo tinja. Tu ostanu samo mehanizmi prinude na saradnju, što finansijske što vojne, a kad i oni zakažu onda i poslednjoj budali postaje jasno da je car go, pa traži alternativu.


Kini je dovoljno da tu alternativu ponudi, u vidu investicija koje sebi može relativno lako da priušti. Dakle nikakvo "agresivno istiskivanje" nije na delu, samo lagano korišćenje trenutka koji je nastao kao posledica višedecenijskog kolapsa neoliberalnog pseudo-kolonijalnog menadžmenta. 



Daleko od toga da su Kinezi popularni u Africi. Rade isto kao kod nas - sluze se svim sredstvima da dodju do projekata, uvaljuju zemlje u dugove a onda im oduzimaju kolateral (sad prete Ugandi da ce im uzeti jedini aerodrom na ime duga) i sve poslove rade sa svojim materijalom i svojom radnom snagom. 

1 hour ago, Shan Jan said:


Sunce ti zarko, ja se oduvek secao Egipta kao zitnice starog Rima, sad se pretvorio u najveceg uvoznika zita na svetu :ph34r:




Više se isplati koncentrat paradajza, lukac, krompir i tome slično.

15 hours ago, Shan Jan said:

Daleko od toga da su Kinezi popularni u Africi. Rade isto kao kod nas - sluze se svim sredstvima da dodju do projekata, uvaljuju zemlje u dugove a onda im oduzimaju kolateral (sad prete Ugandi da ce im uzeti jedini aerodrom na ime duga) i sve poslove rade sa svojim materijalom i svojom radnom snagom. 


To ako pitaš Džona Boltona. Evo šta kaže npr. Bloomberg:



Specifično o aerodromu u Ugandi na 8:39.


Detaljnije o razlikama između zapadnih i istočnih investicija/donacija:




Our results indicate that Chinese, U.S., and OECD-DAC ODA have positive effects on economic growth, but we find no robust evidence that World Bank aid promotes growth. We also find that, irrespective of the funding source, less concessional and more commercially-oriented types of official finance do not boost economic growth. Finally, we test the popular claim that significant financial support from China impairs the effectiveness of grants and loans from Western donors and lenders. Our results do not support this claim.


Edited by Weenie Pooh

In other news,



I sinteza, šta Kina u stvari dobija ako ne otima afričke assets, u šta Zapad ulaže više nego u afričku infrastrukturu: 



The second implication offers insight on the relationship between economic engagement and political alignment. Between 2001 and 2018, China loaned approximately $126 billion to African countries. Between 2001 and 2018, China invested $41 billion in FDI. The voting alignment index between African countries and China was -0.085 in 2001, and -0.019 in 2018. Thus, the investments from China resulted in 78% greater voting alignment.


Between 2001 and 2012, the U.S. invested $56.3 billion FDI into Africa, but it also spent $9 trillion on the war on terror (portions of which are in the African Sahel region and the horn of Africa). During this time however, African countries’ voting alignment index with the U.S. dropped about 8% from -2.624 to -2.833. Clearly, economic engagement is more effective than military engagement for garnering friends.



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