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Edit: sad videh da je ipak satira.

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Ok, my bad, Poe's law...



Trump businesses received millions in foreign payments while he was in office


Donald Trump “repeatedly and willfully” violated the US constitution by “allowing his businesses to accept millions of dollars from some of the most corrupt nations on Earth”, prominently including China, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee charged on Thursday, unveiling a 156-page report on the matter.


Four businesses owned by Trump’s family conglomerate received at least $7.8m in payments in total from 20 countries during his four years in the White House, the report said. It added that the payments probably represented just a fraction of foreign payments to the Republican president and his family during his administration, which ran from 2017 to 2021.


The foreign emoluments clause of the US constitution bars the acceptance of gifts from foreign states without congressional consent.


Trump broke with precedent – and his own campaign-trail promises – and did not divest from his businesses or put them into a blind trust when he took office, instead leaving his adult sons to manage them.


The issue of foreign spending at Trump-owned businesses proceeded to dog Trump throughout his time in power.


On Thursday, Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the oversight committee, said: “After promising ‘the greatest infomercial in political history’ [regarding his business interests] … Trump repeatedly and willfully violated the constitution by failing to divest from his business empire and allowing his businesses to accept millions of dollars in payments from some of the most corrupt nations on earth.”


Such countries spent – “often lavishly”, the report said – on apartments and hotel stays at properties owned by Trump’s business empire, thereby “personally enriching President Trump while he made foreign policy decisions connected to their policy agendas with far-reaching ramifications for the United States”.


Raskin said: “The limited records the committee obtained show that while Donald Trump was in office, he received more than $5.5m from the Chinese government and Chinese state-owned enterprises, as well as millions more from 19 other foreign governments including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia, through just four of the more than 500 entities he owned.”


Those four properties – Trump International Hotel in Washington, Trump Tower and Trump World Tower in New York, and Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas – represented less than 1% of the 558 corporate entities Trump owned either directly or indirectly while president, the report said.


Raskin said: “The governments making these payments sought specific foreign policy outcomes from President Trump and his administration. Each dollar accepted violated the constitution’s strict prohibition on payments from foreign governments, which the founders enacted to prevent presidents from selling out US foreign policy to foreign leaders.”


Shortly after Trump was elected, Congress began investigating potential conflicts of interest and violations of the emoluments clause. The investigation led to a lengthy court dispute which ended in a settlement in 2022, at which point Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars, began producing documents requested.


After Republicans took over the House last year, the oversight committee stopped requiring those documents. A US district court ended litigation on the matter. Mazars did not provide documents regarding at least 80% of Trump’s business entities, Democrats said on Thursday.


Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination this year, despite facing 91 criminal indictments, assorted civil threats and moves to bar him from the ballot in Colorado and Maine, under the 14th amendment meant to stop insurrectionists running for office.


His campaign did not immediately comment on the Democratic report.


Raskin pointed a finger at a leading Trump ally, James Comer of Kentucky, the Republican oversight chair.


“While the figures and constitutional violations in this report are shocking, we still don’t know the extent of the foreign payments that Donald Trump received – or even the total number of countries that paid him and his businesses while he was president – because committee chairman James Comer and House Republicans buried any further evidence of the Trump family’s staggering corruption.”


Comer – who is leading Republican attempts to impeach Joe Biden over alleged corruption involving foreign money – issued a statement of his own.


“It’s beyond parody that Democrats continue their obsession with former President Trump,” Comer said. “Former President Trump has legitimate businesses but the Bidens do not. The Bidens and their associates made over $24m by cashing in on the Biden name in China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania. No goods or services were provided other than access to Joe Biden and the Biden network.”


Most observers say Republicans have not produced compelling evidence of corruption involving Biden, members of his family and foreign interests. The New York Times, for example, judged recently that “many messages cited by Republicans as evidence of corruption by President Biden and his family are being presented out of context”.


On social media on Thursday, the California Democrat Eric Swalwell said: “No president ever personally enriched himself more while in office than Donald Trump. And mostly, in his case, from foreign cash. I don’t want to hear another peep about bogus Biden allegations. Game, set, match. Move on.”


Raskin said: “By concealing the evidence of Trump’s grift, House Republicans shamefully condone former President Trump’s past conduct and keep the door open for future presidents to exploit higher office.”


The family business empire, the Trump Organization, including Donald Trump and his two oldest sons, Don Jr and Eric, is in the closing stages of a civil trial brought by the New York attorney general, Letitia James.


No president ever personally enriched himself more while in office than Donald Trump.'' 


Kako sad pa to?¿ Jedino ako podaci nisu istiniti, jbmlg.



On social media on Thursday, the California Democrat Eric Swalwell said: “No president ever personally enriched himself more while in office than Donald Trump. And mostly, in his case, from foreign cash. I don’t want to hear another peep about bogus Biden allegations. Game, set, match. Move on.


klasicna dobro je kad moje pleme otme krave od drugog plemena, a zlo je kad drugo pleme otme krave od nas


Kod Trumpa je prosto neverovatno koliko njega zakon ne zanima i koliko se oseca da je iznad toga. 



50 minutes ago, braca said:




nataknuti lepo i duboko


Ovo je ka ono kad je rekao da bi mu baza ostala vjerna čak i da upuca nekoga na petoj aveniji



Razlozi rata su sasvim jasni. Napali juznjaci okupatorske kasarne i pomorske baze. Stitili ljudi svoju imovinu, da juznjacka lisnica ostane u juznjackom dzepu. Eto vec tri razloga. Da ne govorimo o neujednacnoj ekonomiji i disproporcionalnim uslovima razvoja koji su diktirali potrebu za jeftinom radnom snagom na jugu. Najzad, tu je i cinjenica da jedni drugima nisu mogli raspoznati prijedsednika osim po nosenju cilindra, pa nisu znali ko kome sta komanduje, sto je izazvalo negodovanja prilikom kreiranja ljetnih varijanti Dejvisovih i Linkolnovih statua.






Inace, Trampara izgleda kao riba nakon solarijuma, da ne kazem mesavina latinosa, crnca i pomorandze.





Edited by Filipenko

2 hours ago, Filipenko said:

Razlozi rata su sasvim jasni. Napali juznjaci okupatorske kasarne i pomorske baze. Stitili ljudi svoju imovinu, da juznjacka lisnica ostane u juznjackom dzepu. Eto vec tri razloga. Da ne govorimo o neujednacnoj ekonomiji i disproporcionalnim uslovima razvoja koji su diktirali potrebu za jeftinom radnom snagom na jugu.


Imovina i jeftina radna snaga, 2 u 1.



Pa dobro, imali su svasta nesto od imovine, ne samo te pokretnosti ili kako su ih vec knjizili u skladu sa mudrim smernicama oceva osnivaca.

Ne znam da li misliš da nekog šokiraš ili impresioniraš, uglavnom deluje vrlo glupo to što pišeš.

Sad ja to isto ne znam za ovo sto ti pises. Nisi siguran da li pisem ironicno ili ozbiljno? Hint: nisam za ropstvo.

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