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328 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ćete se vakcinisati?

    • Da, prvom prilikom
    • Da, ali ne odmah, sačekao bih prvi talas reakcija
    • Ne zasad, ali sam spreman da promenim mišljenje
    • Ne, nikako
    • Ne znam
  2. 2. Koju vakcinu biste napre uzeli?

    • Pfizer and BioNTech
    • Moderna
    • Sputnik V
    • AstraZeneca
    • Sinopharm China
    • Svejedno mi je

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On 25.4.2021. at 22:36, bags said:

Ovaj ko je zaduzen za twitter account od Sputnika treba dobiti momentalno otkaz.



Danas naletim na ovo:



Danas sam i ja koncano cipovan. Organizacija vrhunska u Austrija Centru. Imaju 4 stanice ( prijava, dokumentacija, doktor, sestra sa iglom). Na svakoj ostanes po minut, na kraju dodjes tamo gde si i poceo. Mislim da ima vakcinisu oko 300 ljudi u istom momentu. Sva infrastrkutura je napravljena za jos puno vise ljudi ali dzaba kad nema dovoljno vakcina. (ima mesta za barem dupli kapacitet) 




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30 minutes ago, bags said:


Vredi prevesti zbog gomile detalja:





The manipulative Twitter propaganda of Sputnik V


The vaccine maker's tweets are a typical Russian mix of information and, above all, disinformation for propaganda purposes


Klaus Taschwer April 28, 2021, 14:55 514 posts.


Whether Austria will actually vaccinate with Sputnik V as well or not is still written in the stars. Because of the Biontech/Pfizer extra deliveries, the deal announced by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) with Russia regarding Sputnik V was somewhat out of the media spotlight. The new health minister also made it clear that a vaccination of the vector vaccine from Russia would in any case require approval from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and that no Austrian solo efforts were planned.

This is bad for Russia, as Austria could have been the first "Western" country to use Sputnik V. Which would have been a huge propaganda success for Russia's government, which is not only making strategic geopolitics and a billion-dollar business with Sputnik V, but also wants to burnish its image.


Lack of data security


But there have been repeated problems with the vaccine, including in Slovakia. And as recently as Tuesday, Brazil's National Agency for Health Surveillance (Anvisa) spoke out against the import of Sputnik V - despite the fact that Brazil is one of the hardest hit countries in the world by the pandemic. There was a lack of "consistent and reliable data," it said in a statement. More detail on the worrisome incident is provided by respected U.S. virologist Angela Rasmussen (Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.) on Twitter here:



Rasmussen suspects that the vector virus of the second part of the vaccine - human adenovirus 5 - was apparently not rendered harmless during production of the vaccine. The virus, which triggers colds, is therefore still active, can multiply and spread in the body of the vaccinated. This is likely to reduce the effect of the vaccination and harm immunocompromised individuals. Rasmussen's harsh verdict: "This is a fundamental and inexcusable error in quality assurance and quality control."

Promptly, people in Russia - including on Sputnik V's official Twitter channel - lashed out at counter-propaganda (in Brazilian Portuguese, of course).

Anyone who wants to get an idea of how manipulatively the Russian manufacturers are making propaganda with Sputnik V will find plenty on this Twitter channel. Quite a few of the entries show impressively that Russia is well practiced in bending information and statistics to its own ends, sometimes to the point of complete disinformation. Here are three particularly brazen examples from the last few days.


1. So widespread is Sputnik V (of course not)



Sputnik V is thus the second most widely used vaccine in the world, approved in 62 countries with 3.2 billion people. Of course, we are not talking about absolute production and vaccination figures. For good reasons, these are not disclosed in Russia. Sputnik V would be far behind Biontech/Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and others. The Sputnik producers simply add up the population figures of those 62 countries where Sputnik V is approved - and they promptly end up in second place.


2 The statistics from Hungary lack crucial information



"The Hungarian government confirmed in a report dated April 25 that Sputnik V showed the best results in terms of safety and efficacy of the five vaccines used in Hungary," Sputik V proudly announces on Twitter, extracting some figures from the report.

However, important additional information is left out here, which can be found on the Hungarian Coronamonitor, the statistical overview site on vaccinations, among others: First, Sputnik V came into use comparatively later than other vaccines, making a difference in efficacy. (Those vaccinated later have less time to develop infection.) Second, Sputnik V was vaccinated to the youngest population on average compared to all other vaccines, which obviously has a positive impact on safety and efficacy. And third, Sputnik V was - why? - was spared to particularly vulnerable groups of people.


3. The completely manipulated figures of "vaccination deaths"



Here's where it gets downright kicklesque: a study of Sputnik V shows "that there are significantly more deaths following vaccination with Pfizer's vaccine than with Astra Zeneca's per million doses administered, based on official, publicly available data from 13 international health authorities." The claim, of course, serves only to inconspicuously point out that the "data" for Sputnik V are even better.

Actually, a further fact check of this disinformation is unnecessary. Because as footnote 2 is inserted small that no clear connection between the vaccinations and the reported deaths exists.

US biologist Carl Bergstrom, professor at the University of Washington in Seattle and co-author of the recently published book "Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World," has nevertheless taken the trouble to neatly dissect this tweet into all its misinformation particles in a separate thread:



To summarize only Bergstrom's most important points: The numbers in the left column are unweighted by population. One cannot, of course, treat the figures from Norway (1.2 million vaccinated) on an equal footing with the USA (120 million vaccinated). There is, see Hungary, no additional information on the age of those vaccinated with the respective vaccine or when the vaccination took place. (Those vaccinated earlier have more time to die.) In those countries where Sputnik is heavily used (especially in countries of the global south such as India), one may also doubt the data basis.

Bergstrom's laconic summary: "This is terrible propaganda from Sputnik." There is little to add to this - except perhaps that confidence in a vaccine in the so-called West cannot be established in this way and that we can be glad about a close examination by the EMA as well as the lack of Austrian quick fixes.


(prevod: Deepl)

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a jbg, ništa tu nije čisto, ne verujem ni ovima iz brazila


sad je frka zbog (kako se tvrdilo ranije) bezazlenog adenovirusa prehlade, a nije što im je zdravstveni sistem u kolapsu od korone

ali u redu, ako su oni procenili da im je to manja šteta, onda super

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1 hour ago, desboj said:

Ne pratim temu zbog živci, žena se zdravo dobro utronjala od preminulih trudnica, jel ima koga da se fajzerovao u Srbiji a da je bremenit?


izaslo 21.Aprila:  https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2104983


Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons: Preliminary findings did not show obvious safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. However, more longitudinal follow-up, including follow-up of large numbers of women vaccinated earlier in pregnancy, is necessary to inform maternal, pregnancy, and infant outcomes.

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1 hour ago, dùda said:

a jbg, ništa tu nije čisto, ne verujem ni ovima iz brazila


sad je frka zbog (kako se tvrdilo ranije) bezazlenog adenovirusa prehlade, a nije što im je zdravstveni sistem u kolapsu od korone

ali u redu, ako su oni procenili da im je to manja šteta, onda super

poenta je da ne mogu da vakcinisu vakcinom za koju se zna da ima falinki u kvalitetu. ako adenovirus nije deaktiviran, kao sto pise, moze da ugrozi ljude koji imaju slabiji imunitet, a takodje, i stvaranje antitela na covid. takodje, klinicka istrazivanja i rezultati istih nisu obuhvatali neatenuirani adenovirus. ne znaju da li ce ovakva vakcina da napravi stetu ili ne. mislim da, cak ni ako je frka, ne smeju da se zezaju sa ovako necim.

naravno, sve ovo ako su rusi zaista zeznuli u kontroli kvaliteta.

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Evo grafikona iz Mađarske: vakcinacija Sputnjikom je krenula znatno kasnije. Sputnjikov udeo među vakcinisanima određenih starosnih grupa prvom dozom najveći je u najmlađim starosnim grupama (18-24 i 25-49), a Fajzerov u grupi 80+ (Fajzer 65,2%, Sputnjik 2,6%, dakle 25x manje u toj populaciji). Dakle, 2/3 vakcinisanih Mađara starijih od 80 godina vakcinisano je Fajzerom.


Raspodela broja datih prvih doza po nedeljama


Raspodela broja datih drugih doza po nedeljama


Raspodela prvih doza vakcina po starosnim grupama


Raspodela drugih doza vakcina po starosnim grupama


Udeo vakcinisanih barem prvom dozom u celokupnoj populaciji određene starosti (Összes = ukupno)


Udeo vakcinisanih obema dozama u celokupnoj populaciji određene starosti (Összes = ukupno)



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Ja sam ih zvao pa su mi došli na gajbu jer ne mogu da hodam.

Doktorka/sestra koja mi je dala vakcinu je baš lepa. Kad dodje za revakcinu pitaću je za broj telefona.


Inače, svi se iznenadili što nisam ni pitao koju vakcinu su mi dali. Kao da bih ja mogao da ih razlikujem. 

Ovu bih možda i prepoznao ali takvu ne daju.  



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Podsećam da je pekinška verzija Sinofarma daleko bliža odobrenju SZO od Sputnjika V.

U tabeli ispod navedeno je šta sve još SZO traži od Rusa da bi procenio datum kad bi ta vakcina mogla biti odobrena - lepo stoji da će raditi inspekcije i u junu, dakle verovatno ništa pre juna-jula.

Fajzer je odobren još krajem prošle godine.






The WHO Emergency Use Listing Procedure (EUL) is a risk-based procedure for assessing and listing unlicensed vaccines, therapeutics and in vitro diagnostics with the ultimate aim of expediting the availability of these products to people affected by a public health emergency. This will assist interested UN procurement agencies and Member States in determining the acceptability of using specific products, based on an essential set of available quality, safety, and efficacy and performance data.

The procedure is a key tool for companies wishing to submit their products for use during health emergencies.


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