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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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As directed by the Dubai COVID‑19 Command and Control Centre (CCC), all travellers originating from, or transiting from, the countries listed below will not be accepted for travel into Dubai with effect from Monday 29 November 2021 until further notice.

  • Botswana
  • Eswatini
  • Lesotho
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • South Africa
  • Zimbabwe
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There is considerable uncertainty related to the transmissibility, vaccine effectiveness, risk for reinfections and other properties of the Omicron variant. However, given its immune escape potential and potentially increased transmissibility advantage compared to Delta, we assess the probability of further introduction and community spread in the EU/EEA as HIGH. In a situation where the Delta variant is resurgent in the EU/EEA, the impact of the introduction and possible further spread of Omicron could be VERY HIGH. In conclusion, the overall level of risk for the EU/EEA associated with the SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron is assessed as HIGH to VERY HIGH. Options for response Based on the mutation profile of Omicron, partial immune escape is likely.


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At least 15 passengers on the two KLM flights from South Africa that arrived at Schiphol earlier today have tested positive for the corona virus. There were a total of more than 600 passengers on the planes, all of whom had to be tested. According to the GGD Kennemerland, the first 110 test results have now been received, of which 15 are positive.

Based on that outcome, the GGD expects a "finding percentage" of 13.6 percent. "That means that we take into account approximately 85 positive corona tests in total." It is not yet known with which variant of the corona virus the positively tested travelers are infected.

https://nos.nl/artikel/2407230-zeker-15-besmette-passagiers-op-vluchten-uit-zuid-afrika (prevod: Google translate)

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Poređenje dnevnog broja slučajeva po južnoafričkim provincijama za 12. novembar (levo) i 26. novembar (desno).







Dakle, za 14 dana u novim sojem najpogođenoj provinciji Gauteng (obuhvata Johanezburg i Pretoriju) broj slučajeva porastao je 12,6x, što odgovara vremenu dupliranja od 3 dana i 19 sati. Dosta impresivno.


U Gautengu je 12. novembra zabeleženo 44% svih novih slučajeva u državi, a dve nedelje kasnije 77%. U Gautengu živi 26% stanovništva Južnoafričke Republike.

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Odličan niz:


Najbitniji tvitovi:








Dakle, lik kaže da je najbliži evolutivni rođak omikrona verzija virusa još s kraja aprila 2020, da je u ovih godinu i po evoluirao i razvio ogroman broj mutacija u nekom zabačenom ćošku gde nema sekvenciranja ili u hronično inficiranoj osobi. Takođe je napravio procenu brzine širenja na osnovu promena virusa zabeleženih u ovih 77 dostavljenih uzoraka omikrona iz JAR, Bocvane i Hongkonga i dobio vreme dupliranja od 4,8 dana.


Link na biografiju Trevora Bedforda i neki detalji:


My research program focuses on phylodynamic analysis of pathogen sequence data with an intent of making inferences that are actionable to public health. (...)
I’ve co-developed the open-source Nextstrain platform that aims to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data by providing a continually-updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools. This platform is used by the World Health Organization Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) to aid in vaccine strain selection for seasonal influenza virus.


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 Ministar u vladi nemačke pokrajine Hesen kaže da je omikron varijanta vrlo verovatno stigla i u Nemačku (prevod: Google Translate):


It is very likely that the #Omicron variant has already arrived in Germany. Several mutations typical of Omicron were found last night on a returnee from South Africa. There is a high level of suspicion, so the person has been isolated at home. The complete sequencing is still pending at the current time.



Isto i ministar zdravlja Češke (prevod: Google Translate):


The State Institute of Public Health announced today that we suspect a new mutation in the coronavirus Omikron in the Czech Republic. Laboratories are now performing a whole genome sequence. Only then will it be possible to say with certainty whether this type of virus is in our country or not yet.



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Kaže reporterka NYT-a koja je bila u jednom od dva aviona zadržana na Shipholu da trećina nije nosila maske.





Britanski ministar zdravlja kaže da su našli dvoje i tamo, da će sad retroaktivno da češljaju sve sumnjive i da šire spisak država za zabranu letova.







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