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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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18 hours ago, Indy said:

Do nedavno smo ziveli u globalizmu™ tako da i nije neko cudo... A sta ce biti sledece, videcemo.


17 hours ago, namenski said:

Ma naravno da ste u pravu i jedan i drugi, odnosno svi mi koliko nas ima, bili u pravu pre korone... :)

Ja sam, jednostavno, jauknuotm, nad cinjenicom da nesto definitivno nije u redu sa svetom u kome dvadesetogodisnjaka koji zna da dobro шутне фусбал placamo 100 miliona u tvrdoj valuti, u kome se dogadjaju ekonomski :isuse: logicni paradoksi koje je pomenuo G&S, u kome lakse mozes da nadjes programera nego vodoinstalatera (bez ironije i uz duzno i zasluzeno postovanje prema obe pomenute profesije), u kome Bomba jednog malog debelog degenerika moze da odigra ulogu Principovog pistolja, u kome se uz svu otvorenost i premrezenost, avione i kamione, hiljade dave u koritima kojima pokusavaju da se krecu u tom otvorenom svetu, u kome i takozvane najrazvijenije zemlje vode dubokoumne diskusije jesu li im svi gradjani dostojni osnovne, besplatne i svima dostupne zdravstvene zastite, u kome smo docekali da baratamo i to za ozbiljno pojmovima poput imuniteta krda...

Sposobni smo da presretnemo asteroid ilikakosetoveczove tezak xyz tona i unistimo ga na sigurnom rastojanju od Majke Zemlje, ali nam ne ide sa borbom protiv maleckog, maleckog virusa i pritom nije najgore sto nam on zadaje probleme - resicemo ih, uostalom, pokazali smo da smo kao vrsta poprilicno zajebani igraci - nego je najgore sto je tokom haranja tog maleckog na povrsinu isplivavaju egoizam, nacionalizam, licemerje, politikantstvo, nemoralnost, mediokritetstvo i nesposobnost u kolicini koja bi do koliko juce obalila svaku vladu u roku od 24 sata.

Ko bi ga znao, uostalom...

Vesti sa NZ od danas nisu dobre, još 13 zaraženih, svi u vezi sa onom četvoročlanom porodicom od prekjuče - članovi šire familije, kolege, i članovi porodice kolega (ceo tekst ovde):


New Zealand officials were scrambling to trace the source of an outbreak of the coronavirus, reporting 13 new cases in Auckland on Thursday, including a person who visited an aged residential care facility in Waikato.


The cases are being treated as a cluster and would now be moved into a quarantine facility instead of allowing them to recover at home, Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said.


He declined to name the aged care home as some residents and their families were still being informed. He said the person who visited the site, did so the day before they started showing symptoms.




The discovery of four infected family members in Auckland two days ago shocked a country that had not recorded a case of COVID-19 for more than three months, raising some criticism of the government's handling of the crisis.


These 13 new cases are all linked to the family of four. They are a family member, colleagues, and family-members of the colleagues


No definite source of the infection has been established, hence the need to isolate them in a quarantine facility, Bloomfield said.


"We see more transmission occur within households. One of the features made within facilities is arrangements can be made to keep positive and non-positive cases apart."




However, doubts over the origin of the latest cases have raised some questions about that strategy. Officials reported on Thursday that three more people at the refrigerator storage facility, where one of the family members worked, had tested positive.


Bloomfield raised the possibility on Wednesday that the virus had arrived in New Zealand via freight, given one of the infected family members works in a cool store that takes imported frozen goods from overseas.


On Thursday, he said that was considered "a low possibility", but did not detail other potential sources.


If the freight theory is proven, it could have profound implications for international trade flows.


On Tuesday, officials in the Chinese port city of Yantai said the virus had been found on packaging that arrived from the port city of Dalian, where there had been a recent outbreak.


Some prominent local health experts suggested it was more likely the virus had been quietly spreading in Auckland for weeks, infecting potentially dozens of people.


Residents of Auckland, home to around 1.7 million people, were given just hours to prepare for the return to level 3 restrictions on Wednesday, requiring people to stay at home unless for essential trips.


A za ovaj primer od namenskog, smejem se jer je u prizemlju moje zgrade neki sindikat vodoinstalatera i ponekad ih ima baš puno kad vodim decu u školu, a onda kad dođem na posao puna zgrada softverskih firmi ako ne baš programera :). Danima viđam samo vodoinstalatere i programere ...


Evo malo iz singapurskih novina kako Singapurci zavide Južnokorejancima na merama protiv korone:

High-tech bus stops are newest front in South Korea's coronavirus battle



South Korea has opened a high-tech new front in the battle against coronavirus, fortifying bus stops with temperature-checking doors and ultraviolet disinfection lamps.


Ten such bus stops - enclosed with glass panels - have been installed in a northeastern district of Seoul, offering protection from monsoon rains, summer heat, and the novel coronavirus.


To enter, passengers must stand in front of an automated thermal-imaging camera, and the door will only slide open if their temperature is below 37.5 deg C.


A separate camera is installed at a lower level to screen children.


Inside the glass-walled booths - which cost about 100 million won (S$115,989) each - the air-conditioning systems have ultraviolet lamps installed to kill viruses at the same time as cooling the air.


A dispenser provides hand sanitiser, and users are advised to wear face masks at all times, while keeping at least one metre apart from others.


"We have installed all the available anti-coronavirus measures we can think of into this booth," district official Kim Hwang-yun, who is in charge of the Smart Shelter project, told AFP.



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24 minutes ago, iDemo said:


23 minutes ago, iDemo said:

300+ strana a nigde se (izgleda) ne pominje шурњаја™...

Sviđa mi se Vokerov stil, par paragrafa za ilustraciju, u prvom brani Breda Hazarda (NSW ministra zdravlja), u drugom pecka Skota Morisona (predsednika savezne vlade):



Occasionally during this Inquiry, there has been political and public comment to
the effect that this Commission should question the State Minister for Health about
the grant of pratique and associated public health administration. This Commission
would certainly have done so, concerning public health administration, if questions
of substance had arisen about the law, the organisation of the Department, its
resourcing (including recruitment of appropriately expert officers), or the like.
Nothing of those kinds did arise. Perhaps those making calls for the Minister to
appear at a Commission hearing during the Inquiry had in mind some version of
the rather nebulous so-called Westminster theory of ministerial responsibility. This
report is not the place to expatiate on the unsatisfactory nature of this idea, that
does not really warrant being called a doctrine. Of course a Minister should resign
in some circumstances, but as this Commission sees it, without wading into the
partisan politics, this case would not appear to fit that outcome. The failures were
professional – failures in decision-making by experts. They are not, as to their expert
judgements, subject to Ministerial direction. Nor should they be, unless our system
of government were to become farcical.
Respectful as this Commissioner is of
political accountability, especially in the parliamentary chambers, this Commission
saw no aspect of Ministerial conduct that amounted to any action or inaction of
any relevance to be investigated in this Inquiry – let alone by calling the Minister
as a witness.



The one fly in the ointment so far as assistance to this Commission goes, is the stance
of the Commonwealth.
I hasten to exclude the lawyers for the Commonwealth,
whose written assistance and production of materials are very much appreciated,
in the circumstances. Those circumstances are dominated by the assertion on the
Commonwealth’s part of an immunity from any compulsory process of a State’s
Special Commission of Inquiry. A Summons to a Commonwealth officer to attend and
give evidence about the grant of pratique for the Ruby Princess was met with steps
towards proceedings in the High Court of Australia. Quite how this met the Prime
Minister’s early assurance of full co-operation with the Commission escapes me.


(nastavlja sa sličnim tonom u dva sledeća paragrafa).


Što se tiče šurnjaja, ima pravnik Valentina Markovina što mu je pomagala, plus Dobrila Toković iz kompanije vlasnika kruzera.


Ali i pored toga što je našao da je NSW Health imao propuste pri dozvoljavanju da brod uplovi i da se putnici iskrcaju, opet je činjenica da posledica svega toga samo 34  naknadno zaražena od svih tih putnika, što je ništa - u odnosu na zaraženih (od kojih je 22 umrlo) 712 putnika i 202 člana posade, pretpostavljam da su svi oni (ili velika većina) zaraženi tokom krstarenja a ne prilikom iskrcavanja. Mislim, moglo je da bude mnogo gore ali nije - ja sam mislio da je broj naknadno zaraženih dosta veći.


Nisu vršili istragu kako je došlo do toga da se svi oni ukrcaju na brod desetak dana ranije. Bio je jedan članak ranije o tome da je bilo čišćenje  broda nakon iskrcavanja  prethodne ture, ali ništa osim toga, a meni sada izgleda da je problem što je virus već bio prisutan na brodu nakon te prethodne ture.



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35 minutes ago, Gojko & Stojko said:

Što se tiče šurnjaja

Neko je - dok je sve to trajalo - pustio buvu da su na brodu zaista bili neciji in-laws ili tako nesto - al' je to ili potpuno potonulo ili je bila prava buva. 

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Ono sto je golim okom vidjlivo potvrdila statistika. Gripa skresana za 85%.u Mel.

Stvarni pad je vjerovatno i preko 90% jer se zbog korone ove godine mnogo manje slucajeva gripe ostaje nezabiljezeno.

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Ovde su uveli obavezu da se direktno na aerodromu, ili 48 sati od povratka iz Španije, Grčke, Hrvatske i Malte mora uraditi test na koronu, i da se bude u izolaciji dok ne stigne rezultat(ako se test radio tamponom).

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15 hours ago, Moracikus said:


Ono sto je golim okom vidjlivo potvrdila statistika. Gripa skresana za 85%.u Mel.

Stvarni pad je vjerovatno i preko 90% jer se zbog korone ove godine mnogo manje slucajeva gripe ostaje nezabiljezeno.

sta ga znam. nije nemoguce da je to posledica pranja ruku, distance i nosenja maski. u prinicipu isti je nacin prenosa a sad je to dosta minimalizovano. ocekivao bih da su sve prenosive bolesti u padu zbog mera.

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U Pesaro čitam neredi 3 tuceta "(iz)letovalatelja" koji odbijaju čini mi se i test i izolaciju jer su kao krenuli na putovanje pre uredbe blabla, agencije odgovorne, EU kršenje ljuckih prava... Biće tu još svega, a Hrvati isto srećni zbog toga, kao i zbog poteza Austrije i Slovenije. Propao im i avgust a tek su se ponadali

Inviato dal mio Mi 9 Lite utilizzando Tapatalk

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12 hours ago, cedo said:


Zašto krajnost? Čitava planeta bi trebala da odloži tu beskorisnu aktivnost na godinu dana i da sve zemlje postave vlade stručnjaka, pa nek' posle toga krvopije nastave da se kolju k'o nekad.



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