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5 hours ago, gone fishing said:

i oni su već pobedili koronu, tradicionalna parada povodom dana pobede će se organizovati 24 juna i vučkara će biti prisutan :happy:


i oni imaju izbore 1. jula

to pada u sredu ali cela nacija će dobiti slobodan dan da se može masovno izaći na glasanje. valjda Volođa treba da menja ustav da bi mogao da ređa mandate doživotno, tako nešto.

ti izbori su trebali biti u aprilu ali ih je sredinom marta odložio zbog epidemije jer su imali ukupno 300 zaraženih i 3 preminula.

sada dnevno imaju 9000 pozitivnih i 180 ljudi umre, a neki dan Volođa potvrdio da su izbori 1. jula i da će glasanje biti bezbedno jer se tempo zaraze smanjio. :ph34r:



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Sad samo da ga porodice umrlih sude

Man behind Sweden's controversial coronavirus strategy admits mistakes 

Sweden's top epidemiologist has admitted his strategy to fight COVID-19 resulted in too many deaths, after persuading his country to avoid a strict lockdown.


"If we were to encounter the same illness with the same knowledge that we have today, I think our response would land somewhere in between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world has done," Anders Tegnell said in an interview with Swedish Radio.




Tegnell is the brains behind Sweden's controversial approach to fighting the virus, and the government of Stefan Lofven has deferred to the epidemiologist in its official response to the pandemic.


Gatherings of more than 50 people continue to be banned, but throughout the crisis Swedes have been able to visit restaurants, go shopping, attend gyms and send children under 16 to school.


The laxer approach to containing the virus has drawn both praise and indignation from across the globe. What is beyond debate, however, is the effect the strategy has had on the country's death toll.


At 43 deaths per 100,000, Sweden's death rate is among the highest globally and far exceeds that of neighbouring Denmark and Norway, which imposed much tougher lockdowns at the outset of the pandemic.


Now, Tegnell has for the first time admitted publicly that the strategy is resulting in too many deaths.


"Clearly, there is potential for improvement in what we have done in Sweden," he said.

Falling behind

Until now, Tegnell had argued that the long-term nature of the COVID-19 pandemic required a more sustainable response than severe and sudden lockdowns. Despite criticism from abroad, Tegnell's strategy enjoyed widespread support in Sweden.


But with many other European Union countries now rolling back their lockdowns after appearing to bring COVID-19 under control, there are signs that Sweden may be left behind. That includes the freedom of movement of its citizens, as some EU countries restrict access to people coming from what are deemed high-risk COVID zones.


What's more, there's so far limited evidence that Sweden's decision to leave much of its society open will support the economy. Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson recently warned that Sweden is facing its worst economic crisis since World War II, with GDP set to slump 7per cent in 2020, roughly as much as the rest of the EU.


The government has started to grow concerned at the apparent missteps taken to fight the spread of the virus in Sweden. On Monday, Lofven promised there'd be an inquiry into the handling of the crisis before the summer.


Some lawmakers in Sweden's Parliament were quick to weigh in. Jimmie Akesson, the leader of the anti immigration Sweden Democrats, tweeted that the comments by Tegnell are "astonishing."


"For months, critics have been consistently dismissed. Sweden has done everything right, the rest of the world has done it wrong. And now, suddenly, this," Akesson said.






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9 hours ago, Mos said:

Zna li neko šta se dešava u Rusiji? Brojke izgledaju jezivo već dve nedelje a bukvalno nikakve konkretnije vesti nisam čuo.


organizovao sam online  sastanak na kojem smo ucestvovali mi iz pekinga, partneri iz sangaja i 10-12 ljudi iz moskve. moskvichi su sedeli bez maski za okruglim stolom. generalni je kasljao tokom sastanka. sledeci dan u bolnicu - upaljenje pluca i covid. moskovska firma nastavlja sa radom u normalnom rezimu. ne nose se maske, ne meri se temperatura na ulazu, sastanci. par njih koji su trazili da rade od kuce su popili kritiku i sutra se pojavili u kancelariji. nece skoro kod njih na bolje 

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Historia universal de la infamia, Tegnel do Bolsonara:

'Death is everyone's destiny': Bolsonaro's words of comfort

Rio de Janeiro: Brazil registered a record number of daily deaths from the novel coronavirus for a second consecutive day, according to Health Ministry data, even as city and state authorities move aggressively to reopen commerce.


The nation recorded 1349 new coronavirus deaths on Wednesday, Brasilia time, and 28,633 additional confirmed cases, the data showed. It has now registered more than 32,500 deaths and more than 584,000 total confirmed cases from 930,000 tests.


Latin America as a whole has emerged as the world's worst coronavirus hotspot, with nations like Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Panama also grappling with massive caseloads.

Mexico also set a new record of 1092 coronavirus deaths on Wednesday, with cases there blasting past 100,000.


In Brazil, right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro, who has repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus, said death was "everyone's destiny".

It came in an answer to a supporter's pleas for words of comfort "at this time".


After being told she could have faith that he was going to change Brazil, the supporter outside his residence asked again: "And for those grieving, they are many, what would you say?".


The President replied that he lamented their deaths "but it is everyone's destiny".



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Da ... par gradova od veceras u 9 do ponedeljka u 8

Drugi, gde nema slucajeva ... veceras od 9 do ujutru u 5, pa tri dana od 16 do sledece jutro u 5







Ноќниот живот во Чаир и Топаана за време на полициски час (ФОТО+ВИДЕО)



Така беше синоќа во скопската населба Топаана, каде што околу 21.30 часот снимивме повеќе од педесетина возрасни и деца што слободно шетаат, играат, се дружат на улица без препорачаното социјално растојание и стануваат агресивни кога ќе видат дека држите камера во раце.


На оддалеченост од стотина метри стоеше полициска патрола.






Малку помирно беше во Чаир. Но и таму она што беше невообичаено е дека деца сѐ уште си играа по улиците, имаше отворени продавници, сендвичарници, чајџилници, во кои имаше гости, парови шетаа по улиците... И покрај тоа што и тука на мала оддалеченост стоеше полициска патрола, атмосферата беше како да нема полициски час.


Социјалните мрежи вријат од фотографии од тој дел од Скопје, на кои се гледаат ифтар-вечери без почитување на пропишаните упатства во борбата против ширењето на коронавирусот.











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6 hours ago, Jumanji said:

U SMakedoniji 120 novoobolelih.

Pre recimo 4 dana su mi pričali makedonci da ovo očekuju. A i kod nas se uveliko šteluju podaci, pa je tako /opet/ zgusnuto sito na testiranje - sad se opet testiraju samo respiratorne infekcije sa temperaturom i epidemiološkim značajem :fantom:

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