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Midterms 2018 and beyond


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Uz veliku dozu soli jer nemam pojma dal ovde upada i early vote, neki kažu da, neki kažu ne, ovo je naravno prva preferencija


Sanders 34.8%
Buttigieg 14.9%
Biden 14.5%
Warren 11.7%
Klobuchar 10.5%
Steyer 8.5%
Gabbard 0.5%

Edited by theanswer
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Longtime Republican Clint Eastwood is pulling support from Donald Trump in the 2020 election. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the actor-director signaled that he thinks a different candidate would be the better choice.

“The best thing we could do is just get Mike Bloomberg in there,” he said.


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Ono sto je answer pricao o praznim prostorima i malo glasaca.


Za sada:


2nd round popular vote:

Sanders 247

Biden     102


State delegates:

Sanders  64

Biden      56


:laugh: Komedija.

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A ovo je najjace


2nd round popular vote:

Buttigieg 0


State delegates:

Buttigieg   11




Bernie Sanders literally just lost a delegate to Pete Buttigieg via playing card because Bernie pulled an Ace and Pete pulled a 3, but they decided Aces are low pic.twitter.com/4gju8TB8QM

— ᏔმƦ

Edited by Budja
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Sad se promenilo, pao broj glasova, pao broj state delegates, a porastao broj obradjenih birackih mesta.


Pacov na nuli ponovo.


Ovo brojanje i reportovanje ne ide bas najbolje, ili je stos u brojanju onih postanskih glasova.

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Ja ovo nista ne razumem.


Pacov cetiri puta vise delegata od Vorenke, a duplo manje glasova u drugoj rundi.


Sanders jedva nesto vise delegata od Bajdena, a vise nego duplo glasova.

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