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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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11 hours ago, Ivo Petović said:


Meni je Kamala baš grozan lik...to sam prvo pomislio kad sam video kako je, na jednoj debati, napala Warren oko zabrane Trumpa na twitteru. (btw, interesantna scena, kako se Warrenka tada nasmejala kad je skontala za kakvu je glupost ova napada). Nikakav sadržaj, samo glupi konsultantski talking points. Osim toga, ceo njen CV kao DA Kalifornije, šta je sve tamo radila, kako nije htela da goni ogavnog Stevea Mnuchina (sad Trampovog sekretara za finansije), angažovala robijaše za radove u ime CA itd. Kažu ljudi da ima dobar record na climate issues i healthcare, ali na to će ona kao VP najmanje da utiče. Ja sam čak očekivao Susan Rice, to bi bukvalno bio Obamin treći mandat. Ona je i više neolib od Kamale...mada je Kamala bukvalno ikakve ideologije bez.


Mislim, sama činjenica da je onako posramljena napustila  trku za predsedničkog kandidata, a sad se vraća na velika vrata kao, možda, budući predsednik, govori sve o američkoj politici. Od ponuđenih izbora, Warren je bila daleko najbolje rešenje, obećavala bi neke temeljne reforme...ali, naravno, žrtva je glupe identiti politike. Karen Bas bi isto bila bolje rešenje.


Da je u svetu neka normalna situacija, pa da nas i boli uvo ko će da dobije...ali, ovo su baš ljudi koji  ne ulivaju nikakvo poverenje.


Ok, daleko od toga da je Kamala dobar izbor, ali bila je ocekivan pick Bidena, a moglo je i gore. U krajnoj liniji, sam izbor Bidena je tolika katastrofa da malo sta tu moze da spase stvar.


Serija Boston Legal dobija svoju potpunu materijalizacuju u relanosti. Denny Crane, lud ko Trump i senilan ko Biden. A izgledalo je tako nemoguce.


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Selo gori, a baba se češlja pere kosu.


Trampova administracija namerava da faktički ukine ograničenje protoka kroz glavu tuša nakon što se on požalio da ne može da dovede kosu u red zbog toga što voda ne ide.




The US government has proposed changing the definition of a showerhead to allow increased water flow, following complaints from President Donald Trump about his hair routine.

Under a 1992 law, showerheads in the US are not allowed to produce more than 2.5 gallons (9.5l) of water per minute.

The Trump administration wants this limit to apply to each nozzle, rather than the overall fixture.

Consumer and conservation groups argue that it is wasteful and unnecessary.

The changes were proposed by the Department of Energy on Wednesday following complaints by Mr Trump at the White House last month.

"So showerheads - you take a shower, the water doesn't come out. You want to wash your hands, the water doesn't come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair - I don't know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect," he said.

Edited by vememah
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There's a reason why we can't have nice things in this country. Our roads and bridges are falling apart. Our electrical grid is so antiquated that if most civilians understood how bad it really is, there would be drastic measures taken. There are a whole variety of cybercrimes that happen every single day including child sex trafficking that we can't even get the house or senate to address because Republicans would rather litigate Roe vs. Wade every election cycle than to accomplish anything real or meaningful that would make life better for the American people. 

Truly, I say this in all honesty and the utmost contempt, if any Republican wanted to help their fellow countrymen then they'd find the nearest pool of water and drown themselves. Of course Republicans are too heartless and selfish to do anything for the good of the country or their fellow man. 

As you can tell, I've become a bit more ornery the past three and a half years but the last week or so has put me in a lather of murderous rage after the Scumbag-in-Chief had the unmitigated gall to claim Kamala wasn't 'qualified' to be Veep while his toady DeJoy is dismantling our post office to prevent people from exercising their right to vote in the vain hope of helping Dumbfuckitus get re-elected. 

Anyone seen any Republicans saying this isn't okay? That slowing down the mail on purpose is keeping our veterans from getting their meds on time? Anyone remember the apoplectic rage seizures Republicans were having when Clinton pardoned Marc Rich? Or how silent they are now after he commutes Roger Stone's sentence?

What I am grateful to Trump for is proving me right to all of my friends who would say to me, 'Oh Thomas! Republicans aren't as bad as you're saying they are! It's just a difference of opinion but we're all Americans in the end.' Well how'd that turn out for ya hmm?

Republicans will lie about anything, cheat as the day is long and steal as much as they possibly can from future generation who will just have to listen to The Black Keys' 'I Got Mine' and suck it because doing anything for anyone else is anathema to the black hearts that pump the slime of sedition through their veins. 

Trump has known since before the election that Russia was interfering in our election to benefit him alone and after the election he promised to have a commission look into it. What's he done to keep a foreign country from undermining our Republic again? Well besides not a damn thing, he's floating the turd of an idea that he should have Putin come to Washington so he can show how 'tough he is on Russia.' It's enough to make even the grossest flatterer nauseous. 

If Republicans gave one solitary frig about a fair election, we could have block-chain electronic voting. Block-chain encryption is what Bitcoin uses and it is quite simply impossible to hack. It is impossible to forge or tamper with. Each nonce and hash created in a block chain is unique like a social security number. To give you some idea how big a 256 bit encryption chain is, when Alan Turing was trying to crack the German Enigma machine, the possibilities of finding the key were one in 158 million million million combinations or a trillion million. The numbers to a 256 bit encryption are so large they would make Kurt Gödel crosseyed. 

The technology exist right now for all Americans to vote instantly and safely. We would have all of votes counted instantly and we could declare a winner as soon as the last poll closed. But we can't have nice things like that because 5% of the population controls 40 senate seats which are you guessed it, Republicans. Republicans have no interests in a free and fair election because they know if they had to compete by winning a simple majority vote, they would be in a permanent minority. That's why scumbags like Brian Kemp and Ron DeSantis do everything they possibly can to keep black people from voting.

Black people aren't their only problem come November. Right now Joe Biden leads Trump among Latinos 59% to 31% and naturally you would wonder how any Latino could support Trump. It's no different than chickens voting for Colonel Sanders but that's not important. What is important is that there are over 8 million newly registered latino voters in the United States, 2 million in Texas alone. I might be telling tales out of school but I don't think Latinos are much happy with Stephen Miller's nazi policies towards them. 

Think what you want but Trump is not trying to sabotage the Postal Service and constantly whining about imaginary voter fraud because he's not worried about winning this election. He's good and scared and he should be because as dumb as Trump is, he is well aware of what Attorney General Adam Schiff is going to do to his felonious ass! He can sign as many pardons for his friends and family as he wants but you can't pardon someone for charges that haven't been filed yet. 

If we ever hope to rebuild what's left of our self-respect as a nation then Donald John Trump must spend the rest of his god-forsaken life in prison for the crimes he's committed against the people and our Republic. 

For all you namby pamby democrats who still soil your honor by speaking to Republicans, just remember this; Republicans are nihilistic lying scumbags who should be afforded the same deference we grant syphilis and pederast. You best get that straight NOW before you start telling your 'friends', "it's got what plants need' because I am damn sick of having that orange shit-demon in my life and anyone who isn't on the Fuck Trump Train is a mortal enemy to all that's right and good about the United States. 

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