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David Cameron issued a statement from a podium in Downing Street to call on British people not to quit the EU, as he warned that the results of Thursday’s referendum would be “irreversible”.


Two days before the EU referendum, the prime minister made a plea to the nation, saying he wanted to speak directly to people of his generation, and older, to persuade them to consider the impact on younger people.

“I know Europe isn’t perfect,” he said, adding that he understood those frustrations and felt them himself. But he urged older voters to think of the “hopes and dreams of your children and grandchildren”.


He added: “Remember they can’t undo the decision we take. If we vote out that is it. It is irreversible. We will leave Europe for good and the next generation will have to live with the consequences for far longer than the rest of us.”

The Conservative leader urged voters to “remember how far we’ve come as a country, and for you, for the family, and for the future of our country, vote remain”.


He argued: “Of this I am convinced. Indeed, of this, every living prime minister, whether Labour or Conservative, is convinced. Britain is better off inside the EU than out on our own.” The single market was at the heart of his argument, he said.


He said on Thursday the conversations across the country would end and instead each voter would be on their own inside a polling booth, where they should consider the risks to jobs, to families and to their children’s future


Cameron said he would not be urging the nation to vote to remain if he did not believe the country was safer and stronger cooperating with its allies and friends inside the EU. He said he had been prime minister for six years and that experience had made him feel strongly about the need to remain in the EU.


“There is no going back,” he said, arguing that national security was his top responsibility. “Our membership of the EU helps me. I’ve seen firsthand in these dangerous times how we can better cooperate with our friends and neighbours, how we can share information, track terrorists down.”


He said with allies such as Germany and France, Britain was more effective at facing down threats. “We are safer in Europe than out on our own.” Staying in the EU “with 27 countries behind us”, meant the UK could be more of a leader on foreign policy and in tackling climate change. He said membership amplified Britain’s voice.



Mrzi me da tražim ali mislim da ništa formalno ne sprečava nekoga u Britaniji da zatraži članstvo u EU (naravno, ne odmah) ako se Brexit desi. Politički aspekt i volja Londona i Brisela je druga priča ali odluka nije baš "irreversible". Jeste za sadašnju garnituru političara ali recimo na period od 5-10 godina nije, ne nužno. Svakako da "deca" mogu da "undo" odluku svojih "roditelja".


Their precious optouts would be lost! Forever! And ever!


Bekam,Klarkson i Mej za ostanak,topik je zreo za zatvaranje  :fantom:


Four of the last pollsters to report have LEAVE doing better

June 21st, 2016



The direction of travel is all one way

Polling analysis where you have plenty of surveys is all about direction of travel and there’s a very clear message from the latest referendum surveys – it’s getting tighter and LEAVE’s position is improving.


Survation REMAIN lead down from 3% on Sunday to 1% today

YouGov LEAVE retakes lead in latest poll after being behind on Sunday

ORB phone Amogst all voters REMAIN gap down to less than 3%

Opinium Level pegging compared with REMAIN lead the week before


Meanwhile punters continue to back REMAIN. On Betfair as I write it is a 76% chance



Mrzi me da tražim ali mislim da ništa formalno ne sprečava nekoga u Britaniji da zatraži članstvo u EU (naravno, ne odmah) ako se Brexit desi. Politički aspekt i volja Londona i Brisela je druga priča ali odluka nije baš "irreversible". Jeste za sadašnju garnituru političara ali recimo na period od 5-10 godina nije, ne nužno. Svakako da "deca" mogu da "undo" odluku svojih "roditelja".


Pa prvo, sto kaze Rodja, sigurno ne bi dobili bilo kakav povlasceni status kada bi nakon Brexita hteli opet da udju, bili bi verovatno u tom smislu tretirani kao bilo koja nova potencijalna clanica koja pregovara, uz sve obaveze da se jednog dana udje u Sengen i evrozonu. Mislim, nigde ne pise da mora biti tako naravno, ali je verovatnoca najveca da ce biti bas tako.


Drugo, period od 5 do 10 godina ti je suvise kratak. Mislim da to nije realno. Realnije je da bi morala da prodje cela jedna generacija, neki period od 20 do 30 godina. Mislim, samo clanstvo nije nesto sto deca i unuci sadasnjih roditelja nece moci da dobiju opet i jeste da Kameron dosta preteruje, ali horizont za tako nesto je prilicno dugacak, dok stoji implicitna tvrdnja da clanstvo pod ovim uslovima Britanija moze da zadrzi sad ili da ga trajno izgubi.


Ja mislim da govore o trendu, ne o trenutnom skoru.


Npr Survation je imao 45:42 za IN a sada je 45:44 za IN, YouGov je imao 44:43 za IN a sada ima 44:42 za LEAVE.

Posted (edited)

OK, to danas u odnosu na juče-prekjuče bez zaključivanja ko je definitivno u prednosti. Trendovi se menjaju svakih par dana i teško je reći da li će se ovo nastaviti.


Ali bih rekao da ovo uopšte nije tačno:


ORB phone Amogst all voters REMAIN gap down to less than 3%
Edited by vememah

Ja cu dati jednu smelu prognozu: mislim da je moguc drugi referendum ako rezultat bude tipa 49,7-49,4 za Leave


Misliš da će Brexitovci to podržati, ili odćutati? Kakva su pravila?

Posted (edited)

Mislim da bi u tom slucaju nastao politicki nered (posebno kod torijevaca), a ekonomija bi definitivno patila u prvo vreme. Postoje finansijski interesi iza Leave, ali iza Remain su mnogo jaci. Ogroman deo drustvene elite je za Remain. Plus ja ne znam kako ce Torijevci da skrpe pregovaracku strategiju za pregovore oko Brexita. Vec je najavljena opstrukcija tog procesa od strane MPs obe strane u parlamentu koji su pro-EU.


Mislim i da, onako unutarpoliticki, Leave ide Laburistima na ruku, i da moze da se desi da neka saradnja svih tih interesa kombinovana sa saradnjom Labour, SNP i LibDems porodi takvu inicijativu. Ali samo u slucau jaaaaako tesnog poraza Remain. Ne zaboravimo da Remain u Parlamentu ima vecinu. Ako Leave ne dobaci do 50% (kao sto sam napisao...). Mislim, to moze da se desi i za godinu i po dana.

Edited by MancMellow
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