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Brexit state of mind


I was out most of yesterday at the coal face, discussing with the chairman, chief executive and directors of a major, public company, the impact of Brexit on their operations – some of which were not entirely unrelated to the picture shown above.

Many points came across, one of which was the profound ignorance of any practical detail of impacts. The company has received nothing official from government, from trade associations or customers, with no warnings of any nature to prepare for Brexit day. In their absence, there was no great concern that there were any serious issues which might affect the company.

There was no awareness of the availability of EU material – such as the Notices to Stakeholders. On being advised of their existence, the view was taken that these simply set out a negotiating position. They were not taken as indicative of state of the art.

With the chairman enthusiastically pro-Brexit, he offered the view that the company would ride any impacts. He firmly believed nothing serious was likely to happen – it was not in the interests of the EU to allow it; the UK government would make sure it didn't happen and, in any case, the Germans would not allow it as they wanted to trade with us.

None of those present believed the EU would (in their terms) erect any new barriers against UK goods – for the reasons specified above. Neither the chairman nor the directors had any concept of the Single Market being an entity where the barriers already existed and the UK was moving outside them.

No systematic (or any) study had been carried out within the company on potential adverse effects of Brexit. I was the first to have addressed the board on the issue. My warnings of potential problems were not believed.

I am still processing the information and, having got back late after many hours driving, I'm not really in a position to write a coherent post.


On 13.6.2018. at 6:29, Anduril said:

Obicno cepidlacis kada treba braniti soviniste a sada ti kao nije jasna razlika izmedju privatnih biznis konekcija i politickih odnosa u vezi referenduma koji se tice cele drzave. 


Ne razumem tvoj post i nista mi nije jasno.

Dakle, kako je privatna biznis konekcija Banksa od koje na kraju, sudeci po izvestaju sa parlamentarnog komiteta nije bilo nista, drugacija od, daleko vece, privatne biznis konekcije BP sa ruskom drzavnom firmom Rosneft i Igorom Secinom?
Jebi ga, BP je bio, stidljivo doduse, ali jasno na strani Remain.


Poenta je da se sva zla ovog sveta svaljuju na Ruse jer se tako lokalna elita oslobadja politicke odgovornosti praveci se da se nista ne bi dogodilo samo da se taj zli Deus Ex Machina zvani Putin nije desio.




8 hours ago, Budja said:


Ne razumem tvoj post i nista mi nije jasno.

Dakle, kako je privatna biznis konekcija Banksa od koje na kraju, sudeci po izvestaju sa parlamentarnog komiteta nije bilo nista, drugacija od, daleko vece, privatne biznis konekcije BP sa ruskom drzavnom firmom Rosneft i Igorom Secinom?
Jebi ga, BP je bio, stidljivo doduse, ali jasno na strani Remain.

Poenta je da se sva zla ovog sveta svaljuju na Ruse jer se tako lokalna elita oslobadja politicke odgovornosti praveci se da se nista ne bi dogodilo samo da se taj zli Deus Ex Machina zvani Putin nije desio.


Mozda zato sto je Banks finansirao Faraza i Leave campaign dok BP nije nista slicno? 

Postoji i mogucnost da su elite zakazale (ne bi bio prvi put) a da Kremlj istovremeno busi gde stigne, pa ima smisla kritikovati oba.

No, naravno da to znas nego ne sme niko da ti dira Putina...

5 hours ago, Anduril said:


Mozda zato sto je Banks finansirao Faraza i Leave campaign dok BP nije nista slicno? 

Postoji i mogucnost da su elite zakazale (ne bi bio prvi put) a da Kremlj istovremeno busi gde stigne, pa ima smisla kritikovati oba.

No, naravno da to znas nego ne sme niko da ti dira Putina...


Pa, je l mu Putin dao pare ili ne?


VIdim sad da se preslo oko Banksa na post-Brexit fazu - Banks kriv za pobedu Trampa.

1 hour ago, Budja said:


Pa, je l mu Putin dao pare ili ne?

VIdim sad da se preslo oko Banksa na post-Brexit fazu - Banks kriv za pobedu Trampa.


Dovoljno je da su se sastajali i time je sumnja ilegalnog uticaja opravdana - neuporedivo sa BP. 

Da li je nesto placeno i kako je sledeca faza, ali ti naravno vec znas odgovor.




Naslovna strana koja vredi hiljadu reči.





Posted (edited)

Po ovim će se notama sad čekićati godinama



Edited by Roger Sanchez

Ako netko još nije pročitao ovo sjajno predavanje Ivana Rogersa, ovih je dana i tjedana dobra prilika da to bude jedno kratko štivce na plaži:



Contrary to what you often still read, the Customs Union itself did not abolish internal borders to trade within the old EEC. It dates from the late 60s and some of us still recall our long border queues at Western European borders in the 70s and 80s.

The Customs Union was radically deepened by the Single Market Project, in which, as I say, Lord Cockfield was a driving force, to establish a common area for the free circulation of goods covering all the Member States, backed up by the Common External Tariff, a Single Customs Code, common IT systems, and common judicial oversight and enforcement: the dreaded supranationalism again.

That gave the Member States the confidence that they could rely on each other to police the external border effectively, and hence eliminate customs checks at internal borders between them.

One can like this or loathe it as a political, integrationist project, but that is the reality of why there is now friction-free goods trade within the EU.




Iz dokumentarca "Inside the US Embassy", Channel 4, dva minuta kako neke američke budale (direktor Federal Aviation Agencyja i ekspert američke ambasade) sprovode brifing o Brexitu, dva minuta koja sumiraju svu ludost:



I povodom istog dokumentarca, siže Faisala Islama:




Kakav manjak vizije, prosto ne vide da će 10 godina nakon Brexita Britanija toliko procvetati da će Masačusets, Mejn i Pensilvanija izglasati ponovno ujedinjenje sa majkom Engleskom.




We noted a report in Handelsblatt that German companies active in the UK were very advanced in their hard-Brexit preparations. 44% have already shifted their supply chains, while a total of 72% say that they made intensive preparations. 47% of German companies have postponed planned investment decisions, and one third has stopped investments altogether. The authors of the study considered the numbers surprisingly high.

The problem is that, once these decisions are taken, they will not be simply reversed even in the case of a soft Brexit


Posted (edited)
On 25.6.2018. at 22:42, Roger Sanchez said:

Ako netko još nije pročitao ovo sjajno predavanje Ivana Rogersa, ovih je dana i tjedana dobra prilika da to bude jedno kratko štivce na plaži:




Rodzere, je l ti smor da nam malo opises kako izgledaju pregovori operativno? Koliko ljudi sa jedne, koliko sa druge strane. Koji je kalibar likova koji su ukljuceni u to. Kakav je scope celog posla. Mislim ako znas iz glave. 


Zivo me sve zanima jer ono malo sto sam komunicirala sa EU diplomatama, vrlo emotivno i osvetnicki zvuce. Podseca me na ono: Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.

Edited by MayDay
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