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nista ruznije u zivotu nisam probao od tog mrmejta


nista ruznije u zivotu nisam probao od tog mrmejta




samo sam probao jedan zalogaj, i morao sam da ispljunem...

da postoji u srbiji zvalo bi se slani dzem od piva


samo sam probao jedan zalogaj, i morao sam da ispljunem...

da postoji u srbiji zvalo bi se slani dzem od piva

Tajna pri prvom zagrizu je da sloj bude što tanji. Posle je baš acquired taste.



zvalo bi se DRNČ


Que? :lol:


Briti i njihove djakonije i dodaci jelima... jebote, sve bi prskali sircetom. 


Que? :lol:


sramota da ne znaš šta je drnč  -_- 





Deterdžentski Rastvarač Naslaga Čađi ili skraćeno DRNČ. Genijalni izum hemijske industrije pokojne SFRJ i njenog mezimčeta JNA, a služi za čišćenje zabagrelog oružja.

Takođe i izraz za "Bosanski lonac", jelo u JNA koje se spremalo po sistemu pomija (sve sto je ostalo sipaš u isti kazan, provriš ga i staviš mu zapršku na kraju).



takođe izraz i za bezveznu, bezukusnu ili odvratnu hranu, uopšte.


Joj bože. Eto sad će Uča da uleti i da kaže kako je normalno da ne znam kad nisam služio vojsku :(

Nicola Sturgeon challenges May with second referendum bill


Scottish first minister to publish draft bill for independence poll, saying she has mandate to defend Scotland’s remain vote


Potpuno suprotno od onoga što sam napisao pre par dana - i dalje mislim da je ovo samo bargaining position da stavi pritisak na Westminster, ali ko zna, možda i nije. Možda bude nešto veće. U svakom slučaju - I like it ^_^


SNP će ići ozbiljno na novi referendum tak kada budu imali ozbiljne šanse i da ga dobiju. Za sada rovare i buše Vestminster gde stignu.


I ja mislim. Zapravo, ako dođe do indyref2, mislim da se na mišiće tokom kampanje može itekako dostići taj minus koji imaju u pollovima trenutno, ali više sam ubeđen da sam SNP trenutno ne želi nezavisnost, po čisto ekonomskom pitanju. Ali baš bi me zanimalo šta se to nadaju da izboksuju trenutno. Jasno je da je bilo kakva specijalna veza same Škotske sa EU sci-fi, zanima me da li žele nešto pa vrše pritisak, ili samo jednostavno pokušavaju da sabotiraju ceo Brexit koliko god mogu.


Boris Johnson: Brexit is great — for Europe

Foreign secretary says Brexit is a chance for both sides to finally be free of one another.



10/13/16, 2:54 PM CET




LONDON — European leaders should welcome Brexit as the “solution to the British problem” rather than something that needs to be overcome, Boris Johnsoninsisted Thursday.

The U.K. foreign secretary said Britain’s impending exit from the European Union should not be seen as an “acrimonious divorce” but a chance for both sides to finally be free of each other.


Appearing in front of the House of Commons foreign affairs select committee, Johnson said in order to achieve a good deal it was vital to “recast” the debate as a positive development for both sides.

Johnson’s remarks are likely to draw some sympathy from European federalists who have long seen Britain as a hurdle to deeper integration.

However, they are in stark contrast to the tone struck by Britain’s Brexit Secretary David Davis during Wednesday’s debate in the U.K. parliament when he argued that providing greater clarity on Britain’s negotiating position would only strengthen Europe’s hand.

Davis painted the negotiation as a zero-sum game in which every U.K. demand had a price. He told MPs: “If someone tells their opposite number in a negotiation exactly what their top priority is, that will make that top priority extremely expensive. Similarly, if someone makes pre-emptive indications that they are willing to make a concession on something, they reduce the value of that concession. Therefore, in many, many ways, we cannot give details about how we will run the negotiation.”

Less than 24 hours later, Johnson insisted neither side should see the other as an adversary in the negotiations.


He said: “It’s so important to recast this whole conversation and to look at Brexit as an evolution of the EU and as a solution to the British problem and to stop looking at it as this acrimonious divorce. It’s not going to be like that. It’s going to be the development of a new partnership between Britain and the EU and be beneficial to both sides.”

Foreign affairs select committee chairman Crispin Blunt pressed him on what would happen if there was not a deal. Johnson responded: “I think there will be a deal. I think it will be a great deal.”

The foreign secretary claimed that if a deal could not be struck in two years — the time set out in the Lisbon Treaty to complete divorce proceedings after Article 50 is triggered — then it could be extended.

“If it can’t be done in two years there are mechanisms for extending the period of discussion,” he said.

“This is not about theology, it’s not about the ideology of the European Union. That is entirely secondary to the imperative of taking forward the European economy — a strong European economy, a strong U.K. economy.”






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