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Obaška što bi dovelo do ogromne unutrašnje nestabilnosti.


Kao da vec nije...


Nemci ce izgleda da rasture uniju.

neko mora ^_^


The Cabinet agreed this morning there would be no second referendum. David Cameron will spell that out in his Commons statement this afternoon.


They don’t want false hopes or complications beyond the ones already visited on the country.


Oliver Letwin is overseeing the “scoping” exercise on what is and isn’t possible in a negotiation. The idea of Michael Gove being lead negotiator dates back to when, a touch unrealistically, he and others on the Leave side thought they could persuade David Cameron to stay put for longer.


Boris Johnson just emerged from Downing Street to state again his support for a points based immigration system combined somehow with access to the single market.

One Tory MP said it was more of Boris Johnson’s cake policy, “pro having it and pro eating it” and he would have to “sort himself out.”


Kao da vec nije...

Može mnogo gore. Ako odjebu referendum Faraž im je najmanji problem.


Keri sada uživo govori o "poštovanju volje građana, to je demokratija", "moramo krenuti odgovorno, strateši i stabilno"


Videćemo veoma brzo, posle današnjeg sastanka u Berlinu već, šta će biti. Strategiju su spremili Brisel i Junker, a tetka i Šojble koče iz svojih razloga. Ako i Ameri budu krenuli da koče (preko Švaba) otupeće "strategija" vrlo brzo.


I ode sve u pizdu materinu.


Upravo zbog te pizde materine se tako nesto nece desiti, niti ce biti prevelikih pritisaka spolja. Taj scenario bi bio jedino realan ukoliko i Francuzi i Nemci zele raspad EU, a ocigledno je da ga ne zele. Bilo kakvi sustinski disonantni tonovi izmedju Francuske i Nemacke u odnosu prema Britaniji nakon ovog fijaska bi bili nista manje nego kraj EU.


Može mnogo gore. Ako odjebu referendum Faraž im je najmanji problem.


The UK Independence Party has made clear its opposition to holding an early general election, seeing it as an attempt "muddy the waters" on last week's referendum result to avoid a British withdrawal from the EU, the FT's John Murray Brown reports.

"We had [a general election] a year ago. There is a clear working majority for Britain's withdrawal from the EU. We need to make good on that promise," said Douglas Carswell, Ukip's only MP.

"Clearly the oligarchy, the sort of vested interests who bankrolled the Remain campaign are now hoping they can somehow invoke a general election to muddy the waters and avoid a British withdrawal from the EU," he told Sky News.

"Clearly that is the game plan of the vested interests. We are not, I believe, going to see a general election."

Carswell just tweeted this picture of him with fellow Leave campaigners Gisela Stuart and Boris Johnson.



Keri prvo kaže "nama je potrebna jaka EU", "u ovom tranzicionom periodu svi moraju da ostanu hladne glave i da očuvaju interese koji nas spajaju"


Keri mu jos dodje i glas razuma.


Amerikancima je ovo takodje prilicno ozbiljna glavobolja. U Francuskoj i pogotovo Nemackoj odavno vec postoje vrlo glasni zahtevi za meksi pristup prema Rusiji koja ostaje pivotal point americke spoljne politike. Bez Britanaca ce insistiranje na tvrdoj liniji po tom pitanju zahtevati mnogo vece americke ustupke i trud u drzanju EU na tom kursu.


Ovaj tvoj scenario je verovatno najpovoljniji/najmanje nepovoljan za GB, s tim sto bi ti eventualni novi pregovori izgledali mnogo drugacije iz nemackog i francuskog ugla. U tom scenariju bi britanska pozicija u pregovorima bila masivno ostecena reteriranjem od rezultata referenduma jer bi svima bilo jasno da Britanci pucaju praznom puskom.


naravno. al jbg, negde moras da platis za ovakav cock-up. 


Keri sada uživo govori o "poštovanju volje građana, to je demokratija", "moramo krenuti odgovorno, strateši i stabilno"

U prevodu, zaboravite na suverenost parlamenta, taktike i otezanja, you're out for good.


Radio Sweden @radiosweden

After morning mtg w/opposition parties, Swedish PM Stefan Löfven says Britain should submit formal application for withdrawal ASAP. #Brexit


Sam James Morgan @SamJamesMorgan

Leading figure of Sarkozy's @lesRepublicains wants the Commission abolished in the wake of Brexit https://twitter.com/BFMTV/status/747397800502173700 


James Crisp @JamesCrisp6

Commission says Juncker wont resign."It is for those who called the referendum to reflect on the lessons learnt." @MargSchinas adds.#Brexit


Efi Koutsokosta @Efkouts

No negotiation for #Brexit before the article 50 is invoked says #EU Commission Spox @MargSchinas


Može mnogo gore. Ako odjebu referendum Faraž im je najmanji problem.


Znam sve, ali pre 13 godina je bukvalno ubijen covek i krenulo se u rat kad su drzavne strukture (pogresno) procenile da je to u drzavnom interesu. Ovo je 10 puta vise u drzavnom interesu. Ali izmedju ostalog zato je i potrebna nova vlada, posleizborna, koja bi lakse odbijala pitanja o tome sta se desavalo tokom ovog mandata. Kameron reko...jbg, ja nisam Kameron. 

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