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I Ukrajina je bila. Bila!


Franci tesko da ce se dobrovoljno odreknu svog.


Znaci razgovor u utorak


Hi David




Got anything to tell us


mmmm m-m


You know, the referendum...




David we're really disappointed 




Alright, so you don't wanna talk?






Tusk kaže "Ok, I'll take that as a yes on the Article 50 invocation"




Tusk: "Buh-bye"


Zove ostale da saopšti radosnu vest i pokrene proceduru.


Ovo sve mora da se reši pre jula 2017, kada bi Britanci trebalo da počnu predsedavanje Unijom. Bio bi cirkus da se ne reši dotle.   

Posted (edited)

Na Guardianu ima komentara koji idu linijom: "izaci cemo iz EU, ali ne odmah, jer odmah da pregovaramo. A nismo spremni za pregovore i sami cemo da procenimo kad smo spremni." Koji instrumenti stoje na raspolaganju Briselu da pokrene proces istupanja ako Britanci zaista krenu da odugovlace do oktobra ili duze? 

Rebate nije u Ugovorima, pa se tu u kombinaciji s člankom 7. može biti kreativan. Naravno, EU je spor, ali nije baš tako mrtav slon da bi dao da ga 1 Carswell zajebava oko bitnih stvari.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
Posted (edited)

Karsvel nije normalan


Čl.7 valjda zahteva konsenzus da se konstatuje povreda evropskih vrednosti (npr demokratije), što je proceduralni problem :(
Meanwhile in Labour camp - trećina birača bi na sledećim izborima podržala neku drugu opciju:

Jeremy Corbyn faces a coup this week by members of his shadow cabinet, led by Hilary Benn, the Observer can reveal.
It is understood that the shadow foreign secretary called fellow MPs over the weekend to suggest that he will ask Corbyn to stand down if there is significant support for a move against the leader.
He has also asked shadow cabinet colleagues to join him in resigning if the Labour leader ignores that request. A spokesman for Benn declined to comment.

An overwhelming majority of the shadow cabinet now believes Corbyn should quit in the wake of millions of Labour voters ignoring their leader’s advice to vote in favour of Britain’s continued membership of the EU and amid the possibility of an early general election.
The development comes as leaked internal Labour party polling of people who voted for Labour in 2015 reveals that nearly a third (29%) would support a different party if a general election was held today.

A Labour source said: “MPs and members were worried about their prospects at the next election under Corbyn, but thought they had four years to turn things around. Now many fear they may have just four months if a snap election is called.”



Konze su u fazonu "imamo kad"


Britain was heading into a period of unprecedented political, constitutional and economic crisis on Saturday night as European leaders stepped up demands for it to quit the EU as soon as possible.


However, prominent Leave campaigner and cabinet minister Theresa Villiers, writing in the Observer, dismissed the calls. “There is no need to plunge into tabling article 50 now, whatever [European commission president] Mr Juncker may want,” she writes, referring to the trigger for formal Brexit negotiations. “The period of informal negotiation prior to an article 50 process will be crucial and should not be rushed.”



Ceterum censeo Tories esse delendam.



Ajde što su svoj interni problem poturili naciji pod nos i usrali 1000 motki, sad će da drndaju celu Evropu sa svojim partijskim nadgornjavanjima. Jebite se bre, koga boli za vaše "adekvatne timove za pregovore" i "party leadershipe" i ostalo, simply leave.

Edited by Prospero

Meanwhile in Labour camp



Hilary Benn sacked from shadow cabinet

Posted (edited)

Karsvel nije normalan


Čl.7 valjda zahteva konsenzus da se konstatuje povreda evropskih vrednosti (npr demokratije), što je proceduralni problem :(

A neispoštovavanje rezultata 1 referenduma, s'il vous plait?


E, & boom

Jeremy Corbyn has sacked Hilary Benn from the shadow cabinet following reports of a coup to oust the Labour leader.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
Posted (edited)

Hillary Benn sacked from shadow cabinet by Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party in crisis


Edit: Brz je Korbin, nema zajebavanja, gotta strike first


Edit2: ma jasno je sta bi se navelo nego i UK predstavnik morao da glasa da je to tako, ne vidim da pise "konsenzus osim predstavnika troblemaker country"


by Tapatalk

Edited by Prospero

Lawyers in Whitehall and Brussels see two distinct tracks. The first is under Article 50 of the EU treaties — the so-called “exit clause” — which lays down a two-year renewable deadline for a country to leave.


A second track makes arrangements for future relations, from trade to co-operation on security or law enforcement. This is a more complex negotiation and, once agreed, harder to ratify. It requires unanimity and approval by more than 30 European, national and regional parliaments, possibly after national referendums.


There are alternatives. One is to attempt a divorce on British terms. The Leave campaign has outlined plans to legislate in the House of Commons to repeal some EU obligations immediately, while holding-off on invoking the Article 50 divorce clause to deprive the EU of leverage on timing.


Any unilateral steps would seriously raise tensions with the EU. Brussels is looking at options to retaliate, including suspending the privileges enjoyed by British companies under the single market. Sir Andrew Cahn, a former head of UK Trade and Investment, Britain’s trade promotion body, said: “Acting unilaterally would throw the law of the land into uncertainty, and risk a tit-for-tat response from others. It could be a slippery slope to real chaos.”




One of the biggest economic risks is a long wait between Britain’s exit and new trade arrangements. Before the vote, Mr Tusk said if needed, cancelling UK treaty obligations would be “relatively easy” and take about two years. This would settle outstanding bills from the budget and spending projects, the legacy rights of expatriates around the EU and in Britain, and the withdrawal of British nationals from EU institutions.


But he added it would be “much more difficult” to negotiate a new relationship. That would take at least a further five years “without any guarantee of a success”. France and Germany are open to starting such trade talks in parallel with divorce talks. But in statements on Friday, the EU took a stronger approach, making clear the divorce talks must start and finish first. There is no guarantee that the two deals would be rapidly concluded simultaneously — the ideal scenario for Britain.


“There will be a gap,” said one diplomat intimately involved in planning. “It is unthinkable that a [trade] agreement would be in force after two years.”


A hard landing would mean that Britain would be left relying on basic World Trade Organisation trading terms, with no privileged access to European markets for UK companies. A softer transition could be arranged, but it would require agreement among all the remaining 27 members.


If, for instance, EU member states rapidly agree a trade deal, it could be provisionally applied while the lengthy and unpredictable process of ratification begins at national level.


Another option is to temporarily revert to an established model — such as that for Norway — to give Britain full access to the single market while its new trade deal is pushed through. That may be impossible for a Brexit government; for several years it would live by EU rules it cannot influence, pay EU budget dues and accept free movement of workers — just the things many voters rejected in the referendum.




Najbezbolniji način je ako bi bili izbori posle kojih bi se uspostavila neka LAB-SNP-LDP koalicija koja bi u mnogo prijateljskijoj atmosferi to sve razrešavala (uključujući i škotski indyref2). Da li je to realno - teško.


Vote Leave is hoping that a chief negotiator and some of the lead members of the cross-party team can be announced soon and believes it’s found someone who will be acceptable to all parts of the Tory Party. Some say that could be Michael Gove but a senior official at No. 10 says emphatically that’s not true and would leave other ministers like Theresa May or Philip Hammond furious if it happened. Vote Leave wants informal discussions to start very soon and before Article 50 is invoked later this year or early in 2017.

EU sources say that is unthinkable. David Lidington, the Europe Minister, was told by his counterparts in Brussels yesterday that the timetable announced by David Cameron, invoking Article 50 in October, was too slow. EU countries are also saying that there will be no informal talks before the real thing starts.



Poenta je sto Britanija trazi nemoguce. Mislim, ja prvi imam razumevanja za batrganja 1 Grcke koja se gusi u nezaposlenosti i platama 3 puta nizim od britanskih, ali UK ima istorijski najnizi nivo nezaposlenosti i privreda im se oporavljala brze od kontinentalne. I traze samo jednu stvar, ali to je upravo ono sto GER i FRA nikako ne mogu da im daju - ogranicenje kretanja radne snage. Prvo zbog jedinstva unije, a drugo i zbog toga sto bi se svi koji bi da rade negde drugde onda sjatili kod njih i jos par. Torijevcima prosto ne dopire do mozga da NEMA pristupa jedinstvenom trzistu bez slobodnog protoka radne snage. A tabloidi su sad vec decenijama pumpali stanovnistvo da je to glavni problem u zemlji i sad je situacija, realno - ili cemo da okrnjimo demokratiju ili cemo da upropastimo privredu (i verovatno rasturimo zemlju in the process). Nema tacnog odgovora.


E da. Sada se vidi sva kratkovidost Blerove odluke 2004. da ne ogranici na 7 godina priliv radne snage iz novih clanica. Osim Britanije, valjda jedino jos Svedska nije uvela ogranicenja. Odlucio Bler da bude veci evrofil od Francuza i Nemaca. I onda su se svi Poljaci i ostali koji nisu imali pristup Nemackama i Austrijama sjatili kod njih, i onda je pocela cela ta anti-imigrantska histerija, gnev zbog poljskih vodoinstalatera i slicno. Pitam se da li je to ovih dana palo Bleru na pamet i da li se sada kaje.

Posted (edited)

I Ukrajina je bila. Bila!


Zapravo i nije. Bile su ,,zaostale" neke nuklearne glave na ukrajinskoj teritoriji ali one su u sustini sve vreme bile pod komandom Moskve.



Mozda pre veliku Franacku drzavu  :)





To i ja rekoh pre par strana ali ljudi ne znaju istoriju izgleda <_<

Edited by hazard

E da. Sada se vidi sva kratkovidost Blerove odluke 2004. da ne ogranici na 7 godina priliv radne snage iz novih clanica. Osim Britanije, valjda jedino jos Svedska nije uvela ogranicenja. Odlucio Bler da bude veci evrofil od Francuza i Nemaca. I onda su se svi Poljaci i ostali koji nisu imali pristup Nemackama i Austrijama sjatili kod njih, i onda je pocela cela ta anti-imigrantska histerija, gnev zbog poljskih vodoinstalatera i slicno. Pitam se da li je to ovih dana palo Bleru na pamet i da li se sada kaje.

Dvoumi se izmedju otrova i konopca, ne može više da izdrži teret krivice...


Nego, ima li neko objašnjenje za plodno tle na koje je naišla antiimigrantska histerija? Ja kada sam pitao neke Britance za to, oni mi rekli da su Poljaci blago, bilo da im dolaze kao zidari, vodoinstalateri ili nešto treće - em rade 3x brže od Iraca (koji su tradicionalno pokrivali "teritoriju"), em 2x kvalitetnije, em su duplo jeftiniji. Njihov komentar je bio: "Još Poljaka!" a pošto je nezaposlenost na 5% nekako mi je čudno da su poraženi irski vodoinstalateri bili dovoljni za celu tu kampanju hejta prema imigrantima. Šta sam propustio?

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