Đipalo Junuz Posted July 26, 2016 Posted July 26, 2016 Vidim malopre da su parkovi kod ekonomskog i kod autobuske prekopani i ograđeni onim narandžastim najlonskim folijama, sređuju se travnjaci ako sam dobro video. Gde su premešteni ljudi koji su bili po parkovima? Svi otišli na mađarsku granicu?
Hella Posted July 27, 2016 Posted July 27, 2016 vidite samo šta ova ugarska budalina priča dok francuska i nemačka baš uspevaju u suživotu poslednjih meseci "Kome trebaju migranti neka ih uzima. Nama oni ne trebaju i Europa nas ne može prisiliti jer i jučerašnji tragični događaji u Normandiji i ubojstvo svećenika pokazuju da svaki doseljenik predstavlja opasnost po sigurnost države u koju dođe i potencijalnog terorista. Za nas migracija nije rješenje, ali je problem. Primanje migranata nije lijek nego otrov koji ne trebamo i nećemo progutati", rekao je Orban u Budimpešti prilikom jučerašnjeg susreta s austrijskim kancelarom Christijanom Kernom, javlja The Guardian. http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/orban-nahvalio-trumpa-pa-porucio-migranti-su-otrov-koji-mi-necemo-progutati/908938.aspx
Hella Posted July 30, 2016 Posted July 30, 2016 ccc šta rade ova pešićevsko vučićevske falange ccc baš ono što su pametni ljudi govorili da će da rade ccc A DISGUSTING RACISM OF COMMUNAL POLICE AND GUARDS AT BELGRADE LAKE Since the temperatures in Belgrade are very high (35C and more) since few weeks ago, refugees spend a day at the Belgrade Lake Ada Ciganlija. Unfortunately, we keep on hearing testimonies from them about the harassment and bad treatment they are given from the official security, life guards and communal policemen that patrol the lake. Today we got a testimony from the witness of the maltreatment, a courageous Belgrader who stood up against the violence of the official security is doing on the refugees who spend their time at Ada Ciganlija. Today, on July 30, a few guards (numberplates 09972), throw a group of migrants out of the lake and forced them to leave it. When he asked the security what is the problem, they told him that "they can not swim there", "they steal shoes", etc etc. He asked them if they have an order from the top of the Ada Ciganlija lake public company officials and they confirmed so. He also thinks that the policemen were invited by a lifeguard so it is clear this was a coordinated action. We have notified journalists and media so this case will be followed up in public ASAP, as this racistic and shameful behavior of the public servants paid by the money of all of us should be exposed in public and those responsible for it named and shamed.Info Park will issue a statement calling the authorities to examine this and other similar cases and provide evidence if these incidents are a consequence of the public policies or not. We will also notify ombudsman and other institutions who are in charge of equality and human rights. This shameful practice needs to stop NOW!
Mr.Mxyzptlk Posted July 30, 2016 Posted July 30, 2016 Vidim malopre da su parkovi kod ekonomskog i kod autobuske prekopani i ograđeni onim narandžastim najlonskim folijama, sređuju se travnjaci ako sam dobro video. Gde su premešteni ljudi koji su bili po parkovima? Svi otišli na mađarsku granicu? tamo su i dalje. po parkinzima
Hella Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 ako mislite da je ovo ok onda pokušajte s održavanjem neprijavljenih skupova zaustavljanjem saobraćaja iskorišćavanjem maloletnih lica u političke svrhe i traženjem povlašćenog položaja van zakonski propisanih okvira pa posle dođite da nam ispričate kako je bilo https://www.facebook.com/subotica/videos/10154439659803470/
MancMellow Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Milina je videti kako se lepo slazu Madjari, Srbi i Hrvati u Subotici...
Hella Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 (edited) Bassam Tibi (Arabic: بسام طيبي), born 1944 in Damascus, moved to Germany in 1962, becoming a citizen in 1976. He is a political scientist and Professor of International Relations. In academia, he is known for his analysis of international relations and the introduction of Islam to the study of international conflict and of civilization. Tibi is perhaps best known for introducing the controversial concept of European Leitkultur as well as the concept of Euroislam for the integration of Muslim immigrants in Europe.[1] He is also the founder of Islamology as a social-scientific study of Islam and conflict in post-bipolar politics. Tibi has done research in Asian and African countries. He publishes in English, German and Arabic. Tibi is a Muslim,[2] but criticizes Islamism and advocates "reforming" Islam.[3] Tibi also suggests that Muslim immigrants should refrain from engaging in religious missionary activities, Dawa.[4] i sad će logoreični diplomci opšteg frulaškog smera kod profesorke marice da nam preko zabalavljenog kraft piva tvrde kako se oni bolje razumeju u integracije od lika koji je ceo život posvetio izučavanju istima a on veli da bi svi ti nepismeni čobani iz pustinjskih vrleti hteli da žive kao ja samo bez marljivog rada Syrian Prof: Arabs Migrate for ‘Sluts’ and Welfare, Attack When They Don’t Get It A Syrian professor has asserted that Arab migrants see “slut” German women as fair game for assault and warned that the country is set to see “big social conflicts” as a result of Angela Merkel and EU open border policies. Prof. Bassam Tibi said that the mass sex attacks in Cologne were a result of the migrants’ “value system”: furious at not being given a luxury lifestyle, they intended to “humiliate” Germans. The professor, who now lives in Germany, said that Arab men come expecting “great apartments, blonde women and the welfare state”. The political scientist noted that tax payers are providing migrants with far more than they could expect even with wages in their homelands, but warned they find the hospitality “insufficient”. Pointing out that two-bedroom apartments are a luxury in Cairo, the professor noted that he knows 16-year-old migrants, each with two-bedroom apartments to themselves at the expense of German tax payers. These boys remain dissatisfied however, as they had hoped for cars too. Interviewed by Basler Zeitung, Professor Tibi said that migrants were expecting to be given a luxury lifestyle, one comparable to portrayals of rich Europeans shown in the Arab media. He predicted that migrant disappointment with their standard of living is likely to cause the country problems in the future. “Think even of the grateful Syrians who took the famous selfies with Merkel. [One of them] was on TV a few weeks ago and declared that he was now very disappointed with her. He wants a job, a secure income and an apartment. We will see big social conflicts,” the professor warned. Asked how he could be sure of this, Professor Tibi stated that as well as the fact the state cannot meet their high expectations, the migrants have a “value system that is incompatible with modernity”. The professor revealed that Arabs believe themselves to be honourable and that Germans are not, as German women are allowed to “sleep with everyone”. Professor Tibi pointed to a number of factors that he believes led to the mass sex attacks in Cologne. He said migrants knew their behaviour was criminal but that they think “German women are sluts”, and felt they would face no punishment. The decorated academic said that police’s “fear of the racist accusation” is greater than their fear of the decline of public order. This, he contends, leads migrants to view German police as “wimps”. Professor Tibi argued that sexual assaults on German women are driven by vengeance for not being given nice cars and flats. He also pointed to Syrian culture as playing a part. The “Islamology” founder disclosed: “Rape of women is a weapon of war in Syria. All warring parties do that. The refugees who come here, come from this culture and not all are victims. “If such men do not get what they expect, they are angry. In the culture I come from, you want to humiliate people who make a mad. “In the Orient, to humiliate a man, one rapes his wife. My guess is that these young Muslim men wanted in Cologne to humiliate the women, and behind this humiliation is the humiliation of the German man. The woman is an instrument for it.” http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/05/professor-arabs-migrate-women/ Edited August 6, 2016 by Hella
Hella Posted August 11, 2016 Posted August 11, 2016 ajde umetničko filozofski vizionari medene hipijanerske utopije što levitira nad jezerom od mleka ždrebice jednorožice da se malo vratite u realnost i za početak objasnite razmaženoj gotovanskoj gologuziji pojam privatne svojine na nekom vašem info pultu Voćnjake od migranata brane psima Meštani pograničnih mesta navode da migranti koji i dalje pristižu u improvizovane kampove na granici sa Mađarskom, prave veliku štetu u voćnjacima. Kažu da su štete velike, a neki od njih su se odlučili da svoje voćnjake brane psima. ... Voćari iz Horgoša ističu da po njihovom mišljenju migranti nisu prinuđeni da kradu njihovo voće. To dokazuju bačene konzerve i druga hrana koju migranti svakodnevno dobijaju od humanitarnih organizacija. http://www.gradsubotica.co.rs/vocnjak-od-migranata-brane-psima/#comment-264411
Prospero Posted August 23, 2016 Posted August 23, 2016 Hungarian MEP: Pigs’ heads would deter migrants at border fence By EurActiv.com with Reuters 22 Aug 2016 (updated: 7:07) A Hungarian member of the European Parliament has sparred with a human rights campaigner and caused an outcry on Twitter after writing that pigs’ heads along the border fence erected by Hungary to keep out migrants would make an effective deterrent. Under conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Hungary has taken one of the toughest stances among fellow European Union members against the recent mass influx of migrants and refugees to the bloc, a crisis that has divided the EU. Last year Hungary erected a razor wire topped fence along its southern border to stop migrants, patrolled by thousands of extra troops. On 2 October, the country will hold a referendum on whether they agree with the EU’s policy of mandatory settlement of migrants without consent of parliament. The MEP behind the comments was Gyorgy Schopflin, a former BBC employee and London-based professor, who has been an MEP for Orbán’s conservative Fidesz party since 2004 ...
MancMellow Posted August 23, 2016 Posted August 23, 2016 (edited) Formerly Jean Monnet Professor of Politics at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London Edited August 23, 2016 by MancMellow
Miralem Posted August 23, 2016 Posted August 23, 2016 ja bih pre pokusao sa ljudskim glavama, to bi bio daleko ubedljiviji argument.
Tsai Posted August 23, 2016 Posted August 23, 2016 Hungarian MEP: Pigs’ heads would deter migrants at border fence By EurActiv.com with Reuters 22 Aug 2016 (updated: 7:07) A Hungarian member of the European Parliament has sparred with a human rights campaigner and caused an outcry on Twitter after writing that pigs’ heads along the border fence erected by Hungary to keep out migrants would make an effective deterrent. Under conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Hungary has taken one of the toughest stances among fellow European Union members against the recent mass influx of migrants and refugees to the bloc, a crisis that has divided the EU. Last year Hungary erected a razor wire topped fence along its southern border to stop migrants, patrolled by thousands of extra troops. On 2 October, the country will hold a referendum on whether they agree with the EU’s policy of mandatory settlement of migrants without consent of parliament. The MEP behind the comments was Gyorgy Schopflin, a former BBC employee and London-based professor, who has been an MEP for Orbán’s conservative Fidesz party since 2004 ... kakvo divljaštvo
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