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Po fejsu vec pozivi na novu Cronullu. (Ko ne zna sta je to).


"I just returned home from work. I work in a very multicultural workplace where many of my colleges identify as Muslim. Tonight we were discussing the event at Martin Place and then we starting talking about the after effect that this incident is going to have on our country. One of my colleagues told us that she is already living it. On the way to work this evening she had a beer bottle thrown at her and was told to take her burka off and to fuck off back to where she came from. Before any of us could say anything another colleagues who is of Middle Eastern back ground said that he is now going to start driving his kids to school because he is afraid that his children are going to be targeted.

I tell you this because both of these people are my friends, who know I'm gay and support marriage equality and yet right now they along with thousands of other people who are Muslim and/or of Middle Eastern background are now being and going to be targeted because some lunatic who they don't even know held some people hostage in a café.

To those of you posting islamphobic and racists comments on your social media profiles I say this to you. I would much rather have these two wonderful colleagues in this country then you. Your xenophobic hatred is only dividing us and is harming innocent people.



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Izgleda da je petoro njih pobeglo oko 2 ujutro i ovaj je tad pripucao - i izgleda - ubio jednog od talacca. Tad je policija uletela. Druga zrtva od talaca je preminula od srcanog udara u bolnici.

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Local media reports suggest the commandos from the Royal Australian Regiment entered the building after the gunman started firing shots.
Commissioner Scipione urged people not to "speculate" about what had happened inside the cafe and said police believed more lives could have been lost if officers had not entered the cafe at that point.

Andrew Scipione, NSW Police: "There were a number of gunshots that were heard"

Izgleda da su morali da upadnu. Kao sto rekoh, steta sto ga nisu skinuli kad je snimljen kroz izlog kafica, ali verovatno jos nisu imali dovoljno informacija i nisu hteli da rizikuju.

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laicki gledano - snajper je trebao odavno da radi. kakva bomba, kakvi pomagaci. psihijatrijski slucaj koji verovatno nije znao ni kako se zove.


Znao je dobro kako se zove, a znali su i oni. Lik ima 50 godina, bio je pred sudjenjem za ubistvo/pomaganju u ubistvu svoje bivse zene i optuzen za nekih 40 slucajeva seksualnog zlostavljanja 7 zrtava. Takodje se "proslavio" kao autor uvredlivih pisama familijama poginulih australijskih vojnika, koji su stradali u Avganistanu. E sad, kako je uopste pusten na slobodu do sudjenja i kako nije bio pod stalnom prismotrom je nesto sto ce mnogi u sudstvu morati da odgovore u par sledecih dana.

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Tori Johnson, the manager of the Lindt Chocolate Café, is reported to have made a grab for the pump-action shotgun as Man Haron Monis, a self-styled sheikh, started to nod off.

In the ensuing struggle, at around 2am local time, the gun went off, fatally injuring Mr Johnson, 34, who died of his injuries in hospital a short while later.

The shooting, watched by a police sniper overlooking the café through a telescopic rifle site, triggered the order for tactical response group officers to storm the building.

With fears that the lives of the remaining nine hostages were now in danger they used stun grenades and live rounds to shoot and kill Monis, a well-known Islamic extremist.

Monis was killed by police bullets in the attack. But a second hostage, Katrina Dawson, a 38-year-old mother of three young children under 10, also died. It was unclear who fired the fatal shots.

The barrister, a member of a prominent Sydney legal family, was said to have been shielding the body of Julie Taylor, a pregnant barrister who was in the same chambers as Ms Dawson.


Менаџер кафеа који се жртвовао у покушају да савлада отмичара и мајка троје деце која је телом заштитила трудницу. Хероји, Бог да им душу прости.




ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Taliban militants stormed an elite public school in northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 13 students and perhaps taking hundreds of other students and teachers hostage, according to Pakistani security and hospital officials.


The siege began about midday local time at an army-run high school at a Pakistan military installation in Peshawar.


According to military officials, as many as six terrorists shot their way into the school after scaling a wall.


Пакистан је у питању, па свет™ баш нешто и заболе да се потреса колико за Сиднеј.

Edited by Прслин
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