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Ryan Franco

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Pričam sa drugaricom koja živi u Moskvi još pre ovog slučaja negde prošle god - kako je na bazaru možno pokupyt CD sa svim gosudarstvenym numerama (registracijama kol)  sa podacima i adresama vlasnika....  Pa raznorazne dokumente o KGB-u o FSB-u itd itd  Zdravstvene kartone...

Kaže sve je moguće kupiti


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A državni mediji o svemu ni reči, kaže samo javljaju kako je rusija najuspešnija u borbi protiv korona virusa i o rastu BDP-a

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3 hours ago, Kursadžija said:


A državni mediji o svemu ni reči, kaže samo javljaju kako je rusija Srbija najuspešnija u borbi protiv korona virusa i o rastu BDP-a




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On 16.12.2020. at 10:17, Strucnjak said:

Ovde ima vise detalja o ovome sto Navalni prica,



Šta reći sem:


On 13.12.2020. at 19:07, Bogotac said:

Najnesposobnija sluzba na svetu.:D

Ilija i Đura su zakon za njih. Nose telefone na zadatak, u svojoj državi kupuju karte na svoje ime, konspirativni su ko Aleksa Žunić.


SSSR je  pred operacije Uran i Bagration prebacio neopaženo cirka milion vojnika sa sve tenkovima i svim što ide uz njih. :s_p:

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43 minutes ago, duma said:

Šta reći sem:


Ilija i Đura su zakon za njih. Nose telefone na zadatak, u svojoj državi kupuju karte na svoje ime, konspirativni su ko Aleksa Žunić.


SSSR je  pred operacije Uran i Bagration prebacio neopaženo cirka milion vojnika sa sve tenkovima i svim što ide uz njih. :s_p:


naravno. putincic se nikad ne bi tako blamirao, da ide okolo i truje a otrovani zavrsi samo sa pokvarenom probavom.


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Obaveštenje @Kursadžija ▪ jezik

Video je na ruskom pa je na ruskom, ali kad si već istakao naslov, u obavezi™ si da ga prevedeš (pravila).

Napomena (izvod iz pravila): "Komunikacija forumaša sa moderatorima treba da se odvija na jednom podforumu Zid Plača..." – tema Imam pitanje za mod tim (ako je zaključana, sačekati)


- - -

ovaj ruski novinar koji je pitao peskova zasto nasi agenti (kad su ga vec nadzirali) nisu sprecili da bude otrovan je genije :ziga:

Edited by Krošek
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malo iz ruskih medija danas




Politician Alexei Navalny released on Monday a recording of his conversation with his interlocutor, whom he introduces as one of the defendants of a joint investigation by FBK, Bellingcat and The Insider, published a week ago, with the participation of CNN and Der Spiegel, on the alleged poisoning of Mr. Navalny by a group of FSB officers in August this year in Tomsk. (see "Kommersant" on December 17). The conversation between Mr Navalny and the alleged member of this group, Konstantin Kudryavtsev, published on Monday, was allegedly recorded on the morning of December 14, several hours before the publication of the investigation. Mr. Navalny introduced himself to his interlocutor as Assistant Secretary of the RF Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. The interlocutor told about his participation in the work with the clothes of the politician, seized after the incident in Tomsk. The FSB of the Russian Federation called the conversation a "planned provocation" against the Chekists, which could not have been done without "the technical support of foreign special services."


In the published entry, the alleged FSB officer talks mainly about working with traces of the alleged poisoning. Several experts interviewed by Kommersant expressed doubts about the reliability of the record itself. So, the interlocutor of “Kommersant” in the FSB called it a “terrible fake”: according to him, a special service officer would not under any circumstances discuss the details of the special operation by phone.

“There is an instruction, which is memorized by heart when applying for a job,” another intelligence officer told Kommersant. “The recording definitely has nothing to do with us. It cannot be so: if he were really engaged in some kind of investigation related to him (Alexei Navalny - Kommersant), he would know everything about him - both phone numbers and voice. "

Former KGB officer of the USSR, a resident of Soviet intelligence in London, later known as the writer Mikhail Lyubimov told Kommersant that he sees in the story of the alleged poisoning of Alexei Navalny a "farce" in which "special services from all sides are deeply involved."

It is impossible to believe any of the parties in such a situation, Mr. Lyubimov believes, expressing "concern" in connection with the "helplessness of the FSB."
On Monday evening, the public relations center (DSP) of the FSB of the Russian Federation published a commentary by the special service, in which the conversation between Mr. Navalny and an employee of the department was called "fake."






The so-called investigation of Alexei Navalny about his alleged poisoning by a "newcomer" is a provocation prepared with the support of foreign special services. This was reported to TASS on Monday at the Public Relations Center of the FSB of Russia.

"The so-called investigation about actions allegedly taken against him posted by A. Navalny on the Internet is a planned provocation aimed at discrediting the FSB of Russia and employees of the federal security service, the implementation of which would not have been possible without the organizational and technical support of foreign special services," - emphasized in the FSB.


jedino se komersant iscimao oko price, ostale novine ponavljaju formulaciju fsb-a 

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On 17.12.2020. at 19:42, Meazza said:

Kakva je onda CIA kad su im ovi raspadnuti mucenici izbore namestili... :lolol:


Tehnički gledano, izbore im je namestio i Trampa u Belu kuću postavio SVR a ne GRU, još manje FSB. SVR je u Rusiji manje-više ono što je CIA u Americi - ekipa zadužena za operacije na stranom tlu. Njima se, recimo, pripisuju sajber napadi i neke druge akcije koje su po svim parametrima ispale neuporedivo uspešnije od bilo čega što je palo na pamet FSB ili GRU. GRU bi trebalo da se bavi pre svega vojnom špijunažom, njihovo učešće u ekstremnim stvarima kao što su likvidacije nema nikakvog smisla (a pogotovo nema smisla kada su u pitanju političke likvidacije - to bi trebalo da je u strogoj "nadležnosti" FSB).


Sad, da li se GRU zaista petlja u stvari kojima nije dorastao ili je nešto drugo u pitanju, to ćemo teško saznati. Ali ovako laički gledano, deluje da se SVR mudro drži svog delokruga i ekspertize pa su stoga uglavnom uspešni u onome što rade i niko ne može da na pijaci nabavi imena i telefonske logove njihovih operativaca. GRU i FSB... pa ne znam, ostalo je jedino da Bellingcat pošalje svoju ekipu u Moskvu da izvrše građansko hapšenje njihovih agenata i zatim ih izvedu iz Rusije svima ispred nosa. Sve drugo su već uradili i objavili, uključujući njihova imena, fotografije i adrese stanovanja.


Dakle, pošto se CIA dribla sa SVR a ne sa ovim babunima, znači da je CIA i dalje na 1 nivou :rolleyes:

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komentar u komersantu



www.kommersant.ru/doc/4626107 /prevod: deepl sa malim korekcijama/


Provocation supported by foreign special services. The FSB officially commented on Alexei Navalny's latest investigation. The politician presented a video of himself talking on the phone to one of his so-called poisoners. The Federal Security Service calls the video a fake and promises to give a procedural assessment of what happened. Moreover, in all this, Moscow sees the handwriting of those who usually organize illegal actions in Russia. Kommersant FM political observer Dmitri Drize says that what is happening is not good for the country's image in the modern world.

The details of the conversation are probably known to everyone. There's no point in repeating them once again, except to highlight a few aspects. So Alexei Navalny talked to one of his alleged poisoners. He phoned from Germany, filmed the whole action on video, with Maria Pevchikh and Bulgarian journalist Hristo Grozev - direct participants in the investigation of the so-called Tomsk incident.

They didn't just pick up the phone; they used a special app that allows them to replace an ordinary number with any desired one. This technique is actively used by the pranksters. They found one that was in the billing as a backup FSB number, i.e. their own, verified, and made the call.

The Bellingcat materials mentioned a group of eight employees. He managed to talk to only one - Konstantin Kudryavtsev - allegedly a military chemist, who directly went to Omsk during the famous events.

Navalny introduced himself as Assistant Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. He said that he was preparing a report on the whole affair for his boss.

The person on the other end of the line, hesitating a little, laid it all out just like that.
He did not recognize the main Russian opposition leader. The talk lasted for 49 minutes.

Among the most interesting details was the fact that the poison had allegedly been applied to the politician's underwear. Most likely, when Kudryavtsev gave his clothes to the dry-cleaner. Kudryavtsev's mission was to eliminate the evidence. He arrived after everything had happened.

And then - why, in fact, it was not possible to bring the alleged operation to an end. Because the pilots landed the plane on time in Omsk, and there, on the spot, the paramedics promptly provided medical assistance to the involved idividual.

It is interesting that this very Kudryavtsev lives in an ordinary house in Novokosino. Journalists and people who were simply interested arrived there immediately. He called the police or they sent it to him, but the policemen prevented unauthorized gathering of people.

Meanwhile, the Federal Security Service issued an official press release with commentary on the incident. Navalny's team described their actions as a planned provocation. The "phone call" (in quotes) was faked. The agency is conducting an investigation, the results of which will give an appropriate procedural assessment of what happened.

The FSB calls the above method of substitution of a subscriber's number a known technique of foreign intelligence agencies, "well-tested in anti-Russian campaigns, eliminating the possibility of identifying the actual participants of the call.

We can also add that the Kremlin has previously formed its position on the Berlin patient's dossier. Dmitry Peskov announced that he is no longer commenting on the topic. For the rest, all this is declared a provocation, machinations of the CIA and other special services, and an attempt to undermine the sovereignty of Russia. Which is, in fact, what the FSB confirmed in its press release - all this will once again be told by federal TV channels, so much so that the mass Russian TV viewer will hardly have any questions.

It is possible, of course, to suppose that all this was indeed a montage and the hand of the foreign security services, particularly that simpleton - took it and bought it. Are there really such people in the intelligence agencies? There must be a code word, the password is not a password.

In addition, we do not know for certain who was on the other end of the line.

Find anyone with a distinctive voice, make a call, and record it. And you've got a media sensation. 
Although, if we are honest, everything looks very convincing, especially since the statements about changing the number indirectly indicate that the call was made to the right person. /referenca na izjave ruskih organa o tome kako je maskiranje broja trejdmark zapadnih sluzbi - ako pretpostavimo da je sve gluma odnosno lažnjak, nema mnogo logike komentarisati dogadjaj na ovaj nacin, sa implikacijom da se radi o stvarnom pozivu, a ne "montaži/provokaciji"/

That is precisely why it seems that the ball is in Navalny's favor. So he is going on the offensive, while the authorities are on the defensive.

What is interesting is the reaction of our Western partners. There isn't one. You might think it would be all the better for them not to notice, especially since they have already imposed sanctions. Moscow is too important a partner to quarrel so seriously. Especially around Christmas time and against the backdrop of COVID-19.

Nevertheless, things can change, in particular as soon as Joe Biden moves to the White House in the United States and forms the administration. So a new escalation cannot be ruled out.

And besides, it is clear that the real Russian opposition has been squeezed out of the country, while those who are here have been clamped down on. But in the age of the Internet and globalization, borders do not exist, and the opportunity to influence the minds of people remains. And the "patient" and his team are not going to calm down. So, apparently, you still have to react. This problem can no longer be dismissed. If only because there is such a thing as the image of Russia in the modern world. It would be nice to think about it too.


ovo je ta izjava FSB-a na koju se referise u gornjem komentaru https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4625852?query=Навальный



The FSB believes that the published recording of the conversation with Konstantin Kudryavtsev "is a fake." "The use of the method of substituting a subscriber number is a well-known technique of foreign special services, previously tested more than once in anti-Russian actions, which makes it possible to exclude the possibility of identifying real participants in a conversation," the FSB stressed. The service noted that it is conducting a check on the fact of the number substitution.



Edited by Krošek
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FSB se obrukao realno


Do sad sam sumnjao u priče i kombinacije oko crnogorskog puča....   ali danas mi se čini sasvim odgovara obrascu delovanja ruskih službi....

Kao što kaže Navalni, sve je devalvirano na sva bitna mesta došli su nekompetentni ljudi a alavi na pare, pa tako i u FSB


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Zadnjih dana odgledao sam gomile filmova sa kanala Navaljnog

To je zaista strašno koliko je tamo korupcija i pljačka uzela maha...

Kod njih državni službenici žive životom holivudskih zvezda....


A glavni propagandisti na državnim kanalima (tipa Sarapa...) kupuju nekretnine po Londonu i čak su dobili englesko državljanstvo i glasaju tamo na izborima...

Znači morali su potpisati izjavu da će biti verni Britanskoj kraljici.... :D

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Brt Putin se ne šali....


Danas je Putin potpisao niz zakona koji će Rusima pružiti prekrasan novogodišnji poklon:
- zakon o zatvoru zbog klevete na internetu, uključujući klevetu protiv neodređenog kruga osoba;
- zakon o zatvoru zbog blokade ulica, čak i ako nije doveo do ozbiljnih posljedica;
- zakon koji zabranjuje širenje osobnih podataka bilo kojih sigurnosnih službenika i podataka o njihovoj imovini;
- Zakon kojim se novinarima zabranjuje sudjelovanje u prosvjednim akcijama i pozivanje na sudjelovanje;
- zakon koji uvjete za prijavu na javni događaj čini izuzetno strožim;
- zakon koji izjednačava red za pojedinačni piket s masovnim nekoordiniranim događajem;
- zakon kojim se zabranjuju javne priredbe održane na račun sredstava primljenih iz inozemstva, kao i sredstava "stranih agenata";
- zakon o mogućnosti klasificiranja kao stranih agenata gotovo svakog pojedinca prema nahođenju vlasti;
- zakon o kažnjavanju ili potpunoj zabrani stranih internetskih platformi u Rusiji ako diskriminiraju ruske medije;
- zakon kojim se društvene mreže obvezuju na brisanje podataka zabranjenih u Ruskoj Federaciji, uključujući poruke o nekoordiniranim javnim događajima.




Da li je on realan?

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