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Ryan Franco

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Znaci ipak "oni" prave ceceniju, srbija se tu slabo pita? 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Anduril said:


Krimu nikada nije ukinuta autonomija, Krimljani nisu diskriminisani niti je vojska Ukrajine po Krimu ubijala masovno civile u lovu na teroriste. Da je Kosovo anektirano Albaniji, bez problema sa UN i slicno, i to jos pocetkom devedesetih - e to bi bio Krim. I jos da se useta NATO u Vojvodinu i Sandzak, i to pre svih ratova devedesetih - e to bi bio Donbas. 

A da se NATO ponasa imperijalno, logicno bi bilo da naprave od Srbije Ceceniju i to jos devedesetih.


Natežeš paralele do besmisla, da je ovo, da je ono. Ovde je bilo deset puta gore, desetine hiljada poginulih i milioni raseljenih. Zapad je ovde sproveo sav arsenal svojih proksi ratova, etničkih čišćenja, ekonomskog iznurivanja i kršenja međunarodnog prava. Ono što povezuje krizu na Balkanu i onu u Ukrajini i Gruziji je upravo zapadni faktor koji je imao presudnu ulogu u malignom razvoju krize. Da su mogli da divljaju na Krimu divljali bi samo tako, ali su tamo naleteli na mnogo zajebanijeg igrača tako da sada mogu samo da kukaju za propuštenom "šansom".

Edited by slow

Sto pa ti si kralj nategnutih paralela, cudno jos nisi ponovio onu o desnom sektoru i ustasama u ciscenju donbasa od samih ukrajinaca.

1 hour ago, slow said:


Natežeš paralele do besmisla, da je ovo, da je ono. Ovde je bilo deset puta gore, desetine hiljada poginulih i milioni raseljenih. Zapad je ovde sproveo sav arsenal svojih proksi ratova, etničkih čišćenja, ekonomskog iznurivanja i kršenja međunarodnog prava. Ono što povezuje krizu na Balkanu i onu u Ukrajini i Gruziji je upravo zapadni faktor koji je imao presudnu ulogu u malignom razvoju krize. Da su mogli da divljaju na Krimu divljali bi samo tako, ali su tamo naleteli na mnogo zajebanijeg igrača tako da sada mogu samo da kukaju za propuštenom "šansom".


Nisu to paralele nego objasnjavam kako bi izgledala prava imperijalna politika sfere uticaja koja se ovde zagovara. Kakvi proxi ratovi - tu gde ima 100% sfere uticaja se ne vode proxi ratovi nego Cecenija. Po proponentima imperijalnih sfera je Srbija suvise dobro prosla i trebali bi je rasparcati.

On 27.4.2018. at 10:42, MancMellow said:

Koliko god wikipedija bila nepouzdana, pouzdanija je od napamet naucenih parola. 


Verovatno misliš na ovu parolu: "Ne znam šta se tačno dogodilo i ne interesuje me što većina relevatnih izvora ukazuje na to da je do sukoba došlo tako što je Gruzija probala da vojno reši pitanje Osetije - čim su Rusi jedna od strana u sukobu mora da je krivica do njih jer oni nemaju demokratiju a Gruzija i UK je imaju"?




Odlican Timothy Snyder


So, for example, if you're Russia and you're the biggest country in the world, nevertheless, you've somehow always been on the defensive. If you attack Ukraine, nevertheless, this is somehow a defensive rather than an offensive operation. Nationalism will say it's always somebody else's fault. The way it works politically is that you do things like this. You attack Ukraine. You support the far right in Europe. You support a presidential candidate in the United States. Eventually, there's gonna be some kind of reaction. That reaction comes. Then, you say to your people, "Well yes, look, "this just proves that we were the victim. "We were always the victim."

Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, Eraserhead said:


pa kaže 



So what the Russians try to do is to change the subject, change the rules of international competition away from those more objective things to more subjective things like feelings, like fear, like anxiety.


i još 



When we turn our own attention away from the real world, the three-dimensional world, and we pay more attention to the internet and to what feels good or bad to us, in effect, we're making life easier for Russia. What they can mobilize very efficiently, very economically actually, are psychological resources over cyber. They choose that because it's easy for them. They have a plan for the world. They have a plan for Europe. They have a plan for us. But, it's not about imposing some kind of positive vision. It's about bringing us back to where they are.




Timothy moron

Edited by slow

Naravno da se otvara prostor za izigravanje žrtve kad su dve od tri optužbe iz gornjeg pasusa nedokazane, čak i neosnovane.



On 27. април 2018 at 21:18, djeneralche said:

Sto pa ti si kralj nategnutih paralela, cudno jos nisi ponovio onu o desnom sektoru i ustasama u ciscenju donbasa od samih ukrajinaca.

Па није баш да не размишљају у том правцу.:s_u:



Ministry names three scenarios for Donbas de-occupation 12:45, 02 May 2018

 The introduction of the peacekeeping mission is deemed to be the main scenario on the table.

 Ukraine authorities are considering three scenarios of military operations that could be implemented in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions after an Anti-Terrorist Operation has been reformatted into the Joint Forces Operation, according to Yuriy Hrymchak, deputy minister for temporary occupied territories and internally displaced persons.

 "Regarding the military operation, we are considering three scenarios that could be implemented in the ORDLO [certain areas of Donbas beyond Ukraine's control]: the first scenario is a purely a military operation. That's when, Despite all external conditions, the order is given. In the past year, head of the General Staff, Gen. Muzhenko, in one of his interviews said that the Ukrainian Army was ready to completely liberate the ORDLO within two weeks. The only question that we cannot answer today in our plans is what forces and means will Russia deploy to hit back against our Army. Therefore, this is the least probable scenario of developments," Hrymchak told Hromadske Radio.

 According to the deputy minister, "the other two plans are Croatian ones." He recalled how once in Croatia there were Serbian Krajina and Eastern Slavonia. The Serbian Krajina was liberated by military means, that is, through the operation of the Croatian army, but at the same time, the Serbian troops did not interfere in this military conflict and stayed in their barracks, not being ordered to challenge the Croatian army. "

 Another option that was used in Eastern Slavonia we consider today as the main one. This is the introduction of a peacekeeping mission preceded by the withdrawal of foreign troops (there are no other foreign troops there other than Russian troops), withdrawal of Russian mercenaries. We must also see a disarmament of militants and creation of an international transitional administration for the transfer of these territories under Ukraine's control," the deputy minister stressed.




Car je inaugurisan:






Ni carevi, ni staljinitm nisu sto su nekad bili: sve ovotm sto protestuje bi u stara dobra vremena promptno putovalo u Sibir, zemlju obecanu :fantom: 


Video sa jučerašnjih protesta





46 minutes ago, namenski said:

Ni carevi, ni staljinitm nisu sto su nekad bili: sve ovotm sto protestuje bi u stara dobra vremena promptno putovalo u Sibir, zemlju obecanu :fantom: 



cenis da bi ta vremena trebalo da se vrate?

4 minutes ago, dillinger said:









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