bigvlada Posted March 5, 2017 Share Posted March 5, 2017 Computer operating system and short movie stored on DNA New coding strategy maximizes data storage capacity of DNA molecules Date: March 2, 2017 Source: Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science Summary: An algorithm designed for streaming video on a cellphone can unlock DNA's nearly full storage potential by squeezing more information into its four base nucleotides, say researchers. They demonstrate that this technology is also extremely reliable. Pronašli su metod po kome jedan gram DNK može da sačuva 215 (dvestapetnaest) petabajta informacija. :ziga: Samo je pitanje vremena; sve što je ljudska rasa ikada napisala ili nacrtala, sva zanimanja, svi jezici, svaka oblast nauke; sve će moći da se strpa na jedan minijaturni moždani bio implant. :D Biće situacija kao u Matriksu kda Triniti nauči da pilotira helikopterom za dve sekunde. :D Svo znanje će nam biti samo par neurona dalje. Trenutni sitni problem je što jedno pakovanje informacija od 2MB košta 7000 dolara a raspakivanje tih dva megabajta još dodatnih 2000. Link to comment
lostfanforever Posted March 5, 2017 Share Posted March 5, 2017 (edited) budućnost je stigla ! :) edit: nisam sigurna da sam razumela. kodiraju 00, 01, 10 ili 11 pomoću kombinacija A, G, C, T ? Ili? Edited March 5, 2017 by lostfanforever Link to comment
bigvlada Posted March 7, 2017 Share Posted March 7, 2017 budućnost je stigla ! :) edit: nisam sigurna da sam razumela. kodiraju 00, 01, 10 ili 11 pomoću kombinacija A, G, C, T ? Ili? Prvo 0 i 1 pa onda A,G,C,T. :) They compressed the files into a master file, and then split the data into short strings of binary code made up of ones and zeros. Using an erasure-correcting algorithm called fountain codes, they randomly packaged the strings into so-called droplets, and mapped the ones and zeros in each droplet to the four nucleotide bases in DNA: A, G, C and T. The algorithm deleted letter combinations known to create errors, and added a barcode to each droplet to help reassemble the files later. Link to comment
halloween Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 Negde sam čitala jedan futurološki tekst, koji se odnosio na pokretljivost stanovništva i razvoj u zavisnosti od razvoja tehnologija, interneta i koji mi je ostao kao u snu, pa ako znate ko je autor molim vas da pomognete da saznam više o njemu- u tom tekstu se tvrdi da će internet i tehnologije uticati da se ljudi podele na nekoliko grupa (slojeva)- najbogatiji će biti i najmobilniji, mogu živeti ge hoće i gde ih posao odvede, bez potrebe da stiču nepokretnosti o stvari koje ih ograničavaju, kao neki moderni bogati nomadi. Najveći do stanovništva moći će da putuje ali samo viruelno, preko interneta. Mislim, to je već na delu i danas, ali ima neko ko se posebno bavio pokretljivošću stanovništva. Link to comment
namenski Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 Ili: ... problem je u tome sto mi poklanjamo svoje vreme, znanje, trud i javna sredstva da bismo stvorili novo znanje, a onda kontrolu nad rezultatima prepustamo poslovnoj delatnost trzistu koja veruje, ispravno ili pogresno, da njen prihod ili opstanak zavise od ogranicavanja pristupa tom znanju... Link to comment
Frank Pembleton Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 . ....shit has hit the fan... Link to comment
hazard Posted November 9, 2017 Share Posted November 9, 2017 (edited) Vau naučna fantastika :ziga: Scientists Save Child's Life By Growing Him New Skin The German doctors realized they had to do something drastic or their seven-year-old patient would die. The boy had escaped war-ravaged Syria with his parents, and a rare genetic disease had left him with raw, blistering sores over 80 percent of his body. His doctors in a children's burn unit tried everything they could to treat his illness, called junctional epidermolysis bullosa -- even grafting some skin from his father to see if it would heal the child's wounds. But his body rejected this. Finally, they e-mailed Michele De Luca, a researcher in Italy, to ask for help. The doctors took a small sample of skin from one of the few places on the boy's body where it was not flaming red or flaking off, and sent it to De Luca. His team at the center used a virus to insert into the skin cells a correct copy of a gene called LAMB3; the boy's own defective copy had caused his epidermolysis bullosa. De Luca and his colleagues grew the skin cells over scaffolds in their lab to form large sheets, the way doctors often do for burn patients. In two surgeries in October and November 2015, the Italian and German teams covered the boy's limbs, sides and back with these sheets of fresh skin. After being too sick even to get out of bed before his surgeries, "he was standing up already by Christmas," De Luca says. In January 2016 the boy, whose name is not being released to protect his privacy, received a few more skin patches -- and in February he was released from the University Hospitals of the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. Sve se to dešavalo prošle godine, a danas je izašao članak o tome u Nature. Edited November 9, 2017 by hazard Link to comment
MilenaS Posted November 9, 2017 Share Posted November 9, 2017 Jako dobar rad, ništa novo oko adenovirusnog vektora, već je dao dobre rezulate oko HIVa, potencijalna vakcina za HiV neverovatno je to sto sam upravo prosledila rad na FB kolegenici koja studira u Italiji, i zna koautora... hahahaha, ja je upitah odakle ga znaš... pa on je sa poljoprivrednog, bio je na nekih poljoprivrednih dogadjanja... inace ona upravo zavrsava PhD na poljoprivrednom u Italiji. Virusi će nas spasiti o tih retkih i podmuklih bolesti... isto i herpes je bio koriscen za Ebolu. Link to comment
MilenaS Posted November 9, 2017 Share Posted November 9, 2017 OMG, sada saznala da koautor ima doktorandkinju sa naših prostora!!!! nas svuda!!! Link to comment
fonTelefon Posted December 13, 2017 Share Posted December 13, 2017 Dosta je vise liberalnih govnarija. Posto je casopis Nature izrazio protest protiv proganjanja naucnika koji se time bave, konacno se ponovo radi na homosima sa barem decenijom i po zaostatka. Study confirms link between the number of older brothers and increased odds of being homosexual Bogaert said that since the older brother effect was first discovered two decades ago, many studies have replicated it, including cross-cultural ones. But when a Bogaert research project 10 years ago strongly indicated that the older brother effect in men was likely biological in origin, he saw the need to look at prenatal factors, and set out to test the major biological theory explaining this effect through a lab study. "It seems that some women during their first male pregnancy, or just after their first male birth, begin to detect this foreign substance (the NLGN4Y protein) and start to develop an immune response. And then later, with further male pregnancies, the high levels of antibodies directed toward this substance may change brain development in these later born males," Bogaert said. This confirms that the older brother effect is very likely immunological in origin. "We think it's very important to understanding male sexual orientation," said Bogaert. "It speaks to the mechanisms of sexual orientation development." Statistike sve su to jasno pokazivale. Sledi samo da se ispita veza keva lezbosa i sinova gejova. To je bas, bas potisnuto. Link to comment
Frank Pembleton Posted December 13, 2017 Share Posted December 13, 2017 To je nauka sa smislom! Link to comment
MilenaS Posted December 13, 2017 Share Posted December 13, 2017 ja sve gejeve koje znam su stariji likovi, čak i naš čuveni maneken je stariji blizanac zar ne? Link to comment
hazard Posted January 3, 2018 Share Posted January 3, 2018 Nadam ste da ste ispratili Konceptualni penis kao društveni konstrukt Link to comment
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