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  • 1 month later...
Zvuci kao win-win situacija: obrezane kozice s pjenista pretvaraju (uz pomoc lab. miseva) u kosu (koja bi mogla da se zasadi na glave nas celavaca)!Sto rek'o melburnski komicar Ben Pobdzi:
...let's just rejoice, for two of our most pressing problems - the presence of unsightly hairless men walking the streets in front of normal people, and the shameful waste of useful foreskins across the nation - are now practically solved, and in these grim days, we must be grateful for every bit of joy and hair that we can run our hands through.
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Effects of Sugar Consumption on Human Behavior and PerformanceStephen Ray Flora and Courtney Allyn PolenickThe Psychological Record, 2013, 63, 513–524

In addition to dispelling the myth that sugar ingestion causes behavioral and performance problems, it is important to consider the beneficial role that sugar may play in the human diet. As indicated by the experimental studies previously reviewed, sugar consumption may be essential for optimal brain function in both children and adults.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Climate study: The Shire is New Zealand, Mordor is south TexasA climate study of Tolkien’s Middle Earth of the Lord of the Rings trilogy reveals some interesting intersections with “Modern Earth.” The places on Earth most similar in climate to the Shire include a small region in New Zealand as well as a part of Britain, while locations that are similar to Mordor fall in the southwest US and a central part of Australia.The climatology of Middle Earth is examined in a paper released Friday by noted Middle Earth wizard and nature enthusiast Radagast the Brown (also the alias of the Cabot Institute of the University of Bristol), which draws conclusions about the various regions of Middle Earth based on descriptions in the books. For instance, Mordor and Haradwaith are very dry, while the highest precipitation occurs to the west of the Misty Mountains, where the Shire is located.Based on a climate analysis of Middle Earth’s temperature and rainfall, Radagast maps the regions of the world with similar conditions to different parts of Middle Earth and sees where they overlap. Both New Zealand and England contain large regions with adequate rainfall and enough scattered instances of the right temperature to indicate that Lincolnshire and Leicestershire in the UK are Shire-like, as are (roughly) Gore and Alexandra in NZ.Mordor’s climate, by contrast, is most similar to a band that wraps through the south of Australia, as well as a swath of Texas and Los Angeles, CA.EDIT. Originalni rad je bas simpatican, ovde se moze videti u pdf-u.

Edited by Indy
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Fascinantan rad objavljen u Nature - "mreza aroma i principi sparivanja hrane"."Kulturni diverzitet kulinarske prakse, koji se moze uociti u obilju regionalnih nacina pripreme hrane, postavlja pitanje da li postoje neki opsti principi koji odredjuju kombinacije sastojaka koji se koriste u ishrani danas, ili principi koji prevazilaze individualni ukus i specificne recepte. Mi predstavljamo mrezu aroma, koja definise komponente aroma (ukusa) koji su zajednicki kulinarskim sastojcima. Zapadno kulinarstvo ima tendenciju da koristi u paru sastojke koji dele mnoge aromaticne komponente, sto podrzava hipotezu tzv. sparivanja hrane. Suprotno tome, Istocnoazijsko kulinarstvo izbegava sastojke koji imaju zajednicke aromatske komponente. Obzirom na sve vecu pristupacnost informacija o nacinu pripreme hrane, nase istrazivanje bazirano na analizi podataka otvara nove pristupe ka sistematskom razumevanju razlicitih kulinarskih praksi."Osnovna struktura mreze aroma:srep00196-f2.jpgPiramide aroma (ukusa) i grupe od 6 autenticnih sastojaka i parova sastojaka u regionalnim kulinarstvimasrep00196-f4.jpg

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Ovako, uštrojene debeljuce ...kao prvi vazal gospodara, pa je slugeraj sa pravom uplašen.
Поткрала ти се грешчица у фактографији. Мачке немају господаре, оне имају особље.
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Поткрала ти се грешчица у фактографији. Мачке немају господаре, оне имају особље.
Пази пази... форум ипак заборавио где сам ово обележио и турио га ту где јесам... те ово није отишло код мачака него на науку.За коју сте сад сви жртвовали око 5 секунди, јер сам овај опит напросто морао да изведем, да видим шта ће бити.
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  • 4 weeks later...
In Nature Communications today, we, along with Richard Evans from CSIRO, show how we developed a new technique to enable the data capacity of a single DVD to increase from 4.7 gigabytes up to one petabyte (1,000 terabytes). This is equivalent of 10.6 years of compressed high-definition video or 50,000 full high-definition movies.
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  • 1 month later...

procitala sam u jednim holandskim novinama bizarnu naucnu vest. nisam nasla nista na nekom drugom jeziku pa sam pomislila da se neko zeza, ali kazu mi kolege da je ton clanka ozbiljan. naime, vest je da je bayer pokrenuo istrazivanje kako bi razvio pilulu protiv placebo efekta. krece od toga da placebo nije nesto stvarno, opipljivo, vec da covek samo veruje da mu je bolje kad realno nije. (sto inace nije tacno.) daje primer bolesnika koji se toliko dobro osecao da je isao u planinarenje, a onda ga je strefila srcka. a kako najbolje delovati protiv neceg sto nije stvarno? pilulom :isuse:


dalje kaze, trenutno se sprovodi (placebo-controlled!) studija efikasnosti, i grupa koja pije ovaj lek se oseca malo losije od kontrolne grupe, sto je dobro ^_^

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odmah sam napisala koleginici (koja je ovo okacila na fejs) kako mi detektor za ironiju ne radi na holandskom, i pitala da li je ovo lokalni onion! ali vec tad sam odlucila da je apsolutno genijalno i ako je ironija.


sad, vest je svakako bar delom pogresna jer navode da se novi lek zove sanabo, a to nije novi nego stari, za neke desete stvari. dodatno, nema vesti nigde ni na engleskom ni na nemackom, tako da ko zna o kakvim se tu gluvim telefonima radi.

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