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Meni je to sve zanimljivo i samo po sebi, a dodatni plus je i sto je agroklimatski + vinogradarski sve na mestu.Fascinantno je da je mnogo jasnije zasto je Kraljevicu Marko rujno vino pio, pola pio, pola Sarcu dav'o - vino, a ne rakiju. I zasto se u okolini Loznice (odakle su moji s caletove strane) prakticno ne zna vinogradarstvo i vino. Jes da sam skroz amaterski etimolog, ali Loznica mi malo mnogo lici na lozica. :DU moje vreme smo to mnogo jednostavnije (i netacnije) objasnjavali sa - za to su naravno krivi Turci :s_d: . Ono, nije da nisu krivi, ali se izgleda nisu previse bavili mikromenadzmentom 1 sirotinje raje.

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Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental IllnessThe Huffington Post | By Meredith Bennett-Smith Posted: 05/31/2013 12:21 pm EDT | Updated: 05/31/2013 12:59 pm EDTr-KATHLEEN-TAYLOR-RELIGIOUS-FUNDAMENTALISM-large570.jpg?6FOLLOW:Video, British Neuroscientist Kathleen Taylor, Fundamentalism As Mental Illness, Kathleen Taylor Neuroscience, Kathleen Taylor Religious Fundamentalism, Neuroscience Religious Fundamentalism, Religious Fundamentalism Mental Illness, Religion News, Religious Fundamentalism,Religion News[/b]An Oxford University researcher and author specializing in neuroscience has suggested that one day religious fundamentalism may be treated as a curable mental illness.Kathleen Taylor, who describes herself as a "science writer affiliated to the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics," made the suggestion during a presentation on brain research at the Hay Literary Festival in Wales on Wednesday.In response to a question about the future of neuroscience, Taylor said that "One of the surprises may be to see people with certain beliefs as people who can be treated," The Times of London notes.“Someone who has for example become radicalised to a cult ideology -- we might stop seeing that as a personal choice that they have chosen as a result of pure free will and may start treating it as some kind of mental disturbance," Taylor said. “In many ways it could be a very positive thing because there are no doubt beliefs in our society that do a heck of a lot of damage."The author went on to say she wasn't just referring to the "obvious candidates like radical Islam," but also meant such beliefs as the idea that beating children is acceptable.Taylor was not immediately available for comment.This is not the first time Taylor has explored the mind processes of a radical. In 2006, she wrote a book about mind control called Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control, which explored the science behind the persuasive tactics of such groups as cults and al Qaeda."We all change our beliefs of course,"

. "We all persuade each other to do things; we all watch advertising; we all get educated and experience [religions.] Brainwashing, if you like, is the extreme end of that; it's the coercive, forceful, psychological torture type."Taylor also noted that brainwashing, though extreme, is part of a the "much more widespread phenomenon" of persuasion. That is, "how we make people think things that might not be good for them, that they might not otherwise have chosen to think."However, Taylor has also been a voice of caution in terms of the ethics of delving too deeply into the human brain's mysterious workings."Technologies which directly scan or manipulate brains cannot be neutral tools, as open to commercial exploitation as any new gadget," Taylor wrote in a blog post for The Huffington Post in 2012. "The brain supremacy offers chances to improve human dignity, but it also risks abuse."Watch the video below to hear Kathleen Taylor discuss her book Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control.ALSO ON HUFFPOST:[/size]
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Cancer-Causing Herbal RemediesPlants of the Aristolochia genus have for centuries been used in Chinese herbal remedies, but they contain a naturally carcinogenic compound that causes mutations in the cells of people who consume them, according to two studies published in Science Translational Medicine today (August 7). The papers reveal that the compound, called aristolochic acid, causes more mutations than two of the best-known environmental carcinogens: tobacco smoke and UV light.

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Cancer-Causing Herbal RemediesPlants of the Aristolochia genus have for centuries been used in Chinese herbal remedies, but they contain a naturally carcinogenic compound that causes mutations in the cells of people who consume them, according to two studies published in Science Translational Medicine today (August 7). The papers reveal that the compound, called aristolochic acid, causes more mutations than two of the best-known environmental carcinogens: tobacco smoke and UV light.
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Trepereći točakPogledajte: Optička iluzija koja meri moždane talase Zahvaljujući inventivnim neuronaučnicima, sada možemo da bez ikakvih testova i komplikacija vidimo naše moždane talase. Naučnici u Francuskoj su uspeli da stvore optičku iluziju koja pokazuje moždane talase osoba koje je gledaju.iluzija_1377266537_670x0.jpgTrepereći točak je relativno prosta iluzija. Posmatrači se fokusiraju na točak sa crnim i belim linijama što stvara percepciju vizuelne vibracije u centru. Kako su tvorci nove optičke iluzije objasnili u svom radu objavljenom u Žurnalu neuronauke, ovo lagano treperenje oslikava moždane alfa talase, koji su prisutni tokom dužih perioda relaksacije. Istraživači su pratili frekvenciju treperenja koju je subjekt percipirao kada je posmatrao statični točak u poređenju sa alfa talasima u stanju mirovanja te iste osobe. Pronalaženje korelacije između ove dve stvari bilo je značajno. Iako su naučnici zaključili da gledanje treperećeg točka dozvoljava posmatračima da osete svoju alfa aktivnost, nisu objasnili da li je treperenje zapravo alfa talas.
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Ekonomska teorijaposted by Ivan Jankovic at Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ne treba biti ničim šokiran kad je reč o modernoj "ekonomskoj nauci", ali ovo je zaista šokantno, čak i po njihovim standardima.

Ovaj ekonomski časopis objavljuje rad čiji abstrakt kaže:

During their meetings, the members of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) make monetary policy, but they also make each other laugh. This article studies the amount of laughter elicited by members of the FOMC during their meetings. The study finds that a member elicits more laughter if he or she expects higher inflation, other things being equal. This finding suggests that members may use humor to cope with the threat of inflation
Jadni psihotični finansijski centralni planeri koji tako budno bdiju nad inflacijom, da se valjaju od smeha. Šta bi drugo! Mada vas od takvih ljudi ništa ne treba iznenaditi, meni prosto izgleda nemoguće da je urednicima i reviewerima ovog rada promakla komična nota ovog abstrakta (a rad je još luđi,kad ga pročitate u celini, ljudi ozbiljno argumentišu da se birokrati na svojjim sastančenjima ne smeju zato što se super zabavljaju, nego zato što su jako zabrinuti za situaciju, pa se smeju da odagnaju užas). Rubrika - život je još bolji od Njuza/Oniona.http://trzisnoresenje.blogspot.com/
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