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Lord Protector

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3 hours ago, Miki_belavista said:

kad si studirao? 90ih?

Pocetkom 2000ih.

  • +1 1

„Očekivao bih da se Srbija, kao aspirant na članstvo u EU priprema, i proslavlja Dan Evrope. Ne, mi hoćemo da pokažemo Evropi da i dalje sedimo na više stolica, u vreme kada EU ima dosta zatvoren odnos prema Kini. Mnogi će reći: da, ali je kineski predsednik bio u Francuskoj. Da, ali dobio je oštre poruke i na tom sastanku u Parizu. Evropska unija dugo strahuje od kineske nelojalne konkurencije na evropskom tržištu“, navodi on.




Koliko je ovaj prozapadni deo javnosti u Srbiji odvaljen od života i realnosti.

  • +1 3
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)








Edited by vememah
On 2. 5. 2024. at 14:23, Miki_belavista said:

kad si studirao? 90ih?

Ovo je važilo i na fizičkom. I ranih hiljaditih. Zapravo - tek su bolonjske reforme promenile ovo...

Posted (edited)

Japan cannot afford a global alliance with the U.S.

PM Kishida lacks domestic support to take on more military and financial burdens

https%3A%2F%2Fcms-image-bucket-productioMasahiro Matsumura
May 22, 2024 05:00 JST
Fumio Kishida at the White House on April 10: Washington's embrace has not benefitted the prime minister's popularity.   © Reuters

Masahiro Matsumura is professor of international politics and national security at the faculty of law of St. Andrew's University in Osaka and a Taiwan Fellow at the Taiwan Center for Security Studies in Taipei.

In response to China's unprecedented arms buildup and intensified saber rattling, Tokyo and Washington have rapidly moved toward an integrated security alliance over the last two years.

Last month during a state-level visit to Washington, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida confirmed his commitment to making a great leap from Tokyo's previous gradual approach to progressively increasing coordination and cooperation in foreign and security policy.

While in the American capital, Kishida held summit meetings with U.S. President Joe Biden and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and addressed a joint session of Congress, reinforcing his wholehearted alignment with the current U.S. globalist policy line.

Facing growing difficulties due to its overstretch and the relative decline of its power, Washington's expectations of Tokyo are naturally growing.

As its primary ally in the Indo-Pacific region, the U.S. wants Japan to play a central supporting role in supplementing and complementing its power and influence as it seeks to counter China's military challenge and sustain a durable coalition of allies and regional partners.

This, however, would require Japan to bear significantly higher military and strategic risks as a frontline state facing China. It would also force it to absorb more of the financial burden of problematic globalist projects, particularly in terms of supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia.

This is a questionable approach given Kishida's dwindling domestic political support. Public disapproval of Kishida and his cabinet reached a record level of 69% last month, according to Nikkei polling.

The rival Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP) swept three parliamentary by-elections last month, but Kishida's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) narrowly remains the most popular party by a diminishing margin, with the Nikkei poll putting the LDP at 28% public support versus 18% for the CDP.

Voters unhappy with Kishida cited complaints with his handling of LDP fundraising scandals and inflation. Such discontent has more than offset any lift from the prime minister's embrace by Washington. The next general election is due to be held by October 2025.

Although it has not offered its own policy program, the CDP has attacked Kishida's adoption of Washington's globalist policy line, warning that it will bring too much military and financial risk.

https%3A%2F%2Fcms-image-bucket-production-ap-northeast-1-a7d2.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com%2Fimages%2F_aliases%2Farticleimage%2F5%2F1%2F8%2F2%2F47712815-3-eng-GB%2FCropped-17162695462022-02-10T020111Z_606641418_RC2HGS92VMZT_RTRMADP_3_USA-MILITARY-JAPAN.JPG?source=nar-cmsJapanese and U.S. troops at a joint exercise in California in 2022: Washington wants Tokyo to play a central supporting role in supplementing its power and influence.    © Reuters

Yet even amid the rising threat of losing power, the LDP has pushed full speed ahead with its problematic alignment with the U.S. Without securing a wider political consensus or enlisting public support, the LDP's push effort has already included publishing a new security strategy, moving to acquire counterstrike missiles and committing to nearly double annual defense spending.

Plans to fund the military buildup through new taxes have further spurred public opposition, due to the country's constitutional commitment to pacifism and weariness from two decades of stagnant economic growth.

This highlights the fact that in contrast to his activist foreign policy, including lavish support for Ukraine, Kishida has failed to end Japan's persistent economic stagnation or address widening inequality due to policies introduced by his predecessor, the late Shinzo Abe.

In Japan, taxes and mandatory social security contributions now take up almost half of national income due to rising welfare spending because of rapid population aging.

Kishida has held back from lightening the tax burden by lowering consumption taxes, even though this would boost consumer spending, citing the Ministry of Finance's prioritization of reducing the government budget deficit.

Meanwhile, Japan remains the top foreign holder of U.S. Treasury bonds. This financial burden-sharing has been arguably at least as important as defense burden-sharing for the U.S.-Japan alliance in recent decades.

Despite Japan's need for funds, it has rarely sold any of these holdings until now. But given its fiscal challenges, it is high time for Japan to liquidate some of its Treasury holdings to fund its own defense and domestic policy needs. Tokyo and Washington need to strike a new balance of defense and financial burden-sharing.

In the meantime, Kishida's stubborn policy stances are only increasing public resentment which could bring an end soon to his unpopular administration and perhaps even jeopardize LDP rule, which in turn underpins the Japan-U.S. alliance. The party faces a serious structural crisis.






China, Japan and South Korea vow to seek progress on FTA

East Asian powers aim to 'institutionalize' summit meetings after long hiatus

From left: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Chinese Premier Li Qiang join hands at a trilateral summit in Seoul on May 27. (Photo courtesy of Japanese Cabinet Office)
STEVEN BOROWIEC, Nikkei staff writerMay 27, 2024 10:16 JSTUpdated on May 27, 2024 17:36 JST

SEOUL -- Japan, South Korea and China held their first joint summit in over four years on Monday, seeking deeper commercial ties to bolster their economies, including by aiming for progress in stalled negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA), but with Seoul and Tokyo also using the occasion to criticize North Korea over a planned satellite launch.

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol hosted Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Seoul. None of the three were in office for the last three-way gathering in December 2019, just before the COVID-19 pandemic, in Chengdu, China.

Edited by Lord Protector
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Najveći vodopad u Aziji.



Edited by vememah
  • Haha 5
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Strasno je koliko se brzo to sve desava.

  • +1 2
Posted (edited)

Ne znam sto ste iznenadjeni, na Zapadu nauke visu nisu IN, sad je tamo neki menadzment/investment glavni.

U Kini godisnje diplomira nekoliko miliona inzenjera/naucnika.

A kvantitet je poseban kvalitet, ko sto rece drug Koba.

Edited by brusli
  • +1 2
  • 3 weeks later...

Jos uvek samo nagadjanje ali vec odavno Kina pravi planove, pa i manje hidroelektrane, na rekama koje sa Tibeta idu na Indijski podkontinent. Jedan fajt ala Etiopija-Egipat u najavi ako se realizuje projekat. Svakako impresivno - procenjen output 3x veci od sadasnje najvece brane koja je isto u Kini. Dovoljno da snabdeva potrebe jedne Britanije.



5 hours ago, Čutura said:


Strašno je što kinezi vrše ovakve tekstove na brdu iznad grada. Ovaj put su samo stakla slomili (nadam se samo to), a mogli su lako pobiti ljude... Valjda su tek nedavno napravili kosmodrom uz pacifik za launcheve iznad okeana, ali očigledno i dalje koriste ove inland kosmodrome i to tako blizu naselja...

Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Spooky said:

Strašno je što kinezi vrše ovakve tekstove na brdu iznad grada. Ovaj put su samo stakla slomili (nadam se samo to), a mogli su lako pobiti ljude... Valjda su tek nedavno napravili kosmodrom uz pacifik za launcheve iznad okeana, ali očigledno i dalje koriste ove inland kosmodrome i to tako blizu naselja...

Jos su strasniji ovi analiticaritm iz шпајза, jebem te internete, ali 'ajde...

Ni tvoja briga za slomljena samo stakla (zagrada je za pretpostavljeno, ali kada su Kinezi i Rusitm u pitanju vise nego moguce laganje).

Obaska sto se kosmodromi ne prave za lansiranja iznad okeana :isuse: i iznad kopna :isuse: jer postoje itekako znacajni i olaksavajuci razlozi da budu sto juznije, sto blize poutaru: da tebi objasnjavam zasto nema smisla.

To je razlog sto su i CCCP i Kina imali da rese poprilicno problema vise od recimo SAD, ali razlog za to zasto je evropski kosmodrom smesten gde je smesten.

I obaska sto je kineska raketna tehnologija kudikamo naprednija od Musk-ove :isuse: hardverskitm pogotovo....

Na stranu sto se ovakve stvari desavaju svima.

I desavace se.


Edit: i nisi mnogo strucnijiтм ako umesto lansiranja - лаунцхујеш...:fantom:

Edited by namenski
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