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The Wolf of Wall Street

Jimmy Kowalski

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citao sam par kritika u kojima se Skorsezeu zamera to sto nije dovoljno osudio Belfora.mrzim didaktiku.
Dalje je suvišno citirati (kliknite ovu strelicu unazad, u gornjem levom uglu rama za quote, ukoliko želite da pročitate ostatak)...Prenose se mrske kritike, daje im se relevantnost samo da bi se pobijale u ime nalivanja na svoju vodenicu. Pravi Winter ^_^ Prva strana već nagoveštava jedan jak novogodišnji™ topic.
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Hvala na ovoj britkoj analizi mog posta, video si u njemu stvari koje su i meni, autoru, promakle! Ipak, mozda bi bilo zanimljivo procitati sta mislis o meritumu posta, tj. o tezi da film nema duznost da bude otvoreno na strani javnog morala.Lep pozdrav

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Traži drugog za tu igru da juriša na tebe sa drugog kraja brvna... Barem, danas... Sutra možda budem raspoložen da se nosim sa Stoneovim Konanom...

Edited by Ajant23
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Inace, drago mi je sto je Scorseseu ovaj film posluzio da nas podseti koliko dobar moze da bude u pravljenju komedije. Ne samo verbalne, nego i fizicke..Scena kad se Leo i Jonah odvale od tableta, sa genijalnim ubacivanjem Popaja, pravo je malo remek-delo i zasluzuje da se samo zbog nje izmisli kategorija Oskar za najbolju scenu..Leonardo-DiCaprio-and-Jonah-Hill-in-The-Wolf-of-Wall-Street-2013.jpg

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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Ako manim na stranu tobožnje podele komedije ( ^_^), meni se i činilo da je Scorcese za The Departed i dobio Oskara par dobrih scena i minuli rad...Dobro se razvija topic, Scorsese i Stoun kao giganti iz senke, pravi moždanici Novog Holivuda...EDIT: Sada sam slučajno video da je sjajni softver foruma na silu napravio novi red, pa ispravio... Ništa drugo nisam menjao...

Edited by Ajant23
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Ne znam kako cu da spavam nocas! Kao i posle gledanja Kapetana Filipsa tako i nakon gledanja novog Martijevog remek-dela necu imati mira neko vreme. Kao i uvek kod Skorsesea glumci su pokidali, ali stvarno se Leo mora izdvojiti, jebeno je razbio.

Inace, drago mi je sto je Scorseseu ovaj film posluzio da nas podseti koliko dobar moze da bude u pravljenju komedije. Ne samo verbalne, nego i fizicke..Scena kad se Leo i Jonah odvale od tableta, sa genijalnim ubacivanjem Popaja, pravo je malo remek-delo i zasluzuje da se samo zbog nje izmisli kategorija Oskar za najbolju scenu..Leonardo-DiCaprio-and-Jonah-Hill-in-The-Wolf-of-Wall-Street-2013.jpg
Apsolutno. Nisam mogao da verujem sta gledam i sad ne verujem kolko je dobra cela sekvenca, od trenutka kad ovaj donese pilule. Kada Leo na kraju legne i zaspi i ekran se zamraci i ton utisa... magija.
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An Open Letter to the Makers of The Wolf of Wall Street, and the Wolf HimselfThe day my father had to surrender to prison, I drove him. My mother had locked herself in the bathroom crying and throwing up, becoming nothing short of a more beautiful version of Cate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine. Ironically enough, Marty, she looks like a cross between Sharon Stone and Michelle Pfeiffer. Totally your leading ingénue type. Anyhow, after my father successfully laundered money in my name, hiding what was left of our assets from the government in a Wells Fargo bank account, I arrived home to discover multiple phone calls from creditors and attorneys threatening to sue me. He'd left me in nearly $100,000 worth of debt. He left and never told me.After all of that liquidated money was gone from the Wells Fargo bank account, things got pretty bad. My younger sister ran away at seventeen. My older sister struggled to finish school in Texas. I couch surfed for two years, sometimes dressing out of my car and stealing pieces of salami out of my boyfriends' refrigerators in the middle of the night, because I was so hungry and so ashamed that I couldn't feed myself. Tips at the restaurant weren't cutting it. It's a pretty confusing experience to go from flying private with Dad to an evening where he's begging you for a piece of your paycheck so he can buy food for dinner.But, here's the real kicker --I believed him.I believed everything my father told me. I believed it was the government's fault he was going to prison and leaving his little princess, I believed it was your fault, Jordan Belfort. I believed that by taking out all those credit cards in my name, my father was attempting to save me. I believed him when he got out, and when he told me everything would be OK. I believed him until he tried to do the same thing all over again -- until I was at risk of being arrested myself (and I'm saving that story for the memoir).So here's the deal. You people are dangerous. Your film is a reckless attempt at continuing to pretend that these sorts of schemes are entertaining, even as the country is reeling from yet another round of Wall Street scandals. We want to get lost in what? These phony financiers' fun sexcapades and coke binges? Come on, we know the truth. This kind of behavior brought America to its knees.And yet you're glorifying it -- you who call yourselves liberals. You were honored for career excellence and for your cultural influence by The Kennedy Center, Marty. You drive a Honda hybrid, Leo. Did you think about the cultural message you'd be sending when you decided to make this film? You have successfully aligned yourself with an accomplished criminal, a guy who still hasn't made full restitution to his victims, exacerbating our national obsession with wealth and status and glorifying greed and psychopathic behavior. And don't even get me started on the incomprehensible way in which your film degrades women, the misogynistic, ass-backwards message you endorse to younger generations of men.But hey, listen boys, I get it. I was conned too. By. My. Own. Dad! I drove a white Range Rover in high school, snorted half of Colombia, and got any guy I ever wanted because my father would take them flying in his King Air.And then I unraveled the truth. The truth about my father and his behavior: that behind all of it was really just insidious soul-sucking shame masked by addiction, which we love to call ambition, which is really just greed. Greed and the desire for fame (exactly what you've successfully given self-appointed motivational speaker/financial guru Jordan Belfort, whose business opportunities will surely multiply thanks to this film).For me, it's become goddamn unbearable.But I refuse to give up.Belfort's victims, my father's victims, don't have a chance at keeping up with the Joneses. They're left destitute, having lost their life savings at the age of 80. They can't pay their medical bills or help send their children off to college because of characters like the ones glorified in Terry Winters' screenplay.Let me ask you guys something. What makes you think this man deserves to be the protagonist in this story? Do you think his victims are going to want to watch it? Did we forget about the damage that accompanied all those rollicking good times? Or are we sweeping it under the carpet for the sale of a movie ticket? And not just on any day, but on Christmas morning??So here's what I'm going to do first. I'm going to hand you my shame. Right now, in this very moment. The shame that I've been carrying for far too long as a result of being collateral damage. Because each of you should feel ashamed. And then I'm going to go pre-order my tickets to August: Osage County in support of Julia and Meryl -- because at least, as screwed up as that family is, they talk about the truth.I urge each and every human being in America NOT to support this film, because if you do, you're simply continuing to feed the Wolves of Wall Street.Yours truly,Christina McDowell :)PS. Quick update on Dad: He is now doing business with the Albanian government and, rumor has it, married to a 30-year-old Albanian translator -- they always, always land on their feet. :lol:
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citao sam par kritika u kojima se Skorsezeu zamera to sto nije dovoljno osudio Belfora.mrzim didaktiku. ko ne vidi u samoj prici osudu sistema koji je napravio Belfora, uz naravno svesrdnu pomoc samog protagoniste (kao u Skarfejsu), nece mu pomoci ni poucan kraj....Skorseze nije autor koji iznosi moralne istine. on prica price vece od zivota. ako neko iz tih prica zakljuci da treba da se vlada kao njihovi junaci, to je njegov a ne Skorsezeov problem.
Nek izvini Daba sto koritim njegov post kao reakciju na ovo pismo, ali nema se sta bolje dodati ili napisati, jedino da se crta. Edited by Sludge Factory
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Pismo je promašaj. FIlm ne može biti jasniji u osudi Belfora, meni čak i malo previše jasan. Šta je ova žena gledala, beats me.Na projekciji bio neki klinja, od 7-8 godina, koji se sve vreme smejao, i kad nije bilo ni najmanje smešno. Pretpostavljam da je pokušavao da odagna neprijatnost. Da mi je samo znati ko je doveo dete na ovaj film u kojem su scene eksplicitnog seksa, najmanji problem.Na izlazu iz sale sretnem brata koji je bio na projekciji sa nekom svojom ekipom i pitam ga kako mu se svideo film, a on će - pa, Skorseze. Što bi valjda trebalo da znači - nema lošo, ali ništa novo. To je i moje mišljenje. Nismo li ovaj film već gledali, i to više puta?DiKaprio je super, ali i on gradi lik na temeljima iz ranijih filmova, posebno Catch Me If You Can i Getsbija. Rob Rajner razvalio. Ostali isto dobri. Nije dosadno ni u jednom trenutku. Mada nije baš sasvim jasno čemu sve to.

Edited by Syme
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nema lošo, ali ništa novo. To je i moje mišljenje. Nismo li ovaj film već gledali, i to više puta?
Pusti Scorsesea, on je druga priča, ali ovo što si napisao pomislim gotovo svaki put kada pročitam tvoj novi post...
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citao sam par kritika u kojima se Skorsezeu zamera to sto nije dovoljno osudio Belfora.mrzim didaktiku. ko ne vidi u samoj prici osudu sistema koji je napravio Belfora, uz naravno svesrdnu pomoc samog protagoniste (kao u Skarfejsu), nece mu pomoci ni poucan kraj.inace bas sam pre nekoliko dana gledao Skarfejsa ponovo. taj film se u interpretaciji bukvalno deli na dva ostvarenja koja nemaju veze jedno sa drugim. jedan film govori o licemernom, reakcionarnom gmazu sa visceralnom hrabroscu koji je na trenutak uzeo deo planete koji mu uopste ne pripada i potom skoncao napunjen kokainom do guse. drugi film, koji Stoun i Skorseze nisu uopste napravili ali se rodio sam, govori o siromasnom momku sa velikim mudima koji je ziveo brzo i punim plucima, ne obaziruci se na svet malih miseva. nije ni cudo da je Montana postao idol Kneleta i sve te zgadije.Skorseze nije autor koji iznosi moralne istine. on prica price vece od zivota. ako neko iz tih prica zakljuci da treba da se vlada kao njihovi junaci, to je njegov a ne Skorsezeov problem.
sve stoji i film je odlican.....ali kad se uzme u obzir nekoliko stvari mimo onog sto se vidi na ekranu ima naznaka da su Belfortu titrana jajca vise nego sto ukus i lepo vaspitanje dopustaju. naime, Skorseze i Leo su se oko filmskih prava na ovu pricu tukli sa Bredom priPitom i ekipom njegovih producenata te u toj borbi posegli za, ili pristali na, igru po imenu "daj Belforte burazeru da ti javno polizemo muda nebilismo te odobrovoljili da na prodas prava". Tako je Leo pristao da snimi par krupan kadar stil spotova gdje u kameru sasipa (mogu se naci po YouTube-u): "Haj, ajm Lionardo Di Kaprio and d remarkabl onesti uit uich Dzordan Belfort told hiz lajf stori voz chruly inspajering....blablabla" koje ova majmuncina pusta na svojim seminarima od cega sad zivi. mislim, malo je bljutavo daholivudska zvezda tako pomaze besprizornom krimosu.mislim, siguran sam da recimo i stovani gospodin Milorad Ulemek Lukovic Legija ima milion ludih prica o smrkanju belog i razvaljivanju od qrca sto belosvetskih eskort drolja koje kostaju 10 milja evra na sat sto balkanskog estradnog olosa (pevacica, voditeljki i sl.) za par stotki na jahti par nautickih milja od Budve.... i sad zamislimo da stovani gospodin napise knjigu o tome, pa onda jos zamislimo da recimo Bjelogrlic ili Kicic otkupe prava i jos naprave gledljiv film..... gledati recimo Bjelu kako posle tog hipotetickog filma govori o Legiji u stilu "ma kudim te na povrsini, ali ti se zapravo zahvaljujem i dajem ti legitimitet" bi bilo zaista odvratno Edited by zvonko
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