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Savremena britanska hip-hip krimi drama


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meni the fall sasvim lepo legao. nije vrhunski britanac, i previse kopiketuje prime suspect, ali u moru govana koja postoje i publike ih obozavaju, covek mora da bude sretan i ovim.a i skali mi je mnogo seksija sad malo starija. i vredi samo zbog onih njenih odjebavanja, sto novinara, sto pandura, you were a married man while we were together kad kaze kantoni, savrseno zvuci.i kraj mi nije zasmetao. kao renkinovi romani, nema jasnog razresenja.

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a i skali mi je mnogo seksija sad malo starija. i vredi samo zbog onih njenih odjebavanja, sto novinara, sto pandura, you were a married man while we were together kad kaze kantoni, savrseno zvuci.i kraj mi nije zasmetao. kao renkinovi romani, nema jasnog razresenja.
I meni sve isto stoji za Skali, mnogo je više mmmm ovako starija.A to što Renkin nema jasne krajeve je loša stvar kod njega, on nema zato što ne zna. Nije kao King koji ih ima loše završetke, ali nema veze.Šta ćeš, ne volim Renkina. Lažni krimić. crossed.gif
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  • 4 weeks later...
Idris Elba's Luther set for big screen prequelLuther creator confirms plans for an movie origins story for Idris Elba's maverick detectiveBen Childtheguardian.com, Wednesday 28 August 2013 08.04 BSTHit BBC crime drama Luther could return as a big screen prequel telling the story of the crime fighting east London detective chief inspector's rise through the ranks.Speaking at the Edinburgh TV festival, series creator Neil Cross said he hoped to take Idris Elba's maverick police officer back to the start of his career, a move that would also involve restoring many of the series' original castmembers. He is hoping the film will therefore appeal both to hardcore fans and those who have never seen the series."I've written the script and we hope to get the film made next year," said Cross, who has also written a Luther novel and is working on a second. "Idris is a brilliant leading man and we've hoped to turn Luther into a movie for a long time. It will follow his career in the earlier days, when he is still married to Zoe, and the final scene in the film is the first of the initial TV series."The prequel would also restore Luther's sidekick Justin Ripley (Warren Brown) to life, as well as his shamed colleague Ian Reed (Steven Mackintosh). Slain wife Zoe (Indira Varma) would also return.Canning Town-born Elba won a Golden Globe for his performances as Luther, which has now run for three seasons and proven popular across the globe, last year. He has previously expressed interest in taking the series to cinemas. "That's where the ultimate Luther story will unfold, is in the big silver screen — London as a huge backdrop and a very menacing, horrible character to play against," he told the BBC in 2011.The British actor's profile has never been higher following standout turns in blockbuster fare such as superhero movie Thor and sci-fi spectacular Pacific Rim. He is also being tipped for Oscar success next year for his upcoming role as Nelson Mandela in the biopic Long Walk to Freedom.Fellow Briton Ruth Wilson has also seen her star rise in Hollywood after hitting the public consciousness following her turn as Luther's murderous confidante Alice Morgan in the BBC show. However, New Zealand-based Cross said there would be no place for her in the prequel film, as the detective does not meet her until later in the timeline.
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  • 1 year later...

evo da izvucem iz mrtvih jednu od tema o britanskim krimi serijama...


odgledao u poslednjih godinu dana:


poslednju gentlyja - odlicna, jedna od retkih serija koja mi je sve bolja kako odmice


i pretposlednjeg foylea (poslednji se sad emituje) - meni su se dopale ove posleratne price gde je foyle u ulozi kontra obavestajca. sve elementi serije su i dalje tu. 


without motive - dve kratke sezone (islo 2000 - 2002). onako. prime suspect za siromasne. prve sezone je dosta dobra, druga bas dosta kvari utisak. glavni detektiv prilicno autentican. nema harizmu, lici iz nekih uglova na dinkica, ali je zato valjda i ubedljiv. teziste serije je na zivotima istrazitelja. na momente to izgleda bas dobro, na momente su odnosi i dijalozi predvidljivi i dosadni.


poslednja sezone dci banksa. nista posebno. meni banks nije omiljen, a ova sezone na momente tezi ka midsommer murders.


hinterland - odgledao tek dve epizode. velsko-engl. radnja u velsu, prva bilingvalna serija koju je bbc ikada uradio. za sada odlicno! podseca najvise na wallandera, pomalo na veru. mracnjikava atmosfera, ok zaplet. detektiv za sada obecava premda u prvim epizodama nema mnogo informacija ni o njemu, ni o timu.


dajte jos neku preporuku za ove novije... 

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

majstorski je rezirana. pritom deluje kao da su i scenario i rezija u pozorisnom kljucu. ono - ispostovana sva zanataska i tehnicka pravila dramaturgije i to je bas prijatno videti. ima odlican ritam koji se podize od pocetka do kraja, sa vrlo malo praznog hoda. pritom imas 11 bitnih likova i gotovo nikog drugog. evo i par dana nakon sto sam odgledao i dalje sam pod utiskom.

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  • 1 year later...

Sada sam zavšio poslednju sezonu serije WPC 56. Uveli su u njoj dva nova glavna lika i mogu reći da mi je ova, treća sezona bila i najzanimljiva. Lično mi je bila vrlo gotivna serija i pomalo mi je žao što neće biti još...

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