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the americans


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  • 1 month later...

:cry: gotovo. nema vise.


Valjda se covek veze za likove ili sta. A i prijalo mi je pracenje ove serije, sa uzitkom sam je gledao, tako da me bas smorilo to sto je zavrsena. 


Autori su ostali verni svojim likovima, sto je omogucilo svakom postenom amerikancu da, i to bas u ovom trenutku, zavoli i zdusno navija za ruske spijune/ubice.



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Pa sad, ne znam sta da ti kazem. Serija je otisla malo vise u melodramu nego sto bi se nekom mozda svidelo i kraj je u skladu s tim. Meni se to na kraju i u celini ipak jako svidja, bez obzira sto sam vise mozda tip koji voli akcijasko-spijunski zanr, recimo. 


Ali, da, dobar je kraj :D samo nije gromopucateljan™ 



Edited by Sludge Factory
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Jel nisi gledao/la seriju uopste od starta? 


BTW da sam unapred znao da 


da ce za "centralnu" pesmu poslednje epizode i neke od srceparajucih trenutaka da iskoriste With or Without You od U2, rekao bih 'jeeebote, gde to nadjose, bleh', ali paradoksalno, kolko god banalno bilo, leglo je mnogo dobro.



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Sad naleteh na ovu kritku, ne slazem se sa nekim delovima teksta, ali zadnja tri pasusa pogadjaju 




Bound for Russia, Philip has one last chance to look upon the American life he had. Has a McDonald’s ever been the site of such pathos? In disguise as an old man, he walks amid the golden arches, bags of hamburgers in his hand, and sees a young family eating dinner. It’s a vision of a family that almost could have been his own.


History—our past but the Jennings’ future—hangs over The Americans finale like a partly cloudy forecast, promising both the chance of rain and the possibility of sunlight. The Jennings are returning to a bloated, dying, immoral state that cannot possibly justify the vile deeds they have done on its behalf. We know enough about Philip, whose conscience already pricks him, and Elizabeth, a true believer, to know that this will weigh on them. (As, perhaps, will Philip’s potential run-in with Martha, on the streets of Moscow.) And then after learning that their immoral acts were conducted on behalf of a morally bankrupt state, they will see that state fall, only to turn into a kind of metastasized version of America, just as corrupt as the old USSR but with all our avarice and consumerism. (Philip won’t have to wait long to eat another Big Mac.) But, at the same time, the future also means that Henry and Paige are not as far away as they seem to be—not on the other side of the iron curtain but eventually just a plane flight away.


It was actually imagining some possible future encounter between the Jennings and their children that drove home for me the melancholy of this entire series. That meeting, if it ever happens, can be nothing but awkward and fraught and full of hurt, not only because of the lives no longer shared, but the ones that were never fully shared to begin with. It took the finale to show us that the trap of their tragedy was sprung years ago, before the series even began. 



Edited by Sludge Factory
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On 2.6.2018. at 0:38, Sludge Factory said:


Ali, da, dobar je kraj :D samo nije gromopucateljan™ 



+1. Bas bas dobar kraj, bas bas mi je legao. 

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  • 3 months later...

Solidan kraj odične serije... Možda je moglo malo bolje na samom raspletu, ali nebitno... Uživao sam u posednjoj sezoni, par brutano dobrih epizoda i još boljih scena. Mučnih, teških, brutalnih. 


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  • 1 month later...

Držala me je ej dve-tri sezone, pa sam odustao kad je počelo vrćenje u krug. Jedino što sam tu još želeo da vidim kako će reagovati na pad Berlinskog zida. Ako ima toga do kraja serije, rec'te.

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  • 3 years later...

Počeo sam da gledam ovu vrhunsku seriju pre desetak dana. Niko mi je nije preporučio, barem se ne sećam da jeste, slučajno sam naleteo na nju tražeći nešto za pogledati. Oduševljen sam. Sjajna serija za sada, počeo sam 3. sezonu.

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