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GMO - Monsanto at the door


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I zbog toga mislim da nam trenutno ne treba GMO hrane u Srbiji, pa ni u vecini evropskih drzava. No, da se vratimo na Srbiju - srpska poljoprivreda ima tonu nacina da visestruko podigne svoju produktivnost, i da proizvodi dovoljno hrane i za zemlju i za izvoz, a da to sve bude uradjeno bez GMO biljaka. Ako je nekoj Indiji ili Kini to neophodno, mi mozemo da kuliramo taj fenomen dok svi ne budu bili skroz zadovoljni tj. ubedjeni da to nije stetno.Inace, moj problem sa samom modifikacijom nije taj sto se tim putem trazi bolja bilja (otpornija, zilavija, plodnija, itd.) nego sto se izmisljaju oni kukuruzi i psenice sto ne ostavljaju seme, pa ti kao seljak moras svake godine da kupujes seme od Big Agri. Dalji problem je sa potencijalnim gubitkom biodiverziteta, sto je vec prezvakana tema jelte. Neki trenutni GMO super-kukuruz moze za 50 godina da bude potpuno unisten od strane neke nove gljive, bakterije, ili cega vec.
Pa moras i inace seme od Big Agri. Sa GMO je dobar deo fora da moras i herbicid koji tamani sve ostalo osim te biljke ovo sto provaljuju vakcina u biljci je da zamazu oci. Ne postoji mogucnost da naprave biljku otpornu na sve vec te dovode u zavisnost hemijskog lanca. Glavni proizvodjaci su najveci hemijski koncerni pa i naslednici Ag Farben.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Inace, moj problem sa samom modifikacijom nije taj sto se tim putem trazi bolja bilja (otpornija, zilavija, plodnija, itd.) nego sto se izmisljaju oni kukuruzi i psenice sto ne ostavljaju seme, pa ti kao seljak moras svake godine da kupujes seme od Big Agri.
To nema veze sa genetskim inzinjeringom. Radi se o ovome, u pitanju je klasicna hibridizacija. A farmer tj. seljak i te kako dobije nazad svoje pare (koje plati za seme) i to sa dodatkom.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Mark Lynas: truth, treachery and GM foodMark Lynas spent years destroying genetically modified crops in the name of the environment. Now he's told the world – and his fellow activists – that he was wrong. So why did he change his mind? And does he have any friends left?
His embrace of evidence-based knowledge caused a problem. Many of his beliefs about GMOs were predicated on an extravagant dismissal of the scientific consensus. "The whole GM thing had been about criticising scientists, saying they were corrupt, corporate shills," he says. "And we definitely believed all those things. But I realised everything we were doing was deeply reductionist, basically saying: 'Scientists should shut down their labs and go and work in Tesco.' It was a kind of counter-enlightenment. People against a process."
He'd been used to seeing the Green movement as the brave, scrappy underdogs. But the more he looked, the more little David began to resemble Goliath. "Just take the numbers," he says. "Greenpeace, the whole international group, is a $150m outfit [in fact, figures provided by Greenpeace show global income in 2011 as $313.4m]. Bigger than the World Trade Organisation, and much more influential in terms of determining how people think." For Lynas, the modern Green movement is one of undeniable force. It's changed the world "sometimes for the better", but not always.
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odlicno, super. obzirom da je 2013 je and it was about time da se prebaci loptica u protivnicki teren i potegne pitanje aktivnosti ove druge strane ( anti-GMO lobija). no, ma koliko on uradio pravu stvar u pogledu otvaranja prostora za 1 normalnu debatu o GMO u javnosti, postoji trivijalno-psiholoski momenat njegove price koji je prosto nezaobilazan jer mu, s jedne strane - daje znacajan considerable momentum i 'tezinu' u medijima, a sa druge - je na neki nacin i duboko razoruzavajuc po njega kao nekakvog anti-GMO insajdera, a tice se proste cinjenice da je bas njegov, 'konvertitov' otac naucnik, a man of science.pazite samo, kako sa tim na umu, na primer ovaj - inace vrlo snazan i otreznjujuci - pasus teksta u Guardianu moze da se cita:

The last piece of "GM crap" he wrote was for the Guardian, the year of his award. "I knew at the time I didn't believe it," he says. "I wrote it in an internet café. I thought: 'God, I really need to have some sources for these things.' Then I thought: 'Fuck it.' I'd just had this stamp of approval from the scientific community. And then I'm writing this completely unscientific and hopelessly unintellectual thing. How embarrassing can you get?"
it is like.. his dad finally approved of his doings and he didn't wanna go on & ruin it all. ('GM crap' standing for the musings of him, the anarchist unintellectual bozo & his wayward sickle-wielding ways, criminal activities & the general folly of youth, while the the 'scientific community' stands for the attitudes his dad, social acceptance, Enlightement, Reason);kao usled prosvetiteljstva cekicem ili kao kod preotrcanog dramskog klisea, postoji nesto skoro pa opipljivo glupo oko njegove konverzije; or at least immensely complacent.
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Jedino konkretno sto mogu da kazem u vezi Lynasa je da mu je knjiga 6 degrees veoma dobra.Inace, jos jedan 'trn u oku' enviro-pokreta, po meni mnogo bitniji, je Peter Singer. (npr.) Postoji mnogo ljutnje na Singera u enviro-pokretu (ne samo oko GM, nego i sire).

[u odredjenim slucajevima, prim. Indy] ... the admittedly very real risks of synthetic biology seem decisively outweighed by the hope that it may enable us to avert a looming environmental catastrophe.
Lynasova konverzija takodje podseca na George Monbiot-a (samo oko pitanja nuklearne energije). U stvari, bas me zanima sta je to Monbiot neprijatno napisao Lynasu (u pismu koje se spominje), posto inace dele dosta toga.
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The new bacterium, nicknamed "Synthia," replicates and produces proteins. By any reasonable definition, it is alive. Although it is very similar to a natural bacterium from which it was largely copied, the creators put distinctive strings of DNA into its genome to prove that it is not a natural object. These strings spell out, in code, a website address, the names of the researchers, and apt quotations such as one from Richard Feynman: "What I cannot build, I cannot understand."
ovo je super :lolol:edit: Oncomouse :( Edited by DarkAttraktor
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  • 2 weeks later...
Irsko istrazivanje genetski modifikovanog krompira (protiv plamenjace).Ubacuju se geni divljeg krompira, sto se zove cisgenski (a ne transgenski) inzinjering. U prvim ogledima sve biljke su prosle neostecene od ove bolesti (bez upotrebe fungicida). Ovaj GM krompir napravljen je na univerzitetu u Holandiji (nije vlasnistvo nijedne korporacije).
In certain countries today, the blight can still threaten a society's food security... Belarus, Rwanda and parts of India and Uganda rely heavily on the potato as a staple ... and the disease is halving yields because poorer countries can't afford the spraying regime seen in nations such as Ireland and the United States.
Ipak ima dosta otpora. Napravljena je i organizacija ciji cilj je da dokaze da se i bez GM moze (klasicnom hibridizacijom) dobiti otporan krompir. Medjutim, te sorte koje oni sada imaju nisu uopste interesantne za proizvodjace krompira u Irskoj, posto navodno ne odgovaraju ukusu irskih potrosaca.
Some of the traditional arguments against GMOs – that the crops will contaminate non-GMO plants and that the biotechnology will be controlled by a powerful corporation – appear not to apply to A15-031 given Wageningen's assurances. And unlike corn, potato pollen does not travel far and even if it did, wouldn't alter the earthbound tubers that are eaten or used to grow the next season's crops.
Bice zanimljivo videti da li ce i sta biti od ovoga, ili ce morati ovo da batale zbog otpora (posebno u EU).
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  • 1 month later...

vest je netacna. autohtone sorte morace da se registruju, niko nece zabranjivati upotrebu tog semena ukoliko se registruje po propisima EU. to je i dalje kartelsko izivljavanje, ali dajmo malo preciznosti, bogamu

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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