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Bitcoin virtuelni kripto novac


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Posted (edited)

Ja mislim da ce za 3 godine Bitcoin biti zbrisan jer ima mnogo boljih resenja vec sada. Prvo i pre svega, anonimnost nije resena u Bitcoinu, a ocigledno nece ni biti, a to je verovatno najvaznija odlika novca.

Edited by pyc
Posted (edited)

Hvala, bro.

Edited by Meazza

Meni se trenutno najviše svidja ethereum..nisam još siguran da li uložiti tamo. Previše izbora a sve je možda bude, možda ne bude


ICNX tesko da ne moze da bude, toliko...

  • 1 month later...


Six of the world’s biggest banks have joined a project to create a new form of digital cash that they hope to launch next year for clearing and settling financial transactions over blockchain, the technology underpinning bitcoin. Barclays, Credit Suisse, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, HSBC, MUFG and State Street have teamed up to work on the “utility settlement coin” which was created by Switzerland’s UBS to make financial markets more efficient.


  • 2 months later...

Dosta ljudi se ukljucilo u ovo


Ne mogu pojedine graficke da se kupe zbog "kopaca" :D


Da sam bio pametan pre 5 godina kad ste otvorili temu i kupio 5 bitcoina danas bi mogao stambeno da se obezbedim :cry:

  • 4 weeks later...

valjda nikad nije kasno. imas i druge coins ne samo bit


Nama se nešto nakupilo bitkoina, neće biti loše


kopas ili kupujes?

ti si bogat covek ako imas vise :)

svaka cast

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