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...Па, да видимо ко коси а ко воду носи.
Moze. Al' da probaju prvo sa ovim:da naprave, mislim.Kad vec nisu mogli sa ovim (imam u vidu tehniku, svaka slicnost sa osobama iz stvarnog zivota je slucajna):
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JAL na kolenima, AAL baca pojas za spasavanje, bankrot je "najbolja opcija":
NY Resolution, "iskopati i postovati 10 negativnih stvaro o Japanu dnevno".Streberu, ne shvatas da ceo Japan (osim zaposlenih u JAL) i ono sto imaju vec kupljene karte navija da JAL bankrotira. Da su pustili propalu americku avijaciju da bankrotira, ne bi se danas u zemlji mike mausa vozili avionima starijim od JAT-ovih.Vidi pod "ANA" sta je finest in the sky.Sljivara American ne baca pojas za spasavnje JAL-u nego sebi samome. Da uvede 10 godina stare avione umesto svojih 30 godina starih i linije po Aziji.I, ako promeni ime i postane vise americka od JAL-a - propasce i on. Bice ono sto American i United jesu u Aziji - jos manje cenjene firme od Biman Bangladesh i Air Lanka.Razlika je u tome sto se bankrot u JAL Customer Service ne vidi - sve je cakum pakum do poslednjeg trenutka. To kod mike misha nema - stjuardese nose MILF kecelje, 7-11 hamburgeri za klopu.... Edited by Yoyogi
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NY Resolution, "iskopati i postovati 10 negativnih stvaro o Japanu dnevno".Streberu, ne shvatas da ceo Japan (osim zaposlenih u JAL) i ono sto imaju vec kupljene karte navija da JAL bankrotira. Da su pustili propalu americku avijaciju da bankrotira, ne bi se danas u zemlji mike mausa vozili avionima starijim od JAT-ovih.
Da si isao u skolu i pazio na casu, znao bi da su mnoge americke kompanije bankrotirale u poslednjih 25 godina (Chaper 11), i iz bankrota izasle zive i zdrave. Primeri? UAL, Delta, Continental, Northwest. Takodje bi znao i razliku izmedju bankrota i likvidacije (Chapter 7). Sto se tice "navijanja" da JAL bankrotira, od tebe ocekujem najmanje harikiri povodom vesti da se americke miki maus kompanije sa matorim stevkama takmice ko ce vise para da upumpa u JAL.American raised its bid to invest in JAL to keep the carrier in the Oneworld alliance in the face of a rival offer from Delta Air Lines Inc. and Skyteam. The Japanese government has said that JAL will continue flying while restructuring. Private equity firm TPG will invest as much as $1.1 billion, with AMR Corp.’s American and Oneworld providing up to $300 million. American also guaranteed JAL a $300 million sales boost over three years from a proposed transpacific venture. Oneworld member British Airways Plc offered to boost cooperation on flights to Europe, resulting in a further $200 million of extra revenue over three years, American said. “JAL is very important to Oneworld,” American’s Chief Financial Officer Tom Horton told reporters in Tokyo today. American and Delta have both said that a bankruptcy filing wouldn’t deter them from investing.
Razlika je u tome sto se bankrot u JAL Customer Service ne vidi - sve je cakum pakum do poslednjeg trenutka. To kod mike misha nema - stjuardese nose MILF kecelje, 7-11 hamburgeri za klopu....
Razlike je i tome sto si glamur JAL-a placao ti, kao poreski obveznik Japana, i to tri puta u poslednjih devet godina:Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama said today shareholders should take responsibility “in general” for JAL, which has been bailed out at least three times in nine years..... sto je verujem, vrlo obradovalo Japance koji avion nisu videli u poslednjih devet godina. Nacionalni ponos zahteva mlade stevke i sushi, pa sta kosta da se plati. I tako tri puta dok se nije (konacno) promenila vlast u Japanu i rekla "dosta".
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Da si isao u skolu i pazio na casu, znao bi da su mnoge americke kompanije bankrotirale u poslednjih 25 godina (Chaper 11), i iz bankrota izasle zive i zdrave. Primeri? UAL, Delta, Continental, Northwest. Takodje bi znao i razliku izmedju bankrota i likvidacije (Chapter 7). Sto se tice "navijanja" da JAL bankrotira, od tebe ocekujem najmanje harikiri povodom vesti da se americke miki maus kompanije sa matorim stevkama takmice ko ce vise para da upumpa u JAL.American raised its bid to invest in JAL to keep the carrier in the Oneworld alliance in the face of a rival offer from Delta Air Lines Inc. and Skyteam. The Japanese government has said that JAL will continue flying while restructuring. Private equity firm TPG will invest as much as $1.1 billion, with AMR Corp.’s American and Oneworld providing up to $300 million. American also guaranteed JAL a $300 million sales boost over three years from a proposed transpacific venture. Oneworld member British Airways Plc offered to boost cooperation on flights to Europe, resulting in a further $200 million of extra revenue over three years, American said. “JAL is very important to Oneworld,” American’s Chief Financial Officer Tom Horton told reporters in Tokyo today. American and Delta have both said that a bankruptcy filing wouldn’t deter them from investing. Razlike je i tome sto si glamur JAL-a placao ti, kao poreski obveznik Japana, i to tri puta u poslednjih devet godina:Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama said today shareholders should take responsibility “in general” for JAL, which has been bailed out at least three times in nine years..... sto je verujem, vrlo obradovalo Japance koji avion nisu videli u poslednjih devet godina. Nacionalni ponos zahteva mlade stevke i sushi, pa sta kosta da se plati. I tako tri puta dok se nije (konacno) promenila vlast u Japanu i rekla "dosta".
Streberu, te su pare peanuts cim se i British Airways nasao da se nesto uchipi.A kad se placaju pare obveznika, pa ti si upravo platio kriminalcima Wall St 760 milijardi, ima da vracas 1000 godina.Kada dograbe JAL-masine, vides i naovi avion u americkoj avijaciji...ok, ne mnogo stariji od 10 godina ali ipak manje nego 30.
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Streberu, te su pare peanuts cim se i British Airways nasao da se nesto uchipi.
Ne jedna, nego tri gaijin kompanije spasavaju diku i ponos japanskog vazduhoplovstva. Vec vidim Japance kako igraju po ulicama Tokija.
A kad se placaju pare obveznika, pa ti si upravo platio kriminalcima Wall St 760 milijardi, ima da vracas 1000 godina.
Kakve veze ima Volstrit sa avijacijom? Drzi se teme.
Kada dograbe JAL-masine, vides i naovi avion u americkoj avijaciji...ok, ne mnogo stariji od 10 godina ali ipak manje nego 30.
Naseo si japanskoj propagandi. Situacija je sasvim drugacija:Continenta 10.1Southwest 9.8United (including Ted) 12.7 US Airways 12.2 Japan AirlinesDisplay the age japan Japan Age 11.2 yearsSee details All Nippon AirwaysDisplay the age all nippon Japan Age 10.7 yearsSee details Edited by ObiW
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Kakva dika?Da nisu firme primoravale ljude da putuju sa JAL, bar 30% putnika bi bilo na ANA. Ne znam koji ce im qrac JAL, tek kad ameri dodju niko u to nece sesti.

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Rece mi drugar da su Emirati potpisali nekakav ugovor da otvore direktnu relaciju Dubai - Beograd i kao otvore regionalno predstavnistvo u BG, to bi trebalo da fercera od jula ove godine, ali na sajtu - osim otvaranja linije do Praga od jula iste godine - nema nista.Ima li neko nesto vise?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Знам да ће те бити срећни због ове вести,

MOSCOW, January 29 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's prototype fifth-generation fighter made a 45-minute maiden flight on Friday in the Far East, Russian television reported.The flight had been postponed for 24 hours due to poor weather conditions in Komsomolsk-on-Amur where the prototype is being tested."The plane showed a superb performance. It has met all our expectations for the maiden flight," said Olga Kayukova, a spokesperson for the Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer.Russia has been developing its newest fighter since the 1990s. The country's top military officials earlier said the stealth fighter jet, with a range of up to 5,500 km, would enter service with the Air Force in 2015.Russia's fifth-generation project is Sukhoi's PAK FA and the current prototype is the T-50. It is designed to compete with the U.S. F-22 Raptor, so far the world's only fifth-generation fighter, and the F-35 Lightning II.The PAK FA is to be equipped with the most advanced technology and armed with next-generation high-precision weaponry.India, which has a long history of defense relations with Moscow, remains Russia's sole partner in the project.India's Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) was reported to be seeking a 25% share in design and development in the project. It has also sought to modify Sukhoi's single-seat prototype into the twin-seat fighter India's Air Force wants.
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udjose i bacuske u petu generaciju...na gurku od Indijaca doduse, ali dobro, kapiram da je to doprinelo u el.opremi u avionu. na prvi pogled deluje kao direktna kopija Reptora, mada ima konzervativniji liniju - usisnici su smesteni horizontalno na koren krila, te kapiram da ce ova trpeti spoljne nosace za lakse vz i sve vv rakete, sto ce mu povecati radarski odraz; sama konfiguracija krila je vise na platformi 35ice, nego sto sam prvobitno mislio - 47ice (obrnuta geometrija) sto bi vodilo ka tom "jednostranicnom" kompromisu koji ima Reptorsukhoit50pakfa.th.jpgmoram da procitam malo vise o njemu da bi dao neku ocenu...

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Odlicno, pogledaj pa javi :lol: .Krpez k’o krpez, prednosti, ako ih je i bilo – u aerodinamici uglavnom – kojih se CCCP na kratko domogao pocetkom 80-ih godina 20. veka s pojavom Su-27 i MiG-29 su iscilele, nestale bestraga, iskoriscene/primenjene tamo gde se moglo i bilo para za to, ostalo se svelo na ‘mama, vidi, vidi, umem da plivam jednom rukom’ pricu na mitinzima, nesto prodaje – i krpez.Toliki krpez da je nadgradjivana, po sistemu ‘seci usi, krpi dupe’ familija Su-27 konacno napustena i Rusi su se vratili svojoj oprobanoj metodi kopiranja – oni to zovu, jos uvek – kreativno usavrsavanje – jer KGB terminologija, a ni mentalitet nisu umrli, eno ih sede u Kremlju. I prodaju ono za bubrege.Ova gomila metala i cega sve ne (a svaki avion je to, inace se ode u cuvenu smor pricu o tome ko ima bolje avione, Rusi ili Ameri) je, prosto naprosto – budalastina. Bacanje para koje nikome u Rusiji nije potrebno. Osim starim imperijalnim atavizmima, prestizu koga odavno nema, i – najvaznije – neprijatelju koji ne postoji.Jer ni F-22 u danasnjem svetu nema neprijatelja. Su-50 Mk F-22 pogotovo: niti iza njega stoji ili postoji vazduhoplovna industrija spremna i sposobna da napravi i odrzava nekoliko stotina ovakvih aviona – a ovakvi avioni imaju smisla jedino kao deo SISTEMA, niti postoje mogucnosti da se sistem stvori. Od obuke pilota, onih sto se na zemlji brinu o njima i avionima, a iznad i pre svega, nema sistemske zamisli, koncepcije, doktrine sta i kako raditi sa ovakvim avionom. Za obracun sa neposlusnim susedima vise je nego dovoljna i ona masa gvozdjurije kojom Rusija raspolaze i koju je nasledila od blazenopocivseg CCCP-a, za obracun sa nekim drugim, tehnoloski superiornim ili istim protivnikom Rusija jednostavno nema resursa ni jedne vrste. Zemlja koja je postala klasican izvoznik sirovina, koja prihode i rashode planira (ako uopste planira) u skladu sa kretanjem cena energenata na svetskom trzistu – u cemu je cak i jedna Saudijska Arabija bolja od nje – zemlja koja svoju vaznost i znacaj u globalnim razmerama moze jos jedino da odrzava postojecim nuklearnim arsenalom, na ovakav avion baca pare.Pa ma on bio i najbolji na svetu. A nije.Nije cak pogodan i za demonstratora tehnologije. Nikakva Indija, nikakva Kina, nikakve gurke, ni sa koje strane tu niti pomazu niti mogu da pomognu.Raskorak je prevelik, jaz toliki da ga je nemoguce preci, radilo se o 5 ili n-toj generaciji, podmornica ili aviona, svejedno, da ga je naprosto nemoguce preci. Bar ne u vremenskom periodu koji se u ovakvim stvarima racuna, a to je cca 30 do 50 godina.

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Основа овога авиона је Т-10 који је основа и Су-27(Нато име Flanker). То се може видети на масивном централном делу који повезује труп авиона са унутрашњим крилом. Има још сличности.Уосталом,Су-27su272.jpgТ-50509.jpgПо питању "невидљивост" опет није копија Ф-22. Тражено је дефинитивно неко решење да има добре аеродинамичке особине и да има што мању видљивост те са те стране може имати нешто верћи одраз али ово је пак само прототип.Уосталом,Ф-22,RaptorTaxiingAndrewsAFB.jpgТ-50,Pakfa.JPGНа крају нека поређења, мада су незахвална јер Руси још нису избацили званичне податке за много тога па се претпоставља.

F-22 RaptorGeneral characteristicsCrew: 1 Length: 62 ft 1 in (18.90 m) Wingspan: 44 ft 6 in (13.56 m) Height: 16 ft 8 in (5.08 m) Wing area: 840 ft² (78.04 m²) Airfoil: NACA 64A?05.92 root, NACA 64A?04.29 tip Empty weight: 43,430 lb (19,700 kg) Loaded weight: 64,460 lb (29,300 kg) Max takeoff weight: 83,500 lb (38,000 kg) Powerplant: 2× Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans Dry thrust: 29,300 lb[citation needed] (130 kN) each Thrust with afterburner: 35,000+ lb (156+ kN) each Fuel capacity: 18,000 lb (8,200 kg) internally, or 26,000 lb (11,900 kg) with two external fuel tanks PerformanceMaximum speed:At altitude: Mach 2.25 (1,500 mph, 2,410 km/h) Supercruise: Mach 1.82 (1,220 mph, 1,963 km/h)Range: 1,600 nmi (1,840 mi, 2,960 km) with 2 external fuel tanks Combat radius: 410 nmi (471 mi, 759 km) Ferry range: 2,000 mi (1,738 nmi, 3,219 km) Service ceiling: 65,000 ft (19,812 m) Wing loading: 77 lb/ft² (375 kg/m²) Thrust/weight: 1.08 (1.26 with loaded weight & 50% fuel) Maximum g-load: -3.0/+9.0 g
Crew: 1 Length: 22 m Wingspan: 14.2 m Height: 6.05 m Wing area: 78.8 m² Empty weight: 18,500 kg Loaded weight: 26,000 kg Useful load: 7,500 kg (combat load) Max takeoff weight: 37,000 kg Powerplant: 2× New unnamed engine by NPO Saturn PerformanceMaximum speed: 2600 km/h (at 20,000 m altitude) Cruise speed: 1,300 km/h Range: 4,000-5,500 km Service ceiling: 20,000 m Rate of climb: 350 m/s Wing loading: 330(normal) - 470(maximum) kg/m² Thrust/weight: 0.84-1.19
Пројекат ПАК-ФА је развијан са Индијом и скоро је извесно да ће га Индија и купити.А узгред буди речено и Ф-22 има проблема са даљом дистрибуцијом,
The bill terminates production of the F-22 fighter jet program, which has its origins in the Cold War era and, its critics maintain, is poorly suited for anti-insurgent battles in Iraq and Afghanistan.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33520935/ns/politics-white_house/Толико о томе.Иначе сам хтео и да покажем нове пројекте Руске Свемирске Агенције.Ракете типа Ангара.Први пут су показане на Аеромитиннгу МАКС 2009 близу Москве,xin_3020806200810562281217.jpgANGARA1.jpg157009032.jpg1510.jpgОсновна намена ових ракета је да се смањи зависност Русије од Космодрома Бајконур пошто се он налази у Казахстану. Мање верзије Ангаре 1.1 и 1.2 ће заменити Космос-3М, Циклон и Рокот. Ангара 3 че замнити Украјински Зенит а Ангара 5 ће замнити Протон.Развија се и изузетно велика летелица Ангара 7 која нема пандам у руској свемирској флоти само што она није добила, тренутну, подршку Владе за експалтацију.Што се тиче неких карактеристика,
The Angara rockets have a modular design similar to the EELV, based on a common Universal Rocket Module (URM). Depending on configuration, the first stage can consist of 1, 3, 5 or 7 such modules. Unlike EELV launchers, Angara will not employ solid rocket boosters (SRB).The URM is a wholesome structure that includes an oxidizer tank, a fuel tank (both tanks being coupled by a spacer) and a propulsion bay. Each URM will have one single-chamber RD-191 engine, using liquid oxygen and RP-1 as fuel. The RD-191 design is based on the RD-170 four-chamber engine used by the Energia launcher, as well as on the RD-171, which is currently used by the Zenit rocket.The second stage will be either a Briz-KM (Angara 1.1) or Block I (also called URM-2), which is powered by the RD-0124A engine developed by the KB Khimavtomatika. Angara 5 will use either the Briz-M upper stage (currently used for the Proton-M rocket), or KVRB. Most versions are intended for unmanned launches, but Angara A5P and Angara A7P are being designed to be capable of launching manned spacecraft.A single launch pad can be used for launching all Angara versions.
Сама ракета ће кретати са Космодрома Плесецк која се налази 800 километара северно од Москве у области Архангелск. То је иначе био тајни Космодром за време СССР одакле су слани војни и шпијунски сателити.Имају још неколико пројеката а неки се раде у сарадњи са другим Свемирски Агенцијама попут пројекта CSTS or ACTS (Crew Space Transportation System или Advanced Crew Transportation System respectively) на којем раде са Европском Свемирском Агенцијом.http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,443901,00.htmlНаравно ово је сада све успорено због кризе.А Руси планирају да замене Сојуз са новом ракетом како би отишли до Месеца,http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7946689.stmhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7980824.stmhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8024590.stmТакође су у великој мери поновно оспособили свој навигациони систем ГЛОНАСС.
The 2007 launches occurred on 26 October and 25 December. Both launches were successful, orbiting six satellites altogether. Following the launches, Russia's First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov predicted that the launches would bring the GLONASS satellite fleet to up 18 satellites, the number necessary to provide navigation services over the entire Russian territory, and repeated that the system would have the required 24 satellites for worldwide coverage by 2010. Once all of these satellites are fully commissioned and set to healthy, GLONASS signals will be available across 90 percent of Russia and 80 percent of the globe, according to RISDE.Six new GLONASS satellites were added to the network in 2008. The first third generation (GLONASS-K) satellites are scheduled to be launched in the window of February 11–20, 2010, according to RIA Novosti. The head of Russian Space Agency, Anatoly Perminov said in September, 2008, that the number of satellites in the GLONASS network would be increased to 30 by 2011.[edit] Cooperation with the Indian governmentIn January 2004 the Russian Space Agency (RSA) announced a joint venture deal with India's space agency, the Indian Space Research Organization, wherein the two government agencies would collaborate to restore the system to constant coverage of Russian and Indian territory by 2008 with 18 satellites, and be fully operational with all 24 satellites by 2010.Details announced in mid-2005 reported that Russia would build the satellites and that between 2006 and 2008 two satellites would be launched from India’s Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Andhra Pradesh state, using the Indian Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) rockets. As of December 2009, India has yet to launch any satellites as part of this project.During a December 2005 summit between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it was agreed that India would share some of the development costs of the GLONASS-K series and launch two of the new satellites from India, in return for access to the HP signal.Discussions with United States governmentFollowing the December 2006 meeting in Moscow of the GPS-GLONASS Interoperability and Compatibility Working Group (WG-1), an announcement appeared on both US and Russian government websites stating both sides had made significant progress in understanding the benefit to the user community of changing GLONASS to a signal pattern that is in common with GPS and Galileo. A change in the GLONASS system from its current FDMA technique to the GPS and Galileo's DSSS format would enable a simply-designed receiver to use both satellite systems simultaneously.GPSWorld reported that the group had met twice prior to then and that the working group would likely make an announcement when they meet again in April 2007, during the International Satellite Forum 2007 in Moscow. However no announcement was made.[edit] Discussions with Cuba and VenezuelaRussia could include Cuba and Venezuela in a satellite navigation system originally designed for missile targeting by the Soviet military, the head of Russia's space agency said."We discussed the theme of joint use of the GLONASS satellite navigation system," Roskosmos chief Anatoly Perminov was quoted by RIA Novosti news agency as saying, referring to talks with officials in Venezuela.[edit] Civilian signals made officially availableOn May 18, 2007, Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a decree officially providing open access to the civilian navigation signals of the GLONASS system, to Russian and foreign consumers, free of charge and without limitations. The Russian president also directed the Federal Space Agency to coordinating work to maintain, develop and enable the system for civilian and commercial needs.Additionally, Mr. Putin acquired a GLONASS-enabled collar for his black Labrador, Koni, as an afterthought of using GLONASS to monitor cattle and animals in the wild.
Ето, тако. Edited by No7
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...Ето, тако.
Kako?Focke_Wulf Fw500 A-1Arado Ar P.I. (Ar E-583)A inace, evo kako stoje stvari:Prvi Su-35S ce biti isporuceni ratnom vazduhoplovstvu Rusije tokom druge polovine 2010. godine, kao deo narudzbe od ukupno 48 aviona iz avgusta ove godine; isporuka cele serije se ocekuje do 2015. godine.Isti proizvodjac ce 2010. godine isporuciti i prva cetiri aviona Su-34 kao deo porucene serije od 32 aviona. 5 pretserijskih aviona su vec isporuceni ratnom vazduhoplovstvu.Iako je 8 poboljsanih Su-27SM i Su-24M2 isporuceno ove godine, tokom 2010. godine se ne ocekuju nove narudzbe, ali ce se isporuka novih Su-27SM nastaviti, ako to bude bilo moguce, 2011. godine.Ili - ovako.A imas i onu ves masinu malo iznad.
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Т-50509.jpgПо питању "невидљивост" опет није копија Ф-22. Тражено је дефинитивно неко решење да има добре аеродинамичке особине и да има што мању видљивост те са те стране може имати нешто верћи одраз али ово је пак само прототип.Уосталом,Ф-22,RaptorTaxiingAndrewsAFB.jpg
F-22 je projekt prošlih vremena koji je čak i jadni nemoćni Barry uspio zaustaviti, jer je
"At a time when we're fighting two wars and facing a serious deficit, this would have been an inexcusable waste of money," Obama said after the vote.
Drago mi je da su Rusi izgleda puni ko brod.Projekt budućnosti je F 35, avion koji će za razliku od ovog ruskog DeLoreana - imati kupce.
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Prvi Su-35S ce biti isporuceni ratnom vazduhoplovstvu Rusije tokom druge polovine 2010. godine, kao deo narudzbe od ukupno 48 aviona iz avgusta ove godine; isporuka cele serije se ocekuje do 2015. godine.Isti proizvodjac ce 2010. godine isporuciti i prva cetiri aviona Su-34 kao deo porucene serije od 32 aviona. 5 pretserijskih aviona su vec isporuceni ratnom vazduhoplovstvu.Iako je 8 poboljsanih Su-27SM i Su-24M2 isporuceno ove godine, tokom 2010. godine se ne ocekuju nove narudzbe, ali ce se isporuka novih Su-27SM nastaviti, ako to bude bilo moguce, 2011. godine.
Добро је да се салжеш да је Т-50 ипак у основи рађен на платформи Т-10.Јесте, приоритет им је Т-50.Иначе,Russia to produce T-95 tanks, Mig-35 fighter jets http://www.zeenews.com/news594537.html
F-22 je projekt prošlih vremena koji je čak i jadni nemoćni Barry uspio zaustaviti, jer je Drago mi je da su Rusi izgleda puni ko brod.Projekt budućnosti je F 35, avion koji će za razliku od ovog ruskog DeLoreana - imati kupce.
Пројекат Ф-22 је пројекат будућности који је пукао јер се није комерцијалиозовао и за то искључиву одговорност сноси САД. Да је пројекат будучности и говори да су Руси први после њих увели 5-генерацију а да други још ни близу томе.Ф-35 је један ов већих промашаја Западне авио-индустрије. Тај пројекат не развијају само САД већ и Британија и други.(The development of the JSF will be jointly funded by the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, The Netherlands, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Norway, Denmark and Israel.)Ево и зашто.1. Пробијање рокова, неповерење између савезника, неуспуњавање технолошких захтева итд.http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/jan/12/defence-aircraft-jet-fighters-budgetСами Амери,

USN officials raise concern about F-35 affordabilityBy Stephen TrimbleThe US Naval Air Systems Command's top cost estimator has warned in a new internal briefing obtained by Flight International that the Lockheed Martin F-35B/C variants are getting harder to afford.Lockheed continues to insist, however, that cost estimates within the programme have not changed since 2007, which it says is supported by its recent contractual performance.But the NAVAIR briefing, presented to US Navy officials on 4 January, adds fuel to a series of recent reports that the Department of Defense is taking a more conservative approach to estimating the F-35's overall costs, with potential production unit cuts likely in the fiscal year 2011 budget request scheduled for release in February.According to NAVAIR's cost department, the F-35's total ownership costs, including development, production and sustainment, has doubled to $704 billion since Lockheed won the contract eight years ago.Moreover, NAVAIR estimates the total of 680 short take-off and vertical landing F-35Bs and carrier-variant F-35Cs, ordered by the US Marine Corps and USN, respectively, will cost $30,700 to fly each hour. This compares to $18,900 for the Boeing AV-8B Harrier II and Boeing F/A-18A-D, the aircraft types the Joint Strike Fighter will replace.Although NAVAIR projects the F-35 will fly 12% fewer flight hours than the AV-8B and F/A-18A-D fleets, the agency expects the modern aircraft to cost as much as about 25% more to operate at peak rates, the briefing says.The unexpected cost increases mean the F-35 "will have a significant impact on naval aviation affordability", the NAVAIR document concludes.Dan Crowley, Lockheed executive vice-president for the F-35, says the presentation reflects an ongoing dispute between the programme and the Joint Estimating Team (JET). The NAVAIR presentation bases its cost assumptions on the latest JET study.The programme uses a "bottom-up" approach to estimate costs, while the JET and NAVAIR estimates use a parametric model, Crowley says.But the dispute is not a trivial matter. If the DoD decides to submit a budget request based on the JET's higher estimate, Lockheed's orders for production aircraft could decline. Such a reduction sets the stage for the so-called "acquisition death spiral", as fewer orders lead to higher unit production costs, which in turn cause further cuts.But Crowley says that a production cut next year would not necessarily trigger a death spiral. Under Lockheed's interpretation of recent acquisition reform laws, the company could deliver more aircraft to the government than are put under contract.The first test of this theory could arrive during negotiations for the fifth annual lot of low rate production. "The government will be monitoring our prices for LRIP-5," Crowley says.Meanwhile, Lockheed will continue to develop its capacity planning based on the assumption that it will deliver one jet every working day by 2015 or 2016, says Crowley.

F-35 JSF Hit by Serious Design Problems http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/f-35-jsf-hit-by-serious-design-problems-04311/2. Computer Spies Breach Fighter-Jet Project http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124027491029837401.html3. Поређење Ф-35 са ПАК-ФА од стране Аустралијанаца који су, узгред буди речено, у пројекту Ф-35,http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-300309-1.htmlДео текста,

The sustained turning performance of the F-35A Lightning II was recently disclosed as 4.95 G at Mach 0.8 and 15,000 ft. A 1969 F-4E Phantom II could sustain 5.5 Gs at 0.8 Mach with 40 percent internal fuel at 20,000 feet. The F-35 is also much slower than the 1960s F-4E or F-105D. So the F-35A’s aerodynamic performance is ‘retrograde’ when compared with 1960s legacy fighters. The consequence of such inferior JSF performance is that its DAS might detect an incoming missile, but the aircraft lacks the turn-rate to out-fly it. As the F-35 also lacks the performance to engage or escape, repeated ‘freebie’ shots from the PAK-FA could inflict high losses. Expect the exchange rate to be of the order of 4:1 in favour of the PAK-FA, possibly much higher
ПАК-ФА и Ф-35 нису у истој равни. Ф-22 и ПАК-ФА јесу.Желим срећу Ф-35 како би ти био срећан.Али ја мислим да се ради о великом фијаску. Edited by No7
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