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- You're a convicted felon. You know that, don't you? As such, you're not allowed the God-given, American right of carrying a concealed weapon... loaded or unloaded.Sto volim ovo zezanje sa njihovim god-given pravima da se igraju oruzjem :lol:

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‘Justified’ Likely to End After Season 6, Says FXPosted on Thursday, January 9th, 2014 by Angie HanAs Justified enters its fifth season, fans may want to savor their time with Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant). There may not be too much of it left.Showrunner Graham Yost has previously said that he sees his Western drama running for six seasons, and though it’s not unheard of for a show to run beyond its originally intended lifespan if it proves popular enough, it seems that in this case he has the network backing him up. At a recent event, FX president Nick Grad confirmed that a six-season run is “the plan right now.” Hit the jump to find out why.Variety caught up with Grad at the show’s Season 5 premiere party. While Grad acknowledged the possibility that the plan could change, should the creatives need it to, he also offered some pretty compelling reasons for letting Justified go out after Season 6 instead of keeping it going indefinitely.We like having shows that rate really well, and there’s an instinct that you want it to go on forever. But it doesn’t. Another metric that’s important to us [beyond ratings] is, ‘What shows are going to be talked about in the next 20 years?’ If you’re making a great, 80-hour movie, it has to have a beginning, middle and end. Going out at the right time is going to make your show last forever — we want to make shows that stand the test of time.Yost, for his part, has said that six seasons is about a good length since anything longer runs the risk of turning into “Elmore light.”The advantage of ending a show at the right time was perfectly illustrated last year in the very different reactions to the Dexter and Breaking Bad farewells. Both started out as acclaimed shows, but one finale was regarded as a ridiculous capper to a show that had run out of creative steam years ago; the other was a (mostly) satisfying end to a TV drama that will surely be remembered as one of the greatest of all time.So if Yost and his bosses want to gracefully bow out after Season 6, more power to them. But I’m betting lots of fans will be sad to say goodbye all the same.
‘Justified’ Will Probably End After Season Six, Says FX’s Nick GradFor a show boasting a heaping helping of southern drawl, the premiere party for season five of FX drama “Justified” had a decidedly metropolitan touch.Following the Jan. 6 screening at West Hollywood’s DGA, guests headed to Sunset Blvd.’s chic RivaBella, where the buffet line stretched almost past the DJ booth.The premiere carried its reverential moments, as season five of the Timothy Olyphant-starrer will be the first since the passing of Elmore Leonard, the scribe whose short story “Fire in the Hole” served as the basis for the series. Damon Herriman, who plays Dewey Crowe in “Justified,” told Variety that while on set for season five, cast members read small sections of Leonard’s short stories to camera, clips that will be laced into a tribute video for the writer. (FX has also lined up a 90-second tribute to Leonard to air during the season five premiere.)“As Graham [Yost, creator] has said, they went to Detroit and Florida [for season five], the two very most ‘Elmore’ kind of locations, and they were excited about Elmore would think of the episode and very sad that he’s never going to see this season. But, he’s the inspiration behind all of this,” said FX prexy Nick Grad.Grad also said that ending “Justified” after a healthy six-season run is “the plan right now,” though that could always change given the needs of the creatives.“We like having shows that rate really well, and there’s an instinct that you want it to go on forever. But it doesn’t,” Grad noted. “Another metric that’s important to us [beyond ratings] is, ‘What shows are going to be talked about in the next 20 years?’ If you’re making a great, 80-hour movie, it has to have a beginning, middle and end. Going out at the right time is going to make your show last forever — we want to make shows that stand the test of time.”Season five of “Justified” introduces a slew of notable fresh characters. For series newbie Michael Rappaport — a Gotham-bred thesp — adapting to the southern accent that the drama calls for meant a whole lot of country music.“I listened to a lot to be as authentic as possible — Bobby Bare, Johnny Paycheck, Loretta Lynn. I never got into country music before this, so it’s like a whole new form for me.”While the hospitality at the “Justified” fete may have been more Hollywood, the South still had a presence at the event.At the bar, drinking patrons stood staring at big screen TVs stationed over the liquor selection. On the TV? Not “Justified” — rather, the BCS National Championship. FX brass and topliner Olyphant sipped wine and discussed the match-up between Auburn and Florida State — a decidedly Southern moment capping off the Florida scenery of “Justified’s” fifth run.(Pictured: “Justified’s” Walton Goggins and Timothy Olyphant flank FX’s Nick Grad.)
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Bah, da li je moguće...ovde barem postoji itekakvih opcija da se tera u još sezona...ali ajde, videćemo...Inače, početak nove sezone je vrh, naročito kako na kraju odlučuju da se (po svemu sudeći) presele u Givensov kraj u Kentaki :D

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I didn’t take you for a tennis fan, Mr. Crowder, but the only reason I can see you calling at this hour is to discuss Azarenka’s last match.WIN Duffy :Hail:Super prva epizoda.

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Sezona pocela bas jako. Mada jedno 80% radnje nije bilo u Harlanu. Detroit ili Florida. Meni su one scene iz Detroita (napustena zgrada i sastanak sa kanadskom mafijom u Tim Horton's) bile vrh.

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