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Ima jakih indicija da je bombardovanje sahrane oca hutskog ministra unutrašnjih poslova u Sani, u stvari izvela US Air Force, a ne saudijska avijacija. Pročitao sam ovo na par mesta, mogu da pronađem kasnije.


Inače, sukob se dobrano preliva iz Jemena. Huti su pre par dana na Crvenom moru raketom pogodili i ozbiljno oštetili ratni brod UAE, koji su ovi iznajmili od US Navy, bilo je i dosta poginulih na samom brodu. Takođe, prešli su i Crveno more, i u Eritreji su napali eritrejske trupe i uništili saudijski kamp za obuku budućih Hadijevih boraca. Huti definitivno imaju određenu organizacionu pomoć spolja, kao i specijaliste za upravljanje ovim projektilima koje poseduju - već više puta su balističkim raketama nanosili više nego bolne udare saudi koaliciji. Sa druge strane, UAE je iznajmio luku Berbera od nepriznate vlade Somalilenda, i tu će izgleda da prave mornaričku bazu sa KSA i Katarom.


Btw, potpuno je neverovatno da se o ovom sukobu tako malo piše u medijima. 

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Cak i kod ovih tanko™ i infrekventno...






US Oil Interests May Empower al-Qaeda and Islamic State in YemenApril 6, 2016

Nearly 3,000 civilians have been killed and millions displaced by strategic bombings of Yemen’s civilian infrastructure by Saudi Arabia’s air force. Leaked UN documents confirm that civilian buildings are the targets. Saudi Arabia is backed by the US and UK. While the US and UK each claim to have no role in the attacks, the Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir says that British and American military officials are working in tandem with the Saudis in commanding the air war on Yemen. ...

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Inace razne organizacije za ljudska prava pricaju o greskama koalicije. Vijest u Le Monde-u jedva moze da se nadje. Ustvari USA su najzustrije reagovale, razmisljaju da preispitaju podrsku koaliciji.

Citaj: "planiraju da osnuju radnu (parlamentarnu?) grupu koja ce da se pozabavi time", ne? 

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Tu si upravu kao sto bi trebali ocekivati da Obamu, Hollande-a,Cameron-a i ostale nazoves ratnim zlocincem. Oni nauruzavaju i podrzavaju ruku koja ubija civile. Tako si nazvao Putina.


Inacce u Libération je bio lijep clanak o razlicitim reakcijama zapadne diplomacije u vezi Yemen-a  i Sirije. Bravo.

Edited by borris_
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Ja ocekujem da PPP stane cvrsto na stranu Sauda ipak Huti "ruse legirimnu vlast" a Saudi intervenisu na poziv "legitimnog predsednika".


Biti suprotstavljen Saudijskoj Arabiji i njenim stavovima i interesima je, još malo pa stvar elementarne etike svake razumne i obrazovane osobe. To opet ne znači da su njeni protivnici mnogo bolji i da ih treba bezuslovno podržavati, naročito ako pokazuju sličan stepen agresivnosti u nametanju svoje vizije sveta.

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Mislim da je slogan Houti-a vrlo prijemčiv ovdašnjem stanovništvu. Imamo jedan slogan koji je protiv imperijalističkih sila, Amerike i Izraela, dosta je prkosan i u neku ruku trolovski, a u isto vreme je duboko religiozan. Bože pravde! Pomaže Bog junaci!


Bog je veliki,

Smrt Americi,
Smrt Izraelu,

Kletva na Jevreje,
Pobeda Islamu!


A ovo mi je mnogo jako:


"Regarding the words 'Death to America', we mean American politics, not the American people", says Hussein al Hamran, head of Foreign Relations for Ansar Allah (Houthis).[24] Ali al-Bukhayti, a former spokesperson and official media face of the Houthis, has said: "We do not really want death to anyone. The slogan is simply against the interference of those governments [i.e. US, and Israel]".


Hutije ne generalizuju, i u duhu čovekoljublja razdvajaju imperijalističku državnu politiku od nevinih američkih građana. Nije poznato da su izvršili terorističke akte na Zapadu ili u Americi.

Ako se uzme direktna pomoć Amerika Saudijskoj Arabiji, kao i indirektna pomoć Izraela, u vidu naoružanja i diplomatskog detanta između njih, uz položaj šiitskih Hutija koji su naslonjeni na Iran direktno, a indirektno na Rusiju, vrlo je jasno kome se ovde valja prikloniti...


Da li tu ima neke velike dileme? Sa jedne strame imamo ljude kojima deca skapavaju od gladi, dok se oni (bukvalno bosi, gladni i sa prepotopskim naoružanjem) bore za svoja narodna prava protiv koalicije od zlog oca i gore majke.


Druga strana su salfijski srednjovekovni suludi i zatucani fanatici pod crnom zastavom Islamske Države, rame uz rame sa ratnim zločincima Saudijske Arabije koji bombarduju škole i bolnice, kao i belosvetskim plaćeničkim šljamom koji je skinula sa koca i konopca Sudijska Arabija i opremila najsavremenijim oružjem i borbenim vozilima. Ima tu i navodno neke legitimne i neutralne centralne vlasti koja nema nikakav problem sa gorenavedenim, te implicitno staje na njihovu stranu.

Edited by Utvara
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On Aug 17, 2014 3:50 PM, "H" <hrod17@clintonemail.com> wrote:
>> Note: Sources include Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources
>> in the region.
>> >> >> >>
1. With all of its tragic aspects, the advance of ISIL
>> through Iraq gives the U.S. Government an opportunity to change the way it
>> deals with the chaotic security situation in North Africa and the Middle
>> East. The most important factor in this matter is to make use of
>> intelligence resources and Special Operations troops in an aggressive
>> manner, while avoiding the old school solution, which calls for more
>> traditional military operations. In Iraq it is important that we engage
>> ISIL using the resources of the Peshmerga fighters of the Kurdish Regional
>> Government (KRG), and what, if any, reliable units exist in the Iraqi
>> Army. The Peshmerga commanders are aggressive hard fighting troops, who
>> have long standing relationships with CIA officers and Special Forces
>> operators. However, they will need the continued commitment of U.S.
>> personnel to work with them as advisors and strategic planners, the new
>> generation of Peshmerga commanders being largely untested in traditional
>> combat. That said, with this U.S. aid the Kurdish troops can inflict a
>> real defeat on ISIL.

>> >> >> >>
2. It is important that once we engage ISIL, as we have now
>> done in a limited manner, we and our allies should carry on until they are
>> driven back suffering a tangible defeat. Anything short of this will be
>> seen by other fighters in the region, Libya, Lebanon, and even Jordan, as

>> an American defeat. However, if we provide advisors and planners, as well
>> as increased close air support for the Peshmerga, these soldiers can defeat
>> ISIL. They will give the new Iraqi Government a chance to organize itself,
>> and restructure the Sunni resistance in Syria, moving the center of power
>> toward moderate forces like the Free Syrian Army (FSA). In addition to air
>> support, the Peshmerga also need artillery and armored vehicles to deal
>> with the tanks and other heavy equipment captured from the Iraqi army by
>> ISIL.
>> >> >> >>
3. In the past the USG, in an agreement with the Turkish General Staff,
>> did not provide such heavy weapons to the Peshmerga, out of a concern that
>> they would end up in the hands of Kurdish rebels inside of Turkey. The
>> current situation in Iraq, not to mention the political environment in
>> Turkey, makes this policy obsolete. Also this equipment can now be
>> airlifted directly into the KRG zone.
>> >> >> >>
4. Armed with proper equipment, and working with U.S. advisors, the
>> Peshmerga can attack the ISIL with a coordinated assault supported from the
>> air. This effort will come as a surprise to the ISIL, whose leaders
>> believe we will always stop with targeted bombing, and weaken them both in
>> Iraq and inside of Syria. At the same time we should return to plans to
>> provide the FSA, or some group of moderate forces, with equipment that will
>> allow them to deal with a weakened ISIL, and stepped up operations against
>> the Syrian regime. This entire effort should be done with a low profile,
>> avoiding the massive traditional military operations that are at best

>> temporary solutions. While this military/para-military operation is moving
>> forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence
>> assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia,
>> which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and

>> other radical Sunni groups in the region.
This effort will be enhanced by
>> the stepped up commitment in the KRG. The Qataris and Saudis will be put
>> in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to
>> dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure. By
>> the same token, the threat of similar, realistic U.S. operations will serve
>> to assist moderate forces in Libya, Lebanon, and even Jordan, where
>> insurgents are increasingly fascinated by the ISIL success in Iraq.
>> >> >> >>
6. In the end the situation in Iraq is merely the latest and most
>> dangerous example of the regional restructuring that is taking place across
>> North Africa, all the way to the Turkish border. These developments are
>> important to the U.S. for reasons that often differ from country to
>> country: energy and moral commitment to Iraq, energy issues in Libya, and
>> strategic commitments in Jordan. At the same time, as Turkey moves toward
>> a new, more serious Islamic reality, it will be important for them to
>> realize that we are willing to take serious actions, which can be sustained

>> to protect our national interests. This course of action offers the
>> potential for success, as opposed to large scale, traditional military
>> campaigns, that are too expensive and awkward to maintain over time.
>> >> >> >>
7. (Note: A source in Tripoli stated in confidence that when the U.S.
>> Embassy was evacuated, the presence of two U.S. Navy jet fighters over the
>> city brought all fighting to a halt for several hours, as Islamist forces
>> were not certain that these aircraft would not also provide close ground
>> support for moderate government forces.)
>> >> >> >>
8. If we do not take the changes needed to make our security
>> policy in the region more realistic, there is a real danger of ISIL
>> veterans moving on to other countries to facilitate operations by Islamist
>> forces. This is already happening in Libya and Egypt, where fighters are
>> returning from Syria to work with local forces. ISIL is only the latest and
>> most violent example of this process. If we don’t act to defeat them in
>> Iraq something even more violent and dangerous will develop. Successful
>> military operations against these very irregular but determined forces can
>> only be accomplished by making proper use of clandestine/special operations
>> resources, in coordination with airpower, and established local allies.
>> There is, unfortunately, a narrow window of opportunity on this issue, as
>> we need to act before an ISIL state becomes better organized and reaches
>> into Lebanon and Jordan.
>> >> >> >>
9. (Note: It is important to keep in mind that as a result of
>> this policy there probably will be concern in the Sunni regions of Iraq and
>> the Central Government regarding the possible expansion of KRG controlled
>> territory. With advisors in the Peshmerga command we can reassure the
>> concerned parties that, in return for increase autonomy, the KRG will not
>> exclude the Iraqi Government from participation in the management of the
>> oil fields around Kirkuk, and the Mosel Dam hydroelectric facility. At the
>> same time we will be able to work with the Peshmerga as they pursue ISIL
>> into disputed areas of Eastern Syria, coordinating with FSA troops who can
>> move against ISIL from the North. This will make certain Basher al Assad

>> does not gain an advantage from these operations. Finally, as it now
>> appears the U.S. is considering a plan to offer contractors as advisors to
>> the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, we will be in a position to coordinate more
>> effectively between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army.)

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meni je tekst na nivou "da bude mir u svetu"





that the United States must end its complicity in a civil war that has caused a humanitarian catastrophe in one of the world’s poorest countries and fueled extremism. 


koji ekstremizam, čiji ekstremizam, ko ratuje, zašto, ko je protiv koga?


ovako imamo samo blanko "jačanje ekstremizma", kao da je "ekstremizam" pojava sama za sebe a ne pojava koja je vezana za grupu, ciljeve, strahove i partikularne interese.





The longer the war goes on, the harder it will be to end.


samo da prestane rat... pa zašto da prestane, ko će da pobedi, ko će definisati mir, ko će istrpeti gorčinu poraza, itd itd.


ne znamo, nije bitno, samo da bude mir.

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