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Amerika, zemlja velika

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Mogu da se sedim sa svima.. Od klosara, kurve na ulici do multi-multimilionera i pricamo iskreno o svemu. Ali brate mili, nikako ne mogu sa ovom generacijom liberala. Jebes mi sve ako nemaju neku dijagnozu. Apsolutno te ne cuju i totalno su iskljucivi. Po meni su i ruzni, valjda taj gnev sto imaju ih poruznjava na licu. Kao da im je mozak u oblaku... Mrznja izbija iz njih.... 


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Danas u 3pm ET izlaze prvi rezultati popisa koji će pokazati ko koliko dobija a ko koliko gubi elektora odnosno mesta u kongresu.


Očekivanja su da Teksas dobije 3, Florida 2, a po 1 države kao NC, AZ, CO, OR i Montana. U TX i FL gde će biti najviše novih mesta, redistricting je u rukama republikanaca, u AZ nezavisna komisija itd. 


Gubitnici su CA, NY, PA, RI, MN, IL, OH, MI, MN, AL, WV... To su naravno samo procene. 

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Javi, posto nemam vremena da pratim a zivo me zanima. Ako mozes i mapu pre i posle da nam nakacis da vidimo jasnije razliku.. Ako nadjes. 



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Iznenadjujuće na kraju. 


Teksas +2

Florida +1

Kolorado +1

Montana +1

NC +1

Oregon +1


Kalifornija -1

Njujork -1

Ilinoj -1

Mičigen -1

Ohajo -1

Pensilvanija -1

West Virginia -1


Rod Ajlend, Minesota na kraju zadržaše distrikt na uštrb Teksasa i Floride. 

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4 minutes ago, precog said:

znaci bolje covid nego gudra?



Retko ko se vraca nazad od kristal meta a jos nismo stigli dotle da ozivimo mrtve. 


Taj met.... :fur:... Tuga koliko talentovanih ljudi videh kako propadaju. Jedno koriscenje ti pravi crne  rupe u mozgu... Nepovratno. 

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Kad smo već kod narkomanije:




Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a pledge last month, along with most of the nation’s governors, to combat the opioid crisis, calling it “one of the deadliest drug epidemics in our nation’s history.” But when confronted with a spiraling HIV outbreak in his home state as a result of opioid addicts sharing contaminated needles, Pence dragged his feet before agreeing to lift a ban on programs that distribute sterile needles.


Indiana became a national flash point for the opioid epidemic last year when nearly 200 people in rural Scott County became infected with HIV primarily as a result of injecting Opana, a powerful prescription opioid, using dirty needles. Those needles spawned one of the biggest outbreaks of HIV in decades, with more than 20 new cases being diagnosed every weekat the height of the outbreak last year.


The governor resisted, but, under enormous pressure, he eventually agreed to a partial lifting of the ban. But critics say the statewide compromise has been ineffective because it offered little financial help to cash-strapped counties and permitted only “limited and accountable" exchange programs, as Pence described it.


State Rep. Ed Clere, a Republican who chaired the House public health committee, led the effort to legalize needle-exchange programs in response to the HIV outbreak. He initially proposed allowing counties with the highest hepatitis C infection rates to put such programs in place — something Pence and many others rejected out of hand.


Nije ni čudo što smo najebali sa Covidom, Pence je bio Trampov point man i za tu krizu. Na osnovu toga kako je uspešno rešavao sličnu public health krizu u Indijani, moglo je da se nasluti kolko će biti uspešan na saveznom nivou.



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40 minutes ago, mustang said:



Retko ko se vraca nazad od kristal meta a jos nismo stigli dotle da ozivimo mrtve. 


Taj met.... :fur:... Tuga koliko talentovanih ljudi videh kako propadaju. Jedno koriscenje ti pravi crne  rupe u mozgu... Nepovratno. 



the scale of Biden's spending and the breadth of his ambition suggest he is planning the most sweeping overhaul of the economy to benefit US workers and the less well off in generations, and is seeking to reverse attempts by ex-President Ronald Reagan and his successors to roll back the New Deal and Great Society programs of Democratic Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. His speech will be an important step in explaining what this means to the American people, with opposition building inside Washington to his plans to hike corporate taxes and capital gains taxes to pay for it all.


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Znas li sta hoces da kazes? 


Regan je bio 100% u pravu i kako radi trziste, slobodan kapital, zbog toga je amerika najbolja zemlja na svetu, daje sanse svakom, r&d najbolji na svet, najnaprednije ideje... . Njegova najveca greska je dozvola aclu tuzbe za svoje klijente/pacijente sto je uslovilo ukidanje bolnica za mentalno obolele. Trebao je doneti neki zakon protiv zatvaranja


Regan je poslednji koji je doneo amnestiju ilegalcima. 



Now f/mod edit: kindly excuse my absence/ ... Dosta smo pricali za danas



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Novi nivo ludila, moglo je i na temu o vakcinaciji… 
Trampovci naravno 
Ahahaha :D You can't make this shit up...

Even among our own population, we have at least three women with menstrual cycles impacted after having spent time with a vaccinated person,” she wrote, repeating a false claim that vaccinated people can somehow pass the vaccine to others and thereby affect their reproductive systems

Sent from my M2002J9G using Tapatalk

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