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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Meni su takve ideje u slucaju Wikileaksa suvise nategnute, ali ne bih ih nazvao "mentalno bolesnim".
+1. čak ću dodati da smatram da preispitivanje autentičnosti Wikileaksa u svetlu benefita za pojedinačne svetske vlade, iako ne može počivati na meritornom lancu dokaza, može doneti zanimljive zaključke.
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Neće USA da se potrese zbog toga šta neko čita, nego zbog toga što su ispali smešni diletanti i što su izgubili jedno 30% diplomatskog prestiža za samo jedan dan. Karakteristike stranih državnika ne treba da se povlače po medijima, onaj ko dozvoli da mu se desi ovakav "leak" postaće predmet raskalašnih viceva na diplomatskim prijemima.
i sto niko vise nece hteti da prica sa njima i straha da mu se ime ne pojavi u nekom buducem leaku, sad kad postane popularna ta vrsta sporta.
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Lavrov se slaže s Mušarafom:

"WikiLeaks is an amusing read, but in practical politics we are going to be guided by the concrete actions of our partners," Lavrov told journalists in New Delhi.
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Francuska reakcija je interesantna:Prvi bold: :isuse:Drugi bold: Sjajno je kako koriste uzajamno potiruće argumente. "Sramota, države imaju pravo na svoje tajne... a to što je objavljeno ionako smo svi znali, sramota!"
nije li bas frojd uvek koristio ovaj oksimoron kao pokusaj prikrivanja iskrene zelje. ono tipa: kume ja tvoju ruzicu nikad ne bi jebo, a i inace nevolim zene sa debelim listovima :Du svakom slucaju celokupna zajebancija sa vikijem je krajnje interesantna. do sada sto smo culi o danskoj jeste da je anders fogh rasmussen, da bi bio izabran na celo nato-a, za uslugu turskoj ugasio kurdsku teliviziju u danskoj. sve se moze i u najdemokratskioj demokratiji samo kad se mora :D
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E što ti je moć interpretacije. Balkanski Wikileak #1 u izvorniku daje malo drugačiju sliku o slučaju TakeTalibanGetObama:

Pahor reiterated that he would be willing to make the case, but in a one-on-one pull-aside with CDA, the PM gently - but unambiguously - linked success on detainee resettlement to a meeting with President Obama. He said that "a 20-minute meeting" with POTUS would allow him to frame the detainee question as an act of support for Slovenia's most important ally and evidence of a newly-reinvigorated bilateral relationship.
Ispada da je ustvari Pahor tražio tete a tete sa Obamom da bi svojoj vladi (javnosti) mogao prodati uzimanje 1 Talibana. biggrin.gif Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Neće USA da se potrese zbog toga šta neko čita, nego zbog toga što su ispali smešni diletanti i što su izgubili jedno 30% diplomatskog prestiža za samo jedan dan. Karakteristike stranih državnika ne treba da se povlače po medijima, onaj ko dozvoli da mu se desi ovakav "leak" postaće predmet raskalašnih viceva na diplomatskim prijemima.
Upravo to. Sto se Amerike tice istrpece par viceva na prijemima i to je to. Nakon toga business as usual. A ako se sazna za neke druge dilove, preference i tajne price lokalnih mocnika iz manjih i manje stabilnih drzava to vec drugoj strani stvara probleme vece od viceva.
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u svakom slucaju celokupna zajebancija sa vikijem je krajnje interesantna. do sada sto smo culi o danskoj jeste da je anders fogh rasmussen, da bi bio izabran na celo nato-a, za uslugu turskoj ugasio kurdsku teliviziju u danskoj. sve se moze i u najdemokratskioj demokratiji samo kad se mora
Obecao da ce ugasiti. Jadni Turci, mislim da se u istoj depesi zale na nekog Nemca koji je izabran na znacajnu poziciju u NATO suprotno ranijem dogovoru.
Tacan Ildem added that, as part of the 2009 POTUS-brokered deal that had overcome Turkish objections to the appointment of Anders Fogh Rasmussen as NATO Secretary General, Denmark had promised to clarify its legal requirements prerequiste to acceding to Turkey's request for the closure of Roj TV, a PKK mouthpiece. This still needed to be done, Ildem said. 18. © Picking up from Ildem, Sinirlioglu recalled the POTUS-brokered deal had included an understanding that a qualified Turk would be considered for Assistant Secretary General. Instead, he said, a German of uncompelling merit was selected. "We suspect a deal between Rasmussen and Merkel." Ildem complained high-level positions should be part of NATO reform: "We missed an opportunity with the selection of the Assistant Secretary General." Sinirlioglu added: "We let Rasmussen have Secretary General, because we trusted you."
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Јесте приметили како су се све српске странке некако стишале? Навикао сам да сваки дан видим неку конференцију за штампу о нечему, неко саопштење ни о чему, некакву полемику, али не - завладао је управо чудесни мир, као у илустрованим свешчицама Јеховиних сведока. Верујем да је разлог за стоички мир понајбољих српских синова - чиста савест. :ss1: А не ове глупости које брадата Сорошева зечица пласирa. <_<

U javnost izlaze i tajne iz regiona, gde političari i dalje sa strepnjom iščekuju šta će se o njima saznati, pa tako stižu informacije da je Milorad Dodik bio spreman da prizna nezavisnost Kosova.
Edited by Hella
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malo podsecanje:

Here are some of WikiLeaks' top past releases: - 2007: WikiLeaks officially launches after being founded the year before. - 2007: The site publishes "Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedures," a 238-page US Army instruction manual from 2003 for the prison at Guantanamo Bay. The detailed manual, which states rolls of toilet paper, among other things, could be given to detainees as rewards, was criticised by rights groups. - 2008: In September, during the 2008 US presidential campaign, the content of Sarah Palin's personal email account is hacked and some email screenshots posted on WikiLeaks. The manager of the McCain-Palin campaign, Rick Davis, called the leak "a shocking invasion of the governor’s privacy and a violation of law" in a statement. - 2008: WikiLeaks posts on its website a list of more than 10,000 names -- including addresses, telephone numbers and occupations -- of members of Britain's British National Party (BNP). At least one police officer was fired as a result of the leak, as British police and prison officers were banned from joining the BNP in 2004. The party threatened legal action against whoever had published the list. - 2009: In November, the site begins publishing what it says are hundreds of thousands of pager messages from the day of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington. WikiLeaks does not reveal how it obtained the pager messages purportedly from telecommunications companies, but technology blogs said at the time they appeared to be genuine. - 2009: WikiLeaks is among the websites to publish controversial documents and email exchanges between researchers at the Climate Research Unit at Britain's University of East Anglia, one of the world's leaders in the field. The leak was seized upon by climate change sceptics who said the emails supported their cause, sparking a global row later dubbed "climategate." An inquiry later cleared the researchers of any wrongdoing. - April 5, 2010: WikiLeaks releases a video of a US military Apache helicopter strike in Baghdad three years ago which killed two Reuters employees and a number of other people. The gun camera footage included audio conversations between Apache pilots and ground controllers in which they identify the men in a Baghdad street as armed insurgents and ask for permission to open fire. WikiLeaks said it obtained and decrypted the video "from a number of military whistleblowers" but did not provide any further information about how it got hold of the footage. - July 25, 2010: WikiLeaks releases nearly 77,000 classified US military documents -- Pentagon files and field reports spanning from 2004 to 2010 -- on the war in Afghanistan and said it would soon publish another 15,000. The documents reveal details of civilian victims and supposed links between Pakistan and the Taliban insurgents, infuriating the Pentagon and shining the spotlight on WikiLeaks. - October 22, 2010: WikiLeaks publishes the so-called "Iraq war logs," described as one of the biggest military leaks of all time. The 391,832 "SIGACT" (Significant Action) reports, written by US soldiers during the war in Iraq, date from January 2004 to the end of 2009. The logs detail cases of abuse and torture and 66,081 civilian deaths of which WikiLeaks claimed 15,000 were previously unknown. - November 28, 2010: In a new release dubbed "Cablegate," WikiLeaks starts publishing some 251,287 cables -- 15,652 of which are classified -- from 274 US embassies around the world. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs described those behind the leaks as "criminals, first and foremost" who had committed a "serious" offence.
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u svakom slucaju celokupna zajebancija sa vikijem je krajnje interesantna. do sada sto smo culi o danskoj jeste da je anders fogh rasmussen, da bi bio izabran na celo nato-a, za uslugu turskoj ugasio kurdsku teliviziju u danskoj. sve se moze i u najdemokratskioj demokratiji samo kad se mora :D
Ovo je najjace dosad. Apsolutni Vrh. :Hail: Jos kad bi iskopali nesto o holandskim ili svajcarskim smradovima... uh.
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najzad za neshto pametno da se iskoristi ovo chudo od wwwi ne bi trebalo biti nikakvo chudo..al nazalost jeste...u svakom sluchaju podrzavam

Edited by ivy
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