July 5, 201014 yr Ja ili izgorim sa normalnim ili ne pocrnim uopste sa velikim faktorima. Potrebno mi je enormno puno vremena izlaganja slabasnom suncu da bih dobio odgovarajucu boju bez ljustenja. Na srecu nisam riba pa me zabole, ja zivim da se buckam :)
July 6, 201014 yr EDIT - mada. kontrolisem vitamin D3 i uzasno je nizak. a to nije dobro - suncanje nije uvek lose (ali posle 16:00) July 5, 2010Public advice on suntanning may mean vitamin deficiency riskBy Steve Connor, Science EditorHealth bodies to acknowledge need to tan during peak hours - despite cancer risksConcerns over the link between rising skin cancer rates and exposure to sunshine may have led to overly precautionary advice being given to the public about staying out of the sun at midday, according to a confidential "position statement" by leading health organisations.The current advice to the public from the leading research charity on skin cancer, Cancer Research UK, states to spend between 11am and 3pm in the shade and to cover the skin with clothing, hats and sunscreen if out. But a confidential position statement being prepared by the charity in collaboration with other health organisations - and seen by The Independent - acknowledges the changing evidence and emphasises the importance of exposing the skin to the midday sun without any protection in order to maximise production of vitamin D.Many experts are concerned that past advice designed to protect against skin cancer may have resulted in an increased risk of other illnesses linked to a lack of vitamin D, which the body can only produce when skin in exposed to bright sunlight. New concerns about Britain's policy on sun exposure led to this review of the evidence about the risks and benefits of staying in the shade and covering up during the sunniest part of the day.The confidential document, seen by The Independent, says: "The time required to make sufficient vitamin D is typically short and less than the amount of time needed for skin to redden and burn. Regularly going outside for a matter of minutes around the middle of the day without sunscreen should be enough. When it comes to sun exposure, little and often is best. However, people should get to know their own skin to understand how long they can spend outside before risking sunburn under different conditions."The wording of the draft document is being seen by come commentators as a tacit admission by Cancer Research UK that it had got it wrong in the past about telling people to avoid the midday sun, to apply sunscreen and to stay in the shade in order to avoid exposure to the cancer-causing rays of the sun."Cancer Research UK is working on a new position statement on vitamin D and sunshine which it expects to agree with other health organisations," said Oliver Gillie, a health writer who has championed the case for vitamin D. "Their new position is expected to break with 20 years of advice to seek the shade and is expected to suggest that people go out in the sun in the middle of the day for at least a few minutes. Several health bodies have agreed to the wording but others are still discussing the details."Organisations such as the British Heart Foundation, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Diabetes UK and the National Osteoporosis Society are discussing what their public position should be on sunshine and vitamin D in the light of several new studies suggesting a link between various illnesses and a chronic lack of the vitamin.The draft position statement says: "Cancer Research UK's SunSmart campaign encourages people to enjoy the sun safely and avoid exposures that lead to sunburn. However, for most people, sunlight is also the most important source of vitamin D, which is essential for good bone health."It is important to ensure that skin cancer prevention messages are balanced with the need to make enough vitamin D, and reflect the latest scientific evidence." Sara Hiom, director of health information at the charity, said that the draft consensus statement has not yet been finalised, agreed or released. "It is not our advice to the public and should not be interpreted in that way," Ms Hiom said."Even once we reach a consensus we will not be advising the public to go in the sun in the middle of the day without sunscreen. This is because, for some people - those most likely to be at risk of skin cancer - a few minutes in the middle of the day is enough for them to burn and cause serious and lasting skin damage."The very fact that messages around safe sun exposure times cannot be generalised to the population means that our advice needs to be general and is, and will remain, to enjoy the sun safely, spend time in the shade around midday and know your own skin type."
July 6, 201014 yr Kako se prima taj vitamin D3? Jel moze preko jednog dela tela (aka ruke i lice) ili moras da se razgolitis kao puz golac i trcis knezom?
July 6, 201014 yr e a vidis, meni su babe stalno govorile da se maknem iz hlada i da suncam stomak jer sam zensko. sta god to znacilo..ja ne volim suncanje jer mi je vruce. boju dobijam sedeci u hladu i plivajuci, a na moru plivam/ronjam/skacem prelom s decom barem 4h dnevno. najcesce vise..
July 6, 201014 yr nemam nešto mnogo strpljenja za sunčanje.boju dobijam brzo.mada najpre izgorim..pa crveno postaje crnoi na kraju mi ostane bezbroj mladeža.a to za sunčanje stomaka sam i ja čula!
July 6, 201014 yr evo danas sam se natovario iskustvom pa mogu da prozborim koju na ovu temubio kod drugara na placu, fizikalisao i izgoreo kao rak, ali onaj radnicki rak samo faca, ruke do majice i listovi na nogamasad sam se namazao nekim govnetom da manje pece...a pece...bem ti i suncanje i lopatu
July 6, 201014 yr to se zove ''seljačko šarenilo'' :)hvala Valk. da se nije mozda vratilo u modu ove sezone?
July 6, 201014 yr ''seljačko'' as in ''seoski radovi'' ne kao ''b'ate vidi mi tozla, e''da se manje uvrediš..nije nikad ni bilo u modi pa da bi se nakon lutanja u nju vratilo. sorry. savetujem ti da obmotaš podlaktice i glavu zavojima i da tako ležiš ispred kuće. da se ujednačiš. Edited July 6, 201014 yr by Valkyrie
July 6, 201014 yr ''seljačko'' as in ''seoski radovi'' ne kao ''b'ate vidi mi tozla, e''da se manje uvrediš..nije nikad ni bilo u modi pa da bi se nakon lutanja u nju vratilo. sorry. savetujem ti da obmotaš podlaktice i glavu zavojima i da tako ležiš ispred kuće. da se ujednačiš.mozda nije bilo kod vas u gradu u modi ali u neki pasivnijim krajevima su cure to znale da cene svojevremeno...a hteo sam veceras da uletim u prvi solarijum i histericno uzviknemMUNJO SPRZI ZECA!da se dokrajcim skroz...
July 6, 201014 yr mozda nije bilo kod vas u gradu u modi ali u neki pasivnijim krajevima su cure to znale da cene svojevremeno...a hteo sam veceras da uletim u prvi solarijum i histericno uzviknemMUNJO SPRZI ZECA ČINČILU!da se dokrajcim skroz...e nemoj, ja sam poštovalac ''seljačkog šarenila'', i sama sam ga furala svojevremeno kad sam išla kod pok. dede da ''kupim šljive''. To je jedan od jačih pokazatelja poštenog rada, nemoj ga se stideti već ga ponosno pokazuj. Pravac na neko adekvatno mesto za pokazivanje (Ada, bazeni, fontana kod Nikole Pašića..)
July 7, 201014 yr Ja kad tako neujednaceno dobijem boju, lepo par dana za redom zalegnem na terasu i suncam se go, a pritom pokrivam delove koji su vise pocr(ve)neli - najcesce ruke sa spoljne strane, grudi i ledja/ramena. Nije bas kulturno jer mogu da me vide sa cetvrtog sprata moje zgrade i sa visih spratova zgrade pored... ali jebiga.
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