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On 29. 3. 2024. at 20:42, kipo said:

S jedne strane UN da jede govna, s druge, mozda to razvije jedra za dobre vjetrove...


poboljsace polozaj zena donosenjem zakona o minimalnoj velicini kamenja kojima se kamenuju preljubnice.

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On 31. 3. 2024. at 3:45, bags said:


Dugacak ali vredi, jos citam. 

Prepoznajem neke slicnosti sa Ekvadorom (tinejdzeri, svi u zatvoru, reket od $1 i ubistva ulicnih prodavaca, tetovaze) ali i razlike (mnogo vise para u igri zbog droge, monogo veca zemlja i usitnjenije grupe).

Zapravo ta igra izmedju trgovine drogom i reketa je glavna dinamika u stopi ubistava i otmica civila.




'Not a joke': Botswana threatens to send 20,000 elephants to Germany over trophy hunting ban :lolol:



'Not a joke': Botswana threatens to send 20,000 elephants to Germany over trophy hunting ban

In response to Germany's move toward banning trophy hunting, Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi said: 'You should live with the animals the way you try to tell us to'

71524022007-encinas-amaris.jpg?crop=513,Amaris Encinas
A first-time mother and one-month-old male elephant calf share a moment together at the Indianapolis Zoo on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023.

No one is more tired of the debate over hunting elephants than The Republic of Botswana, which has the world’s largest population of pachyderms.

The African country is often considered a conservation success story but is struggling to manage a growing population of elephants, which currently stands at over 130,000, NBC News reported. Which is why President Mokgweetsi Masisi is taking issue with a new development in Germany this week.

Germany, one of the European Union’s largest hunting trophy importers, is moving to ban the importation of elephant trophies, according to NBC News. 

If passed, the ban would disincentivize trophy hunters in the European Union from going to Botswana, according to NBC News.

Masisi, who is unhappy with the recent developments, threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany as a result. The gesture is “not a joke” Masisi told Bild, a German tabloid. 

USA TODAY has reached out the German government and The Republic of Botswana for comment but has not heard back.

Here’s what we know. 

Germany ‘should live with the animals,’ can't begin to understand elephant predicament, president says

Kiba, who is one of three elephants in the African Elephant Savannah, an exhibit at Nashville Zoo cools off on a hot day on June 24, 2005.

Despite Masisi’s threat to send thousands of elephant herds to Germany, a spokesperson for the country’s Federal Agency for Nature Conservation told NBC News that "there is currently no formal request of a transfer of 20,000 elephants from Botswana to Germany.”

“You should live with the animals the way you try to tell us to,” Masisi said about Germany.

There are quite a few “negative impacts” in connection with the number of big elephant herds in Botswana. Environmental damage, among them. 

Elephants are known to destroy vegetation "by trampling and foraging," which is "a major cause of concern,” according to the National Library of Medicine. Not to mention dangers posed to residents. 

“It is very easy to sit in Berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in Botswana," Masisi was quoted saying in NBC reporting. "We are paying the price for preserving these animals for the world."

It's not immediately clear how or when Masisi would get thousands of elephants to Germany, but the president has dug his heels in on the subject, saying, according to NBC News: “We won’t take no for an answer."

An elephant is pictured at the Oklahoma City Zoo, on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024.

Botswana has threatened to send herds of elephants to other countries before

Britain’s parliament approved a ban on the import of hunting trophies, joining Belgium, earlier this month.

Government officials from Botswana also “threatened to flood Hyde Park in London” with 10,000 elephants, NBC reported. There have been plenty instances of documented dissent over trophy hunting, from other governments and animal rights organizations, that prompted Botswana to initially ban trophy hunting in the country in 2014. 

Botswana reversed the decision a couple years later, citing “loss of income, damaged crops and elephants killing livestock,” according to NBC News. 

“Elephants are intelligent creatures and so steered clear of the hunting areas as far as possible until hunting was banned,” Dilys Roe, chair of the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group, told NBC News. Once the ban was in place, the elephants “not only re-inhabited those areas but also ventured out onto the adjacent farmland with huge damage to crops and livelihoods."

Trophy hunting may seem like a "visceral representation of how humans endanger animals," but it doesn't actually "threaten the survival of species as a whole," NBC reported.

Trophy hunting may actually have the ability to aid in conservation efforts by “giving value to wildlife and therefore increasing the tolerance of local people to put up with dangerous wild animals on their doorsteps,” Roe told NBC. 


Germany probably won't see elephants despite threats from Botswana

Though it's highly unlikely that President Masisi would follow through with his plan to send thousands of elephants to Germany, or any other country for that matter, Roe says the point he made was valid. 

“We in London, Berlin, New York or elsewhere have no idea what it’s like to live alongside dangerous animals and simply be expected to put up with them,” Roe told NBC News. “We wouldn’t want elephants in our back gardens.”


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Ovde zabavu nikad kraja.



Upravo je ekvadorska policija provalila u embasadu Meksika i na silu izvela i odvela u zatvor bivseg potpredsednika  Koreine vlade Horhe Glasa koji je u ambasadi trazio  i dobio azil danas. Glas je bio osudjen za nekoliko slucajeva korupcije, odleza 2/3, pusten, pa su mu opet nesto, kao, nasli i on otisao u meksicku ambasadu.


U mejdvermene jue AMLO nesto pljuvao Ekvador oko, po njemu, namestenog ubistva predsednickog kandidata u Ekvadoru Fernanda Viljavisencija i tako...



Za klasu zanimljivije od boks meca Milei (Argentina) - Petro (Kolumbija).



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1 hour ago, Budja said:


Upravo je ekvadorska policija provalila u embasadu Meksika i na silu izvela i odvela u zatvor...

Dobro je, dobro: Vrli Novi Svet je uspesno srusio jos jednu civilizacijsku tekovinu- svetinju, nepovredivost diplomatskog predstavnistva...

Cak se ni Rusitm/KGB nisu upustali u upadanje i izvodjenje na silu iz ambasada uteklih azilanata, poput kardinala Mindszenty-ja, Imre Nagy-a... 


Svakog dana u svakom pogledu... :fantom: 

6 hours ago, namenski said:

Svakog dana u svakom pogledu... :fantom: 


Idemo pravo u pm. Ono malo pravila shto se ipak poshtovalo medjunarodnih i standarda raznih, odlazi polako pa sve brze u tri lepe...

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Posted (edited)

Nešto detaljnije:






Edited by vememah
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Valja kontekstualizovati dogadjaje.



U junu su predsednicki izbori u Meksik. Clauida Sheinbaum, kandidat AMLOove partije MORA je favorit.


AMLO (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) svakog dana drzi svoje KZS u 10 pre podne, i voli da prica, ko neko koga ovde poznajemo. Klasika, malo udri po novinarima, malo spoljna politika... Tako je pre par dana, nicim izazvan, krenuo da prica o Ekvadoru i ko stoji iza ubistva predsednickog kandidata Fernanda VIljavisensija. Posto je  njegova verzija bliska verziji  opozicije, onda je ekvadorski predsednik Noboa proterao amabsadorku Meksika (umesto racionalnijeg pozicanja na "konsultacije"). Onda je AMLO dao azil Glasu. I ovo sinoc.



E, sad, za dve nedelje je referendum u Ekvadoru sa nekih 11 pitanja, ustavne kategorije. Valja podici tenzije i predstaviti se jak kao Putin i Bukele jer su prognoze pola-pola.


Dakle, sustinski politikanstvo sa obe strane, s tim sto je Ekvador prekoracio granicu dozvoljenog.






  • +1 1

Dakle, sutra i preksutra restrikcije struje od OSAM sati.


Welcome to Haiti/Venezuela.


Hidroelektrane suve, sva jezera suva, najveca hidrolelektrana van upotrebe, Kolumbija ne moze da nam izveze struju jer je i sama u kriticnoj situaciji.


Predsednik otpustio sopstvenu ministarku energije i presavio tabak i podigao tuzbu za "izdaju zemlje".


Sve to u svetlu ustavnog referenduma koji se odrzava u nedelju, a o kome sam vec pisao povodom upada u meksicku ambasadu.


Pri tome, danas isplivali diplomatski kablovi na Interceptu kako SAD preko Ekvadora lobiraju u UN protiv priznavanja Palestine.





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