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Pa jeste, bolje da se plati teretana nego da se dobrovoljno radi na akciji. Ionako do tih nedodjija sada ne bi moglo ni da se stigne koliko je propala infrastruktura. Red voznje vozova je kao kad je bio Cira. Platis ulaz u klub, pice koje kosta 1000% od prodajne cene i juris sojke sa kojima ne mozes ni da pricas koliko je bucno, a zasto i da pricas kad to nema svrhu. Na igrankama tokom akcija si morao da pricas, to je bio smor. Pozeljno je bilo i da sviras gitaru, bezveze.

E jebi ga..ja taman pomislio eto nekoga kome se iskreno dopada kako izgleda DPRK ili mu se bar dopada ono sto o njoj moze da sazna..Kad ono, primenjena i akutna nostalgija.

U 21. veku i ljubav prema drzavi i sistemu postaje bofl roba.

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Pa jeste, bolje da se plati teretana nego da se dobrovoljno radi na akciji. Ionako do tih nedodjija sada ne bi moglo ni da se stigne koliko je propala infrastruktura. Red voznje vozova je kao kad je bio Cira. Platis ulaz u klub, pice koje kosta 1000% od prodajne cene i juris sojke sa kojima ne mozes ni da pricas koliko je bucno, a zasto i da pricas kad to nema svrhu. Na igrankama tokom akcija si morao da pricas, to je bio smor. Pozeljno je bilo i da sviras gitaru, bezveze.  


Znamo mi sta tebe boli...

Edited by braca
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E jebi ga..ja taman pomislio eto nekoga kome se iskreno dopada kako izgleda DPRK 


Pa znas sta, ima ljudi koji vole da im neko drugi organizuje zivot, a oni samo da prate kako se svira. Prvo roditelji diktiraju, onda vaspitaci i ucitelji, pa nadzornici u vojsci i na poslu. Sve dok nisi ni za sta. Na srecu mi zivimo u slobodnom i demokratskom drustvu pa nam niko drugi ne organizuje zivot, vec radimo ono sto hocemo. 



Edited by noskich
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Attack on Kunduz Trauma Centre | AFGHANISTAN
Initial MSF internal review


lekari bez granica objavili detalje incidenta u kunduzu, kada su amerikanci gadjali njihovu bolnicu.

sat vremena je trajao napad. 



Médecins Sans Frontières has taken a decision to publically release the initial outcomes of its own MSF review of what happened before, during and immediately after the US airstrikes on the hospital in Kunduz.


“The hospital was razed to the ground after a wave of attack from the air. We lost our ability to treat patients at a time when we were needed the most. Thirty of our patients and medical staff died. Some of them lost their limbs and were decapitated in the explosions. Others were shot by the circling gunship while fleeing the burning building. We were forced to leave patients to die on the operating table and others burning in their ICU beds.

The view from inside the hospital is that this attack was conducted with a purpose to kill and destroy.


Many staff describe seeing people being shot, most likely from the plane, as people tried to flee the main hospital building that was being hit with each airstrike. Some accounts mention shooting that appears to follow the movement of people on the run.


Edited by Takeshi
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Iran's regime joins campaign against actress who posted images without wearing a hijab


Sadaf Taherian fled to the United Arab Emirates after she was criticised for sharing images without the Muslim head covering


Iran’s regime has joined the campaign against a leading actress who released photographs of herself without a veil, questioning the woman's mental balance and calling her an "offender".

Sadaf Taherian was forced to flee to the United Arab Emirates last week after being criticised for publishing pictures on social media showing her without the traditional Muslim head covering, or hijab.


Chekame Chaman-Mah, another leading Iranian actress, caused further controversy by coming out in support of Ms Taherian by posting her own photos on Instagram with her hair dyed in red. Ms Chaman-Mah is believed also to have fled Iran.

The ministry of culture and lslamic guidance in Tehran announced that neither woman would be allowed to act and both should repent. “As far as this ministry is concerned, these two individuals are no longer considered to be artists any more and do not have any right to act,” said Hossein Noushabadi, a spokesman.


“Both of them have to apologise to the Iranian people and publicly announce that the reason behind publishing their photos on social media is that they suffer from lack of esteem and have psychological and personal complexes.”


Mr Noushabadi told Fars news agency that both women faced legal action in Iran. “We do not act as public prosecutor and I have no idea as to how other government agencies might deal with these individuals, but they would certainly be looked upon as offenders on their return to the country.”


Last week, state television stopped broadcasting the popular Amin series in which Ms Taherian stars.


For her part, Ms Taherian said she was stung by the criticism over the photos. “I did not expect this from the people of Iran, from my own culture – to hear so many insults. I can only feel sorry for their reaction and I have nothing else to say. "I want to live in a place and live the way that makes me happy," she told a radio station.

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Detention centre in lockdown after Iranian Kurdish man found dead on Christmas Island    "An Iranian Kurdish detainee has died after escaping from the Christmas Island detention centre."




dakle australija i dalje da prolazi nekaznjeno, uprkos ociglednim prekrsajima ljudskih prava. fakin' zastrasujuce.

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Cao peronisti. Bilo je vreme.


Exit polls kazu 10% prednosti za Makrija u odnosu na Sciolija.


Sledeca je Venecuela 6. decembra.


Mislis da u Venecueli ovakav ishod moze proci mirno ili ce Maduro pokusati da se brani od "izdajnika" svim sredstvima ukoliko bude potrebe?

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Mislis da u Venecueli ovakav ishod moze proci mirno ili ce Maduro pokusati da se brani od "izdajnika" svim sredstvima ukoliko bude potrebe?


Ludji svakako jeste, i verovatno, zajedno sa Diosdadom Kabeljom, umesan u svakakve grozne stvari. Moguce je da pribegnu vanrednom stanju ili necem slicnom. Ili da koristi siroka ustavna ovascenja i vlada potpuno mimo Parlamenta.


No, vaznije je da se srusi mit o nepobedivosti i legitimnosti te autoritarne, korumpirane i nesposobne vlasti.

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