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izgleda da je najpametniji među nama uobičajeno bio u pravu na predmetnom topiku :fantom:


Man sucked out of passenger jet after bomb exploded was a suicide bomber who smuggled his device on board in his WHEELCHAIR, claim investigators

    Investigators believe alleged terrorist was sucked out of plane after blast
    Suspected bomber tore a hole in the side of the Daallo Airlines flight D3159
    Computer programmer revealed blast ripped into the Airbus A321 fuselage
    Survivor Hassan Nur told of how passengers screamed as smoke filled jet

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3431295/Islamist-terror-group-Al-Shabaab-named-prime-suspects-bomb-blast-tore-hole-Somali-plane-sucked-passenger-death.html#ixzz3zEBV7ny8

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bilo bi dobro da se ovim siromasima pošalje neka kinta pa da ne siluju decu :fantom:


Riyadh (AsiaNews / Agencies) - 80% of children in Saudi Arabia have been the subject of violence at least once or various kinds of abuse. This has been revealed by a study prepared and published recently by the National Family Safety Program, which has examined cases involving at least 18 thousand children and young people.


The study confirms that the phenomenon of large-scale child abuse is taking place in the country where strict Wahhabi morals and Sharia (Islamic law) prevails, punishing offenses (including adultery and apostasy) with the death penalty.


The study, published by the Saudi daily Arab News, showed that 13% of young people have suffered sexual violence, 53% neglect by the family, and 80% subject to physical or psychological abuse. The study also shows that there is little knowledge on the subject of domestic violence, with only 2% of the 5,700 social workers having received special training to work with abusers and victims.




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ajde nek neko okrivi velikosrpski nacionalizam nisu valjda religjia mila i religija mira zglajzali nešto :fantom:


Tinejdžer iz CG poginuo u Siriji kao džihadista

Beograd -- Državljanin Crne Gore Ernad Huseinović poginuo je u Siriji boreći se na strani Islamske države, javljaju “Večernje novosti“.

Izvor: Večernje novosti nedelja, 7.02.2016. | 22:05


Prema navodima beogradskog lista, 18-godišnjak iz Plava je stradao u bombardovanju 20. januara ove godine, a u aprilu 2015. je iz Bohuma otišao u SIriju.

Smrt još jednog džihadiste sa severa Crne Gore potvrdili su i zvanični izvori, a tokom minulog vikenda "pod Lovćenom" su se brojali "sveti ratnici" pali dosad na ratištima Bliskog istoka u redovima ID.


Pre Ernada tamo su život ostavili Mirza Haklaj iz Podgorice, Adis Salihović iz Rožaja i Damir Šlaković iz Bara... Prvi poginuli je bio Rožajac Adis Salihović ili Ebu Merdija. Sa njim je u akciji napada na jedan zatvor stradao i Novopazarac Eldar Kundaković pod ratničkim imenom Ebu Bera.

Novinska arhiva kaže da je zvanična Podgorica pre 12 meseci iznela podatak da se u redovima ID bori svega šest državljana ove zemlje. Danas iz poluzvaničnih izvora, poimence, govori se o desetak mladih ljudi koji su otišli da se bore "protiv nevernika". Oni su iz Plava, Rožaja, Bara, Nikšića i interesnntno je da imaju fejsbuk-profile na kojima ne kriju svoje opredeljenje za džihad.

A sama vest da familija Huseinovića, poginulog 20. januara 2016, u Plavu i dalje prima izraze saučešća podstakla je lokalnu čaršiju da izbroji koliko se Plavljana trenutno bori u Siriji. Prema ovom "otvorenom" spisku, tamo su braća Džemal i Kenan Canović, kao i Omar Redžepagić. Semir Hasanagić je navodno u redovima ID sa svojom suprugom Ines Canović...

U Siriji ratuju i Adem Mustafić iz Bara, E. K. iz Bijelog Polja i S. F. i A. F. iz Rožaja. U dva navrata u tu zemlju je pokušao da uđe i Baranin Hasib Kastrati, kome su crnogorske obaveštajne službe izgubile svaki trag.






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kao da će to sprečiti silovanje


nego dobročinitelji vidite šta ovi islamofobi pričaju jel oni možda znaju nešto o čemu vi nemate blage veze a :fantom:


ISIS Savagery Comes from Islamic History

The West Likely to "Contain" ISIS Like It Contained the IRA and Arafat

In a December 15 lecture about ISIS at the American University in Beirut, Abdel Bari Atwan, former editor-in-chief of "Al-Quds Al-Arabi" and the current editor-in-chief of "Al-Rai Al-Youm" rejected common claims that the savagery of ISIS is alien to Islam, presenting examples of similar conduct from Islamic history. Atwan said that the West faces two options: to contain ISIS or to destroy it. The former is more likely than the latter, he added. The West always starts by trying to destroy organizations that it considers to be terrorist and ends up negotiating with them, Atwan said, citing the Taliban, the PLO, and the IRA as prominent examples.




Recent reports suggest that over a thousand converts to Christianity from Islam currently live in Italy, but hide their conversions for fear of retaliation from the Muslim community against themselves and their families.

A 55-year-old Egyptian chemical engineer who now works a waiter in a city of central Italy, was a fervent Muslim who converted to Christianity in Italy after the death of his mother and was baptized three years ago.

The man, who asked to remain anonymous to avoid retribution from Muslims, said that the decisive element in his conversion came from seeing Christians with “a humanity more complete than mine” and wanting to find what they had found.



Edited by Hella
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extra vam je ovo kulturno bogaćenje pedofilijom građanijo jel možete malo da objasnite kako to poboljšava život u evropi :fantom: 


Child brides being brought to Europe by their often considerably older migrant husbands are to be separated in Denmark, but one high profile Imam is urging the government to accept “that it is a different culture”.


“One should look at these cases from a different perspective. It is an extraordinary humanitarian situation, and I think you have to take care of these families. They’re married, and even if the man is twice as old as they have built a family. We have to accept that it is a different culture, and we can not destroy family life”.




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Видим да мозгате око Курда и САА. Асад ће допустити Куридма да иду уз турску границу јер му то одговара, САА се већ зауставила у напредовању на северу Алепа у пустила је Курде да тамо узимају територију. Курди уопште не морају да узму Азаз да би се спојили, после узимања Тел Рифата, иду на Маре и Ал баб, где ће спојити. Имају велику подршку руса из ваздуха и у техници. САД то одобравају само што не смеју отврено то да кажу. То је ноћна мора Турака.

Што се тиче уласка Саудијаца у рат, само ваздушно, Саудијци немају озбиљну војску јер се племе Сауда плаши јаке војске. Њихово најјаче оружје је корупција западних политичара и медија. Ваздухопловсто је јако али је у Јемену више погађало школе и фабрике него ли Хуте, додуше то не можете видети на ударним станицама западних медија из већ наведеног разлога.

Што се тиче самог сукоба Персијанаца и Арапа, Арапи имају лоше искуство још из времена Ирачко-Иранског рата. Када је Ирак имао подршку Арапа, запада и СССР и једва извукао нерешено против тотално изолованог Ирана. Али то није био онај рат, као што Израел започне, па направи предност на терену те Амери прекину после 7 дана и Арапи се повуку, рат Иран-Ирак је трајао годинама и однео милион живота.

Edited by Korki
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Ердоган је испао невероватно говедо. САД су га навукле само тако са обарањем руског авиона. Ту САД ништа нису могле да изгубе а добијале су много. Или ће се Руси залететити у освету и напаравити велику штету себи, што се није десило, или ће Ердоган настрадати. Зато он сада куми и моли да добије Путина, на његову жалост и Руси то знају. Руси су били они који су спречавали да се форимра јак курдски блок. САД нису могле да подрже јако Курде јер то значи распад Нато-а. Сада Руси форсирају Курде.

Типична игра за САД и забијање ножа у леђа савезницима за које процене да су истрошени и да праве проблеме. Много то чешће раде од Руса. Што је ДС у Србији најбоље осетио а Мило Ђукановић ће ускоро. Нешто слично се дешава и на Косову.

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I've seen much here in Nigeria over the last 3 years. I have spared you for many experiences when we've been on the rescue operations. Thousands of children are being accused of being witches and we've both seen torture of children, dead children and frightened children. This footage shows why I fight. Why I sold everything I own. Why I'm moving out in uncharted territory. Why the new documentary is so important for dinnødhjælps work so we can shout world leaders up so we can get focused on superstition in Nigeria! I hope you will all see with when " Anja Africa ' is being shown on TV. Together we can make the biggest difference!


I have chosen to call the boy hope for right now, we all hope that he survives. He is in the hospital and you guys want to support hope with medicine and hospital bills as you daily pay for hospitalisation here in Nigeria can make a contribution on dinnødhjælps mobilepay: 27 21 24 34

The details of today's rescue mission yesterday I can't go into now. But you will see it all in the new documentary "Anja Africa" being shown on dr2 so remember to watch!

Loving thoughts from Anja





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ej progresivni mislioci vidite islamofob :fantom:


Why I Left Islam and Now Help Others Who Are Doing the Same


By Imtiaz Shams February 17, 2016 | 5:55 pm


The first thing you need to know about ex-Muslims is that the best term in Arabic to describe us is basically a swear word: murtadd, meaning someone who "turns their back" on Islam. The word has a dirty, spit-on-the-ground feeling to it, with a rolling "R" and a sharp drop at the end. This is where you need to start if you want to even begin unpacking the ubiquitous, systematic discrimination we face that can pervade all aspects of our lives.




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