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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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1 hour ago, BarryWhite said:

U Tanzaniji je katastrofa samo niko o tome na prica. Prevoz normalno funkcionise i verske sluzbe nisu zabranjene a broj zarazenih niko ne zna ali svaki dan 5 do 10 vozaca kamiona koji ulaze u Ugandu iz Tanzanije su testirani pozitivno. Zabia i Kenija su zatvorile granice sa Tanzanijom a americka ambasada u Dar Es Salamu je izdala upozorenje vezano za situaciju u Tanzaniji. Evo par tekstova o situaciji u Tanzaniji:



Prijatelj koji iz Tanzanije i sad je u Ugandi mi je potvrdio da je stuacija bas losa u Tanzaniji, on ima par prijatelja koji su doktori. 

Ne sporim. Nemam pojma kako je tamo a ni moj pasha, komentar je bio vise rekla-kazala.

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More than 40 people have tested positive for the novel coronavirus following a church service in Frankfurt, Germany's financial centre, earlier this month, the head of the city's health department told a news agency on Saturday (May 23).

The service took place on May 10 at a Baptist church, the department's deputy chief Antoni Walczok told local newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau.




At least 10 people have been infected with COVID-19 following a private party at a restaurant in rural northern Germany.

German media NDR reported statements from guests that night citing violations like people shaking hands, not wearing masks, and disregarding minimum distancing of 2 meters (7 feet) between guests.


Edited by vememah
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U Spaniji se sad pod pritiskom svakodnevnih demonstracija ubrzano ukidaju mere v.stanja, iako se broj umrlih u Katalunji uopste ne prikazuje u dnevnom izvestaju, Ta brojka se krece oko 900 preminulih poslednjih dana.

Iako je bilo receno da letnje sezone nece biti za inostrane goste, tek negde u oktobru, sad je naprecac doneta odluka da se sezona otvara 1.jula, povodeci se za Italijom, Grckom...

interesantan fenomen v.stanja - malo se govori o burn-out-u, padu odbrambenog sistema usred stresa u vezi izgubljenog posla ili zatvorenog biznisa. Ja vec licno poznajem dvoje ljudi, koji su zaglavili preko dve nedelje u bolnici.

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Covid-19 patients are no longer infectious after 11 days of getting sick even though some may still test positive, according to a new study by infectious disease experts in Singapore.

A positive test “does not equate to infectiousness or viable virus,” a joint research paper by Singapore’s National Centre for Infectious Diseases and the Academy of Medicine, Singapore said. The virus “could not be isolated or cultured after day 11 of illness.”

The paper was based on a study of 73 patents in the city-state.


Based on the accumulated data since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the infectious period of SARS-CoV-2 in symptomatic individuals may begin around 2 days before the onset of symptoms, and persists for about 7 - 10 days after the onset of symptoms.


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Update za Ekvador:


Brojke zarazenih i mrtvih vise niko ne prati jer je zvanicna statistika sramotna, ako pogledate krivu fluktuira ko random walk.


Gvajakil se definitivno smirio, svi su na ulicama, siroko..., otovreni trzni centri, guzva po busevima... Videcemo sta ce biti. Virus je cudan, mozda, ka u Dzordziji, nista ni ne bude.


Ali je krenuo Kito stopama Perua, ne dramaticno kao haos u Gvajakilu, ali su sada sve bolnice pune i krenulo je popunjavanje privremenih bolnica. Problem je sto to dolazi nakon dva meseca karantina i nervoza je u vazduhu i pritisak na gradonacelnika da olabavi mere je ogroman. Sad, olabavio ne olabavio, mere se ne postuju, puno kola po ulicama, radnje otvorene... Razlika jeste u tome sto svi imaju maske i izbegava se bliski kontakt. To verovatno dosta smanjuje zarazu.


U medjuvremenu, full sok ekonomska taktika - fleksibilozovano radno zakonodavstvo, otpustanja bez otpremnine grantovane po zakonu masovna (dok to dodje do suda, ko te pita...), smanjene plate u javnom sektoru za 17%, zatvoreno sedam javnih preduzeca sa gubicima, smanjen budzet za skolstvo i univerzitete za 10% i tako... 


Ko prezivi pricace, u buli smo totalnoj. Pitanje je da li ce Lenin preziveti do kraja mandata i izbora u februaru. Picakaranje unutar Vlade je u punom jeku.

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od kineza...jes da uzimam sa malom

dozom skepticizma, ali ima smisla ovo sto je napisano


u prevodu, asimptomaticni ne prenose bas tako lako koronu i maske su donekle nepotrebne


Material and methods: 455 contacts who were exposed to the asymptomatic COVID-19 virus carrier became the subjects of our research. They were divided into three groups: 35 patients, 196 family members and 224 hospital staffs. We extracted their epidemiological information, clinical records, auxiliary examination results and therapeutic schedules.

Results: The median contact time for patients was four days and that for family members was five days. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 25% among original diseases of patients. Apart from hospital staffs, both patients and family members were isolated medically. During the quarantine, seven patients plus one family member appeared new respiratory symptoms, where fever was the most common one. The blood counts in most contacts were within a normal range. All CT images showed no sign of COVID-19 infection. No severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections was detected in 455 contacts by nucleic acid test.

Conclusion: In summary, all the 455 contacts were excluded from SARS-CoV-2 infection and we conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak.



national library of medicine ming gao autor

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