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Shared genetic influences between blood analyte levels and risk of severe COVID-19


Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) show that genetic factors contribute to the risk of severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and blood analyte levels. Here, we utilize GWAS summary statistics to study the shared genetic influences (pleiotropy) between severe COVID-19 and 344 blood analytes at the genome, gene, and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) levels. Our pleiotropy analyses genetically link blood levels of 71 analytes to severe COVID-19 in at least one of the three levels of investigation—suggesting shared biological mechanisms or causal relationships. Six analytes (alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, apolipoprotein B, C-reactive protein, triglycerides, and urate) display evidence of pleiotropy with severe COVID-19 at all three levels. Causality analyses indicate that higher triglycerides levels causally increase the risk of severe COVID-19, thereby providing important support for the use of lipid-lowering drugs such as statins and fibrates to prevent severe COVID-19.



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U potrazi za mogućim osobama koje je neki džoger zarazio u parku na otvorenom Kinezi identifikovali preko 20.000 osoba koje su bile u tom parku u isto vreme, od čega mu je 256 prišlo na manje od metra.





Edited by vememah
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On 4.12.2022. at 12:08, banecare1 said:




Bas sam te pre nekoliko dana pitala sta je poenta odrzavanja ove zero covid politike ako je vec sad jasno da se ovi novi strains lakse sire a nisu tako fatalni.



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On 5.12.2022. at 9:13, papapavle said:

Jel to onda to što se tiče Kine? Da se gasi ova tema i da se razilazimo, nadam se...




Ne znam da li će gašenje da ide baš brzo. Juče su mi ujaka pustili iz Batajnice, skoro mesec dana na kiseoniku. Jutros je primljen na kardiologiju, kažu neki trombovi. 80+ je, ali opet, jbg.

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12 minutes ago, Mos said:

Meni se čini da je nošenje maski negde na 50-50 u poslednjih 6 meseci. Naročito se mladjima fućka da nose, tako da to skidanje zabrane samo ide u skladu sa realnošću.

u minhenu većina nosi maske. uglavnom

nearijevska populacija nema masku. barem na mojim linijama

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6 hours ago, Mel said:


Bas sam te pre nekoliko dana pitala sta je poenta odrzavanja ove zero covid politike ako je vec sad jasno da se ovi novi strains lakse sire a nisu tako fatalni.




to je bilo glavno pitanje za sve u kini. koliko jos cemo biti pod zero covid politikom. od decembra su krenuli da popustaju i svaki dan imamo skidanje nekih od mera. kao iz ove vesti npr: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/gfr09H2HPhEIvrUWc0c9IQ



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4 hours ago, Mos said:

Meni se čini da je nošenje maski negde na 50-50 u poslednjih 6 meseci. Naročito se mladjima fućka da nose, tako da to skidanje zabrane samo ide u skladu sa realnošću.


Malo sam u prevozu pa nemam dobru sliku, isla par puta metroom do Frankfurta, nisam imala utisak da se maske ne nose, uglavnom po koja mladež ispod nosa. Videh jednu ženu sa bedžom "keine Impfpflicht" a koja je nosila masku. Ali ovako po radnjama malo ko, ja i dalje nosim, i iz navike a i rekoh još pre dve godine da ću praktikovati ovu masku koja štiti i mene od bilo cega tokom zime, why not. U muzejima i nekim zatvorenim prostorima poput pošte piše "preporučujemo maske" tako da i tamo poneko sem mene nosi, ali manjina. S' druge strane idem na bazen i tu ne razmišljam o kovidu uopšte.


E da, u vrtiću je upravnica odlučila da unutra, kada skupljamo decu, moramo da nosimo. Vaspitači ne nose kad su sa decom, ako pak pričaju bliže sa nama, onda stave. Malo je konfuzno.


Imamo još besplatnih testova u vrticu ali malo ko uzima, a ni mi se u porodici ne testiramo više redovno, poslednje je bilo u novembru pred odlazak na odmor i nakon povratka, i još muž kad ide na društvene igre. Vidim u chat-grupu da moja babica traži kao i pre da joj se pošalju rezultati (slika) kućnog testa pre grupnih dešavanja u njenom prostoru.


Šareno je.


Inače su svi stalno bolesni od nečeg ove jeseni, a vrtić nam je redovno desetkovan sa kadrom i radi kraće. Da li je to neka posledica slabijeg imuniteta zbog svega (a ne nose se maske kao pre koje su stitile i od mnogo toga drugog) ili šta već, ali postaje naporno, imam utisak da manje sad rade nego u sred najgoreg kovida. Ima i toga da sad više ljudi dovede bolesnu decu u vrtić, tj. vaspitači ne primete odmah i posle dok roditelj dodje stvar je već gotova, a protiv toga nema nekog rešenja.

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20h • 23 tweets • 3 min read
We're going to be in big big trouble in the UK.
The law of unintended consequences is about to take yet more casualties. 
This year, it gradually became apparent that more people were getting sicker from all sorts of illnesses.
It's the direct effect of almost everyone catching Covid and some catching Covid repeatedly. 
But the government can't say that it's covid causing the problem, because they told everyone that it's alright to catch Covid.
**which is not true** 
They told everyone omicron was mild (🚨lie)
They told us we had all the tools (🚨lie)
They told us the pandemic was over (🚨lie)
They neglected to tell you that Covid still causes long covid and still damages your body. (🥝truth) 
But individual people are getting more unwell the more times they catch Covid, and the population are becoming sicker overall the more times everyone catches covid. 
That scenario doesn't fit with the goverment lies.
So they needed cover. 
And dangerously, they have latched onto the simple but stupid 'immunity debt/gap' lie. 
This idea was created to explain away the worse repercussions of common illnesses this year.
Lots of kids dying of Strep A? It's because they weren't exposed to enough germs two years ago! (🚨lie) 
The lie that you have to get sick with harmful pathogens to prime your immune system, or that enough people need to get sick, or some weird stupid variation of it. 
It's been rolled out on TV stations day and night here.
It's been rolled out in articles in papers and on news websites.
It's saturating the consciousness. 
About a dozen people said it to me at some point this morning.
It was like people have been programmed.
It was astonishing. 
And if the pandemic were truly over, it might not be so harmful, but people are now thinking that they *should* spread viruses.
They think they *should* catch viruses.
It's the logical conclusion of the immunity debt lie. 
So, astonishingly, people are starting to attend events while sick, **in order to help other people with their immunity**. 
You wouldn't think anyone could be that stupid, but they can. 
This is the country that voted for brexit and Boris Johnson. 
So we're now heading into a new variant wave when people not only resist mitigation, because they've been told that it causes Strep A child deaths, but also think they should spread viruses to help other people. 
The government were just trying to cover for their lies, but instead they have opened up a whole new and dangerous problem. 
With the immunity debt lie ringing in their ears, people are going to try to give *you* their illness this winter. 
It has already started. 
Be very careful whom you spend time with without mitigations this winter, because a lot of people now think they need to get sick to be well, and they need to get you sick to help you. 
The hideous irony of a 42yo who has now caught Covid 6 times, who is constantly ill with every infection around, saying to me this morning that they're sick because they haven't been exposed to enough germs. 
This is not a theory.
People I have met and spoken to are already thinking this way and acting on it. 
Please let me know when you encounter people thinking like this or saying it, it would be good to hear what variations of the thinking are going round. ❤️ 
Edited by vememah
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Još samo da kažu kako da se ne zaraziš 2, 3 ili 4 puta bez ikakvih mera, brige ili vesti. Mislim, možeš da se zabarakadiraš u kuću i ne izadješ godinu dana. Drugu opciju ne vidim. 

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