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Tribun je pitao ko je, tj kako se tacno u UK zove "nosilac suvereniteta". Ja sam rekao (dopunjujuci Arslanagica) da je "monarh u ime parlamenta". Precizno govoreci zove se: "The Queen in Parliament

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Inace, potpuno su odlucili da a.50 nece aktivirati bar do kasne jeseni. Reko i Osborn 


Očekujem mekane mere™ Brisela zbog kašnjenja, od privatnih poziva UK biznisima da se sele na kontinent do tihog bojkota britanskog uticaja u Briselu

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Tribun je pitao ko je, tj kako se tacno u UK zove "nosilac suvereniteta". Ja sam rekao (dopunjujuci Arslanagica) da je "monarh u ime parlamenta". Precizno govoreci zove se: "The Queen in Parliament"

Kad smo već tu, još jedna stvar, da li se hereditary peers in the House of Lords biraju na doživotni mandat?

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Ma naklopio sam na brzinu, ono na šta sam mislio je globalizacijska politika prinudne slobode tržišta, po cenu intervencionizma i obaranja režima, te američki (regan-tačer) model što minimalnije države i javnog sektora.


Britanci su postojanje imperije dugovali slobodnoj trgovini, pa su logično bili najprirodniji partner za provođenje tako nečega po svetu.


Za tako nešto, iako mnooogo drugačiji i verovatno nedovoljan, jedini uopšte mogući partner im je trenutno Nemačka, i to pod uslovom da ona izvaga da je za njenu poziciju bolje da preuzme ulogu UK, labavi uniju i izbegava federalizaciju a koristi zajedničko tržište da se bogati.


Ne deluje mi nemoguće ni najmanje.


S tim da se Amerika razvila naporedo sa protekcionizmom do kraja 30ih a onda su od kraja rata krenuli da vrte priču o slobodnoj trgovini, delom da bi uposlili zahuktalu privredu a delom jer su verovali (opravdano) da protekcionizam podstiče najgoru stranu nacionalne kompeticije i sukobe uopšte.

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Londonski berzanski indeks FTSE250 koji odražava domaću privredu bolje nego poznatiji FTSE100 (koji obuhvata multinacionalke) za jedan i po berzanski dan od referenduma pao za 12,6%.



Edited by vememah
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No oni me i ne interesuju posebno, njihov problem, ono što mene nervira je to što se tetka ponaša kao oni.


Tetka je Angela, right? Otkud znas kako se ona ponasa?

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Mutti rekla prvo "njet":

Germany rules out informal Brexit talks before article 50 is triggered

Decision deals major blow to leave campaign leaders, who show no sign of wanting to launch formal proceedings

Monday 27 June 2016 11.39 BST

Germany has ruled out any possibility of informal talks on Britain leaving the EU before it files formal notice of its intention to go, dealing a major blow to the Brexit campaign’s leaders.

As the US secretary of state, John Kerry, flew into Brussels for urgent talks at the start of a crunch week for Europe, chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman said only Britain could start the exit process and “if the government needs a reasonable amount of time to do that, we respect that”.


But Steffen Seibert added: “One thing is clear – before Great Britain has sent this notification, there will be no informal preliminary talks about the exit modalities.”



But London has so far shown no sign of wanting to launch formal exit proceedings, with the prime minister, David Cameron, who resigned on Friday, leaving the task to his successor, and leading Brexit campaigners including Boris Johnson demanding informal withdrawal talks before locking Britain into the strict two-year timeframe laid down in the article 50 process.

Brussels has also emphatically ruled out informal talks on a possible trade deal before the UK triggers article 50. “No notification, no negotiation,” one official said on Sunday. A diplomat added: “If they treat their referendum as a non-event, we will also treat their referendum as a non-event.


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If they treat their referendum as a non-event, we will also treat their referendum as a non-event


ovaj lik: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Robertson



"The 1972 communities act ... is still good law and remains so until repealed. In November, Prime Minister [boris] Johnson will have to introduce into parliament the European communities repeal bill," Mr Robertson said.

"MPs are entitled to vote against it and are bound to vote against it, if they think it's in Britain's best interest [to vote that way]. It's not over yet. 

"MPs will have to do their duty to vote according to conscience and vote for what's best for Britain. It's a matter for their consciences.



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A plan for Brexit? No, not yet. Vote Leave's Matthew Elliott tells CNBC key players need "to go on holiday" first.





Edited by barrcode
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Ali ako Kameron, ili ko već, kaže Briselu "pozivam se na Čl.50" to je to, UK parlament se ne pita ništa jer je proces u rukama Brisela.


A teško mi je da zamislim nivo zatrovanosti buućih odnosa ako krenu da prave kerefeke sa tim "šalili smo se".

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What's the rush?

Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the Vote Leave campaign, has said campaigners should be able to "go away on holiday" before triggering Article 50 to begin the UK's divorce from the EU.

In a live interview on CNBC earlier today, Elliott said:


I don't think we need to rush this process, during the campaign there was talk about triggering article 50 and its process of leaving the EU right away, literally Friday morning, and I think quite rightly the PM has paused on that which allows the dust to settle, allows people to go away on holiday, have some informal discussions about it, and then think about it come September, October time.

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Dakle nosilac suverenosti je parlament u čijem gornjem domu sedi plemstvo izabrano na doživotni mandat, ne može da potegne veto ali može da odloži primenu bilo kog akta koji usvoji Veće Običnih, na godinu dana. I koje je do skoro bilo vrhovni sud.


How convenient.


Tetka je Angela, right? Otkud znas kako se ona ponasa?

Iz izjava njenih portparola, šefova kabineta i sl. i na bazi sopstvene procene da njenima ne odgovara izlazak UK iz EU, te je mekana u stavovima.


Postoji diskrepanca između Pariza i Berlina, prilično vidljiva.

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