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Iran: novi front

Marvin (Paranoid Android)

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Turska kao saveznik protiv Irana? zaboravi, nemaju od toga nikakve koristi. samo ce si stetu napraviti. to moze samo u snovima onih koji jos uvek tripuju kako su Ameri gazde u regionu i diriguju svima.edit: a otvoreno stati na stranu Amera i Izraela u sukobu sa Iranom, bi imalo izvanredan efekat u arapskom javnom mnjenju.mozda Saudi o svom javnom mnjenju ne moraju da brinu, ostali moraju. Buazizi se pobrinuo za to. ;)
Turci vec duze vreme prave otklon od Izraela, u poslednje vreme se distanciraju od SAD kroz sve samostalnije delovanje u regionalnoj politici, ali negde verujem da Uncle Sam moze da im zagorca zivot ukoliko krenu da se zezaju preko zacrtanih margina. Dovoljno da epigoni Bzezinskog osmisle Kurdistan i eto nove zabave u ionako pregrejanoj regiji.
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negde verujem da Uncle Sam moze da im zagorca zivot ukoliko krenu da se zezaju preko zacrtanih margina.
uvek moze, ali i ujka Sem mora da igra po novim pravilima. da se Ujka Sem sta pita: Mubarak bi jos uvek bio glavni baja u Kairu, Maliki bi bio americki a ne iranski covek u Bagdadu, libansku vladu bi cinili umereni muslimani umesto Hezbale i drugara, u Tunisu bi Nahda bila ispod cenzusa, u Siriji glavna opozicija ne bi bila lokalna MB varijanta... Edited by Gandalf
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Iran military downs US spy drone A senior Iranian military official says Iran's Army has shot down a remote-controlled reconnaissance drone operated by the US military in the eastern part of the country.The informed source said on Sunday that Iran Army's electronic warfare unit successfully targeted the American-built RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft after it crossed into Iranian airspace over the border with neighboring Afghanistan.He added that the US reconnaissance drone has been seized with minimum damage.The RQ-170 is a stealth unmanned aircraft designed and developed by Lockheed Martin Company.The US military and the CIA use the drone to launch missile strikes in Afghanistan and in Pakistan's northwestern tribal region.The unnamed Iranian military official further added that “due to the clear border violation, the operational and electronic measures taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran's Armed Forces against invading aircraft will not remain limited to the Iran's borders.The report comes as the United States has beefed up its military presence in and around the Persian Gulf region in recent months in the wake of popular uprising in Bahrain.The US Department of Defense says Washington is closely monitoring the developments in Bahrain, which is the headquarters of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet and holds some 4,200 US service members.
Pre 3 dana:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPjxeyG-Ztw
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US-Iran RelationsCourtesy of Reuters:Iran and the United States broke diplomatic ties following the 1979 Islamic revolution and the storming of the U.S. embassy in Tehran 32 years ago. Here are details of ups and downs in their relations since the 1950's.1953 - A COUP: -- In August 1953, the CIA helped orchestrate the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected and popular prime minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, restoring the Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, to power.-- Washington acted after Britain, opposed to Mossadegh's policy of nationalising the British-controlled oil industry, convinced U.S. officials the prime minister was turning to communism.1972 - CEMENTING A RELATIONSHIP:-- A 1972 visit by U.S. President Richard Nixon cemented a close strategic relationship between Iran and the United States. But opposition to the Shah, led by exiled cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, mounted over the next few years.1979 - KHOMEINI RETURNS:-- After bloody clashes between protesters and troops, the Shah fled into exile in January 1979. The next month, Khomeini returned to Iran in triumph to seal victory for an Islamic revolution whose mantra was "Death to America".-- In November 1979, Iranian students seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 90 hostages; 52 were held captive for 444 days, prompting Washington to break relations in 1980.1986 - ARMS DEAL:-- U.S. President Ronald Reagan admitted to secret arms deals with Iran that broke a U.S. embargo. The trade was aimed at winning the release of Americans held by pro-Iranian Shi'ite Muslim militants in Lebanon. Money from the sales was secretly passed to U.S.-backed Contra guerrillas in Nicaragua. At the time, Iran was embroiled in war with President Saddam Hussein's Iraq, with Washington giving increasing support to Baghdad.1997 - REFORMISTS IN CHARGE:-- Iranian voters swept reform-minded President Mohammad Khatami to power. He promoted a "dialogue among civilisations". During his term, Iranians staged an impromptu vigil in Tehran when hijacked planes struck U.S. targets on Sept. 11, 2001.-- After those al Qaeda attacks, Iran offered support in a U.S.-led war to topple Afghanistan's Taliban leaders, who were shielding al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Iran helped ensure the success of a multilateral post-war conference on Afghanistan. But in January 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush branded Iran part of an "axis of evil".2003 - INVASION OF IRAQ:-- The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq toppled Saddam, a Sunni Arab leader who had been a deadly enemy of Iran, and brought to power Shi'ite factions with closer links to Tehran.-- As Iraq descended into insurgency and sectarian conflict, the United States accused Tehran of arming, funding and training Shi'ite militias that had attacked U.S. forces in Iraq. Iran denied this, blaming the U.S. troop presence for the violence.NUCLEAR STAND-OFF:-- The United States led efforts to toughen U.N. sanctions on Iran over its nuclear activity and in March 2008 the Security Council adopted a third sanctions resolution. Iran says the programme is lawful, peaceful, designed only to generate electricity, but a history of concealing sensitive nuclear work and restricting U.N. inspections has raised Western suspicions.-- U.S.-Iran tension worsened after the 2005 election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who berated the West, questioned the Holocaust and called for Israel to be wiped off the map. In a surprise development, a U.S. National Intelligence Estimate in late 2007 said Iran put nuclear military plans on hold in 2003.A NEW START:-- New U.S. President Barack Obama said in January 2009 that America was prepared to extend a hand of peace to Iran if it "unclenched its fist". Ahmadinejad said Tehran was ready to talk but demanded a fundamental change in U.S. policy.-- In March 2009 Obama issued a videotaped appeal to Iranian leaders and their people, saying his "administration is now committed to diplomacy" that addresses the full range of issues before them and "to pursuing constructive ties".-- Iran said later that Obama should fundamentally change Washington's policy towards Iran and should "realise its previous mistakes" and make an effort to correct them.WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW?-- Washington has been pressing for new sanctions on Iran after uncovering what it says was an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.-- In November Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demanded that Iran respond within days to IAEA accusations of atomic weapons work, and said Washington was consulting allies on further steps to pressure Tehran. Her comments followed a report from the group that concluded that Iran had worked on developing an atomic bomb design and may still be conducting such research.-- Iran, has denied it wants nuclear weapons, condemning the report as "unbalanced" and "politically motivated". The United States stepped up pressure on Nov. 21, naming Iran as an area of "primary money laundering concern", a step designed to dissuade non-U.S. banks from dealing with it
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uvek moze, ali i ujka Sem mora da igra po novim pravilima. da se Ujka Sem sta pita: Mubarak bi jos uvek bio glavni baja u Kairu, Maliki bi bio americki a ne iranski covek u Bagdadu, libansku vladu bi cinili umereni muslimani umesto Hezbale i drugara, u Tunisu bi Nahda bila ispod cenzusa, u Siriji glavna opozicija ne bi bila lokalna MB varijanta...
Ujka Sem je, inace, poznat po tome sto je kroz modernu istoriju sve druzio sa umerenjacima i majkaTerezama, a nikada nije pravio gafove shurovanja sa najgorima od najgorih <_<. Doduse, sve te greske u koracima su im se vracale s neverovatnom pravilnoscu i preciznoscu direktno u glavu. I sam Iran, kakvog ga danas znamo (u stvari u zadnjih 30 godina), posledica je njihovog mesanja.
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Ujka Sem je, inace, poznat po tome sto je kroz modernu istoriju sve druzio sa umerenjacima i majkaTerezama, a nikada nije pravio gafove shurovanja sa najgorima od najgorih <_<. Doduse, sve te greske u koracima su im se vracale s neverovatnom pravilnoscu i preciznoscu direktno u glavu. I sam Iran, kakvog ga danas znamo (u stvari u zadnjih 30 godina), posledica je njihovog mesanja.
Da nisi, slucajno, pomislio na ovog coveka: Mossadeq, Mosadeck, or Musaddiq (16 June 1882 – 5 March 1967), was the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953 when he was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by the British MI5 and the United States Central Intelligence Agency.From an aristocratic background, Mosaddegh was an author, administrator, lawyer, prominent parliamentarian, and politician. During his time as prime minister, a wide range of progressive social reforms were carried out. Unemployment compensation was introduced, factory owners were ordered to pay benefits to sick and injured workers, and peasants were freed from forced labor in their landlords' estates. Twenty percent of the money landlords received in rent was placed in a fund to pay for development projects such as public baths, rural housing, and pest control.He is most famous as the architect of the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, which had been under British control since 1913 through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) (later British Petroleum or BP). The Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. was controlled by the British government. Mosaddegh was removed from power in a coup on 19 August 1953, organised and carried out by the United States CIA at the request of the British MI6 which chose Iranian General Fazlollah Zahedi to succeed Mosaddegh. While the coup is commonly referred to as Operation Ajax after its CIA cryptonym, in Iran it is referred to as the 28 Mordad 1332 coup, after its date on the Iranian calendar. Mosaddegh was imprisoned for three years, then put under house arrest until his death
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Polako, lagano, smireno:

The U.S. Fifth Fleet said on Wednesday it willnot allow any disruption of traffic in the Strait of Hormuz, after Iranthreatened to stop ships moving through the strategic oil route."The free flow of goods and services through the Strait of Hormuz isvital to regional and global prosperity," a spokesperson for theBahrain-based fleet said in a written response to queries from Reutersabout the possibility of Iran trying to close the waterway."Anyone who threatens to disrupt freedom of navigation in aninternational strait is clearly outside the community of nations; anydisruption will not be tolerated."Asked whether it was takingspecific measures in response to the threat to close the Strait, thefleet said it "maintains a robust presence in the region to deter orcounter destabilizing activities", without providing further detail.
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Da nisi, slucajno, pomislio na ovog coveka: Mossadeq, Mosadeck, or Musaddiq (16 June 1882 – 5 March 1967), was the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953 when he was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by the British MI5 and the United States Central Intelligence Agency.
7929882.jpgOdlična knjiga. Ako se ne varam, ima je i u Be92 samizdatu...
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O, da. Prva akcija CIAe u skidanju demokratski izabranog predstavnika strane drzave, koji nije bio nikakav diktator, stavise, bio je demokrata. Operacija Ajax medju operativcima CIA poznata kao TPAJAX.Metodi koji su tada korisceni, u sustini, do danasnjeg danas nisu izmenjeni. Potplacivanje verskih lidera, novinara, politicara, policijaca, vojnika, kriminalaca koji vode ulicne bande koji se svi aktiviraju na komandu i svako "busi" sa svoje strane.I tako voljeni Mosadik, preko noci biva blacen kroz medije i obaran na ulici zbog nafte. Apsurd je da se Mosadik nije bunio protiv toga vec je to video kao demokratski nacin izrzavanje volje ljudi, pokazace se kao velika greska. A, optuzivan je da je komunista, fanatik, lopov, imao jevrejske krvi itd. u stvari uglavnom je sve bilo suprotno. Covek je hteo da Iran ne bude brutalno pljackan od strane Britanaca. Inace, Truman se protivio akciji, stavise, imao je simpatije prema Mosadiku ali je doslo do promene u Beloj kuci.Kako to otprilike izgleda, neki citati iz knjige:

The plan for Operation Ajax envisioned an intense psychologicalcampaign against Prime Minister Mossadegh, which the CIAhad already launched, followed by an announcement that the Shahhad dismissed him from office. Mobs and military units whoseleaders were on the CIA payroll would crush any attempt byMossadegh to resist. Then it would be announced that the Shah hadchosen General Fazlollah Zahedi, a retired military officer who hadreceived more than $100,000 from the CIA, as Iran’s new primeminister.By the beginning of August, Tehran was afire.Mobs working forthe CIA staged anti-Mossadegh protests, marching through thestreets carrying portraits of the Shah and chanting royalist slogans.Foreign agents bribed members of parliament and anyone else whomight be helpful in the forthcoming coup attempt.Press attacks on Mossadegh reached new levels of virulence.Articles accused him not just of communist leanings and designs onthe throne, but also of Jewish parentage and even secret sympathyfor the British. Although Mossadegh did not know it, most of thesetirades were either inspired by the CIA or written by CIA propagandistsin Washington. One of the propagandists, Richard Cottam,estimated that four-fifths of the newspapers in Tehran were underCIA influence.
Operaciju je vodio unuk Teodora Ruzvelta pod pseudonimom Dzejms Lokridz.Kniga inace pocinje ovako:
One day I attended a book party for an older Iranianwoman who had written her memoirs. She spoke for an hour abouther eventful life. Although she never touched on politics, she mentionedin passing that her family was related to the family ofMohammad Mossadegh, who served as prime minister of Iran fortwenty-six months in the early 1950s and was overthrown in a coupd’etat staged by the Central Intelligence Agency.After she finished speaking, I couldn’t resist the temptation toask a question. “You mentioned Mossadegh,” I said. “What do youremember, or what can you tell us, about the coup against him?”She immediately became agitated and animated.“Why did you Americans do that terrible thing?” she cried out.“We always loved America. To us, America was the great country,the perfect country, the country that helped us while other countrieswere exploiting us. But after that moment, no one in Iran evertrusted the United States again. I can tell you for sure that if you hadnot done that thing, you would never have had that problem ofhostages being taken in your embassy in Tehran. All your troublestarted in 1953.Why, why did you do it?
Mozda ce ih bas ta odluka iz 1953 skupo kostati u buducnost a mozda i sve nas. U stvari, odluka iz 1953 vec jako puno kosta SAD.
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Elem, da se vratimo na danasnje dogadjaje:

Mossad chief: Nuclear Iran not necessarily existential threat to IsraelTamir Pardo says Israel using various means to foil Iran's nuclear program, but if Iran actually obtained nuclear weapons, it would not mean destruction of Israel.
Ali SAD se ne daju, 5 Flota je krenula:
US aircraft carrier 'spotted' in Iran wargames zoneAFP - A US aircraft carrier entered a zone near the Strait of Hormuz being used by the Iranian navy for wargames, an Iranian official said Thursday amid rising tensions over the key oil-transit channel.
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EU jos jednom dokazuje da je smesna u medjunarodnoj politici. A, ono, bolje da ti SAD kroz swap linije daju novac nego nafta. Za naftu i gas ce se vec naci Rusi :lol:EU governments agree in principle on Iranian oil banElem, ovo nece srusiti ekonomski Iran jer ce on izvoziti vise nafte po nizoj ceni za Kinu, pa i Indiju. Svima njima lepo osim EU(mali clanovi). Naravno, ni veliki igraci iz EU ovo nece postovati vec zaobilazti preko offshorea. Ovo je samo sada neophodno zbog novca od SAD, koji FED nemilosrdno stampa. Rusija je isto veoma srecna :) Ovo mi je slagvort za pricu oko Dubai i Irana. Dubai je centar trgovine za Iran. U Dubai se nalaze "prikrivene" banke koje sasvim normalno posluju sa SAD iako su SAD uvele sankcije prema Iranu. Vrse investicione i sve ostale poslove kao i druge banke. Takodje, sverc prema Iranu, svega, je vrlo prisutan npr. prema luci Bender Abas(predlazem vam da ga obidjete, uostalom, kao i cudnovatu zemlju Iran sa ogromnom tradicijom. Primera radi Bender Abas je nastao za vreme Daria Velikog pre 2 500 godina, a poznat je i za vreme Aleksandrovih osvajanja). Toliko o sankcijama ;) Dubai je danas ono sto je bila Kazablanka. Mesto gde se skupljaju svi moguci sumnjivi tipovi: trgovina oruzjem, teroristi, somalijiski pirati itd. Pun ruskih, izraelskih i drugih placenih ubica. Prostitucija cveta(ove nase redovno tamo idu, zato su avioni puni pred NG ;) ). Sjajno mesto :lol:

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A university lecturer and nuclear scientist has been killed in a car explosion in north Tehran, reports say.Iranian media sources named the casualty as Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, an academic who also worked at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.The blast happened when a motorcyclist stuck a magnetic bomb on the car, said Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.Several Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated in recent years, with Iran blaming Israel and the US.
Ovi fakat postaju ugrožena vrsta u Iranu.
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