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A ovaj o sajentolozima? Ili neće skoro?

Nema ga nigde jos,nije standardni Theroux dokumentarac/serijal vec film koji nakon premijere nije nigde prikazan

  • 2 weeks later...





The People v. O. J. Simpson je u fokusu imao sudski proces u kome su glavnu rec imali advokati, a sam O.J. sveden na sporedni lik (i bolje s obzirom da je Cuba Gooding bio promasen casting). Zato ovaj ESPN-ov dokumentarac daje sveobuhvatan Simpsonov portret, uz osvrt na americko drustvo.


Prva epizoda je odlicna, ostale ce biti prikazane do kraja ove nedelje..


Otkud ta eksplozija OJ tematike? Jel to istekao neki rok?



...shit has hit the fan...

Posted (edited)

po mom skromnom mišljenju - zato što je do jaja slučaj. za prosečnog ljubitelja tevea nije desilo ništa zanimljivije od tog slučaja, plus su tu uvek aktuelna pitanja rase i onda je interesantno gledati koliko šta se na tom pitanju promenilo od onda.


priča se već godinama vuče u popularnoj kulturi (najjače mi je kada cartman beži od pandura u igrački bronco-a koju vozi kenny) što znači da ta priča već postoji u ljudima i može se interesovanje za nju može eksploatisati, a sada postoji neka "istorijska distanca" da se mirno predoče događaji. plus ima tone dostupne arhivske građe i svaki učesnik događaja je napisao u proseku 2.8 knjiga o slučaju.

Edited by Ravanelli
Posted (edited)

Zavrsio sa OJ-em. Jedan od najboljih ESPN-ovih dokumentaraca koji sam gledao. Vise od 7,5 sati intervjua i arhivskih snimaka, odlicno upakovanih u pet celina.


Zgodno je poredjenje sa serijom People vs OJ. Misljenje koje sam imao o glumcima se potvrdilo. Vecinu uloga su uboli, narocito Sarah Poulson (Marcia Clark), Courtney Vance (Johnnie Cochran) i Sterling Brown (Christopher Darden), dok su s druge strane Cuba i Travolta (Robert Shapiro) promasaji.


Jako je dobro pokriveno pitanje rasizma u Americi, posebno u LA. I tu imamo apsurdnost OJ slucaja. Iako se nikad nije smatrao predstavnikom crne zajednice (naprotiv), na kraju je skoro cela ta zajednica navijala da bude oslobodjen, koliko zbog njegove popularnosti, toliko i zbog svih prethodnih slucajeva u kojima ih je sistem ponizavao i gazio. Tu se i mogla cuti poruka belcima "sad vidite kako je nama sve ove godine".


Jedan aspekat nije obradjen (tacnije taj segment je izbacen iz finalne verzije), pitanje o povezanosti ponasanja OJ i povrede mozga koje je mozda zadobio.



GE: You have so much material. Were there any details where you were really like, Damn it, I don't want to lose this one, but we just have so much other stuff we have to get in. We have to cut for time. We can't make it any longer?
EE: I don't know that I cut anything for time, but there are some things I would have liked to have explored that I couldn't put in there based on what I had. The extent of O.J.'s cocaine use, for instance, which has been rumored going back to the '70s when he was in Buffalo. But to get real anecdotal evidence on the record about it combined with the actual purposefulness of it within the narrative, I didn't have really either.

One thing I cut out, but it's an interesting discussion, is the CTE issue. I had a whole scene about it in part five. Because, for me, if nothing else, narratively I would like to justify all the time I spent showing him play football in the first part of the film, beyond the need to just understand his greatness and his beauty and why people were seduced by him.


MZS: The CTE issue meaning the possibility that brain damage from football may have accounted for some of his behaviors?
EE: Yes. At first I talked to a guy who's in the film who told me, "O.J. had a large head. In the '70s we used to have air padding in our helmets, and his head was so big he didn't wear padding." And you're like, Okay. And he's a running back, which, you know, they take a lot hits. He led the league in rushing twice. He led the nation in rushing twice at USC. He's a guy who took a lot of punishment. Okay. Fine. And then I talked to Chris Nowinski, who was the expert at MIT who studies NFL player's brains. He said, "Look, I would not be surprised if we were able to study O.J.'s brain after he passes away if he was found to have CTE." Okay. Fine. Now, someone has to die before you examine their brain. That's the only way to know if someone has CTE. That's why it's all speculative. Symptomatically, when this happens with people and how they act out, there tends to be a certain time frame, and it sets in five to ten years after they last played football. If you believe O.J. and the pattern of abuse went back as far as it did with Nicole to 1978, and potentially you've heard allegations with him and his first wife, and I'm like, No, I don't think that's explained by that. It's something for us to discuss here, but I think in trying to offer an explanation for why O.J. had a history of violence, that's a cop-out to me.

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
  • 2 weeks later...

Onaj jiro sanja suši dobar, baš mi lego


imposter je dobar, jak twist red kraj


imposter je dobar, jak twist red kraj

Gledao, odličan.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


jes gledo madness in the fast lane?

Posted (edited)

jes gledo madness in the fast lane?


Nope, dodato u watchlistu.

Edited by Mil@n



prilicno kul, u sustini, prica o DC vise nego o samim bendovima. 

ko voli zabavnu muziku, obavezno stivo.



prilicno kul, u sustini, prica o DC vise nego o samim bendovima. 

ko voli zabavnu muziku, obavezno stivo.

Jel ima prevoda na srbijanski?

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