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aha, ja to ovako računam. murija me zaustavi jednom u dva meseca, to je u proseku 3 puta u periodu novembar-april. 3x soma ili dva, tri ako naletim na nekog ko će da piše kaznu. i to je trošak što se mene tiče.i plus ne verujem da će svaki da zagleda gume. da hoće da zagledaju, gledali bi one pakete hitne pomoći, trouglove i sl. i uzeli brdo para, jer to retko ko ima uredno.
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FranceThe use of winter tyres is not mandatory in France. Nevertheless in some mountainous areas signs warn drivers that snow chains are necessary. In France, drivers of vehicles that weigh up to 3.5 tonnes can use spikes from November until the end of March. Vehicles using spikes are restricted to a maximum speed of 90 km/h on out-of-town roads and 50 km/h in residential areas. In addition vehicles have to bare a badge indicating the use of spikes.SwitzerlandWinter tyres are mandatory in Austria between 1st November and 15th April for vehicles not using snow chains. These dates may be extended in weather conditions persist.Snow chains can only be used if the roads have a complete covering of snow and must be fitted on at least two driving wheels.AustriaWinter tyres are mandatory in Austria. The law states that passenger cars with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tonnes may be operated only between 1 November and 15 April in winter conditions such as snow, slush or ice if winter tyres have been installed on all wheels. All-season tyres are also considered winter tyres if they have the "M + S" mark.As an alternative to winter tyres, snow chains may be used on at least two driving wheels, however, these may only be used in case the road is covered by a complete or scarcely broken snow cover or sheet of ice. Failure to comply with the law results in a fine up to 5,000 Euros and the vehicle could be impounded. Insurance is deemed void if a vehicle which is involved in an accident between November 1 and April 15 is not fitted with winter tyres.ItalyIt is not compulsory to use winter tyres in Italy. Snow chains should be carried and used as dictated by local signs or road conditions - reduced speed limits may apply.From 15th October to 15th April vehicles must be equipped with winter tyres or snow chains in the Val d'Aosta area.FinlandIn Finland winter tyres are compulsory from 1st December to the end of February unless otherwise indicated by road signs. Winter tyres must be marked with the M&S symbol on the sidewall.Spiked tyres may be used from 1st November until the first Monday after Easter.Snow chains are allowed but only where there's sufficient snow to avoid any damage to the road surface.LatviaWinter tyres are compulsory from 1st December until 1st MarchSpiked tyres are not allowed from 1st May until 1st OctoberNorwayWinter tyres are not compulsory,however snow chains are as dictated by local road signs - in the event that there is ice or snow covering the roads winter tyres or tyres with snow chains must be used.Spiked tyres may be used from November 1st until the first Sunday after Easter. If spiked tyres are fitted there is a charge (in Oslo, Bergen and Trondhelm) stickers are available to buy daily, monthly or yearly.From October 15th until May 1st you are permitted to use spiked tyres in Nordland, Troms and Finnmark.SwedenWinter tyres which must be marked M&S are compulsory from December 1st until March 31st with a minimum tread depth of 3mm.Spiked tyres may be used from October 1st until April 15th but must be fitted to all wheels. Please note that local authorities have the power to ban the use of spiked/studded tyres on their roads.Snow chains may be used if weather/road conditions require.SloveniaSnow chains must be carried from November 15th until March 15th (and when the winter weather conditions necessitate) by cars and vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes unless the vehicle is fitted with four winter tyres with a minimum tread of 3mm. Spiked tyres are prohibited.GermanyMotorists are obliged to make sure they have correct tyres to suit the winter weather conditions. This may mean the use of winter tyres (with M&S or snowflake symbol) and in extreme weather, the additional use of snow chains.Vehicles with summer tyres fitted are not allowed to be driven on roads covered with snow and ice. Fines are in place for vehicles found to be doing so.
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Ama ima! Ako uzmemo da ste vi dobri vozači maksimalno 10% vozeće populacije, ostalih 90% će itekako da oseti boljitak. Ja sam ubeđen da će bar 20% manje "čukanja" da bude u Beogradu samo zahvaljujući obavezi posedovanja zimskih guma. A u vezi ove primedbe za datume od kada do kada mora, ja bi voleo da mi objasnite kako bi vi to uredili? Pratili bi prognozu i kad najave padavine objavili - svi u servise na zamenu guma! Pa na šta bi to ličalo? Nije ni ovo idealno, ali sam siguran da vas pandur neće kazniti na +20 ako nemate zimske gume, sve da to bude prvog januara.

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ako cemo iskreno, nek ogranice brzinu na 30 kmh u celoj srbiji, ko predje udari ga struja i bice 99% manje cukanja. kakve gluposti. kad zaledi, mozes i gusenice da stavis na tockove, proklizaces. kad je sneg na ulici i ako ides preko 80, sanse da opalis nekog su ti iste kao i sa zimskim gumama. ovde pricamo o gradskim ulicama, koje u najgorem slucaju mogu biti NEPROHODNE maximum dan-dva, dok ne stignu i njih da ociste. o glavnim saobracajnicama i da ne pricam. sporednim ulicama i ulicama najnizeg prioriteta sigurno neces ici preko 30-40 na sat, kako god okrenes. ma, poserem im se u usta i popisam u kafu sve sa zimskim gumama.

Edited by 8-walker
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nisam, samo sam odgovoran <_< simpa je prica o dobrim vozacima kojima ne treba zimska, medjutim svi znamo da kad sednes u kola ne zavisi sve od tvoje sigurnosti i umeca, vec i od ostalih ucesnika u saobracaju. pogle bilo koje poredjenje duzine zaustavnog puta sa zimskim i obicnim gumama.i bas me zanima kako bi definisali zakon, a da ne pomenete datume.

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nisam, samo sam odgovoran <_< simpa je prica o dobrim vozacima kojima ne treba zimska, medjutim svi znamo da kad sednes u kola ne zavisi sve od tvoje sigurnosti i umeca, vec i od ostalih ucesnika u saobracaju. pogle bilo koje poredjenje duzine zaustavnog puta sa zimskim i obicnim gumama.i bas me zanima kako bi definisali zakon, a da ne pomenete datume.
stillgh3y.jpg :P
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Ništa Walkere, samo da ti poželim da tako dobar ne naletiš u nekoj mećavi na ne baš tako dobru Jezu koja je eto baš juče, kad je čula da će biti mećava, htela da stavi zimske, al nešto nije stiga, a i ćale joj rekao da nekad nisu ni postojale zimske gume, pa koji đavo...

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ako cemo iskreno, nek ogranice brzinu na 30 kmh u celoj srbiji, ko predje udari ga struja i bice 99% manje cukanja. kakve gluposti. kad zaledi, mozes i gusenice da stavis na tockove, proklizaces. kad je sneg na ulici i ako ides preko 80, sanse da opalis nekog su ti iste kao i sa zimskim gumama. ovde pricamo o gradskim ulicama, koje u najgorem slucaju mogu biti NEPROHODNE maximum dan-dva, dok ne stignu i njih da ociste. o glavnim saobracajnicama i da ne pricam. sporednim ulicama i ulicama najnizeg prioriteta sigurno neces ici preko 30-40 na sat, kako god okrenes. ma, poserem im se u usta i popisam u kafu sve sa zimskim gumama.
Zanima me samo šta voziš. Ako je produkt domaće auto-industrije, reci - nemam para i sve je OK. Ako je pak nešto novije, stranskije - njaške ko foka.
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