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Jadna lista, tuga. Tu i nema kritike u toj listi, nego obično sleđenje izvikanosti i političkih šablona...

  • 2 weeks later...


A toxicology report from the L.A. County Medical Examiner says Fisher had “cocaine, heroin, methadone, ethanol [alcohol], prozac and opiates” in her system when she died. In other words, she’d not only relapsed but had more or less committed suicide.


Every party person with half a brain knows you have to stop that shit by age 45 and certainly by 50. You partied hard for 20 or 25 years…enough. Anyone who inhales that many drugs at age 60 is obviously doing more than throwing caution to the winds — they’re winking at death. Fisher was saying “I know I shouldn’t be doing this but fuck it…my Star Wars footage is wrapped, I deserve a little vacay…back to my old partying ways for a few days or maybe longer!” Or shorter, as it turned out. The Grim Reaper got wind, floated over and whispered into her ear, “Time’s up!”


Ma da joj nije bilo keve nikad za nju ne bismo culi. privilegovana od pelena...da, nisam star wars fan


Pa rekao bih klasicna penzija


He did not give a reason for his retirement. In a statement, Day-Lewis’ spokeswoman, Leslee Dart, confirmed the news: “Daniel Day-Lewis will no longer be working as an actor. He is immensely grateful to all of his collaborators and audiences over the many years. This is a private decision and neither he nor his representatives will make any further comment on this subject. ” http://variety.com/2017/film/news/daniel-day-lewis-quits-acting-oscar-winner-1202472766/

Šteta, fantastičan glumac, mogao je još mnogo toga da pruži. Ali, kapiram ga potpuno.


Stonokazu +1


Meni omiljen. S jedne strane mi je zao sto nece vise biti njegovih rola, s druge strane specificna je licnost u pitanju, nisam siguran koliko danasnja okolis™ industrije njemu odgovara, da li mu je ikad i odgovarala, nacin na koji on radi, tj. na koji je radio zahtevao je kompletnu posvecenost, veliku energiju, odricanja, posebne uslove, vreme... plus filmovi i uloge koje njemu vise leze i za koje je rodjen, da tako kazem, sve se redje snimaju i pisu, tako da je logicna ova odluka. 


Meni je DDL uvek bio broj 1 i to bez neke ozbiljnije konkurencije, jednostavno toliko je dobar bio. Kao plus mu idu i jako pažljivo birane uloge, fanatična posvećenost ulogama i likovima koje je tumačio, povučenost i skroman život u real life.

Baš šteta :(


meni nešto svejedno, nije mi nikad bio na razini hajpa.

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