hazard Posted October 6, 2019 Posted October 6, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, roksi said: @hazard evo ti kolega vas dvojica i princ carls da se nadjete i procaskate malo o lepoti arhitekture dok pijuckate caj;) Samo ako služe bar Ahmad Tea, preferrably neki exquisite BOP sa Šri Lanke, inače neću da se deranžiram Edited October 6, 2019 by hazard
hazard Posted October 6, 2019 Posted October 6, 2019 12 hours ago, Host said: Bas je lep brutalizam kad je daleko, na slikama i dobro kadriran. + 1 Prvi put kad mi je NBG izgledao kul, je kada sam ga video iz aviona
bey Posted October 6, 2019 Posted October 6, 2019 11 hours ago, roksi said: mnogo ti hvala, super primeri i opisi! nema na čemu, i meni je interesantno (ful smo fine, što bi rekla buba) 10 hours ago, roksi said: totalni kriminal i ne samo u pogledu umetnosti. najviše zato što je to presvlačenje istorije koštalo >700 miliona € (od najavljenih 80) para građana, a vmro pre svrgavanja bila najbogatija partija u evropi (bogatija od merkelove CDU ili laburista i torijevaca u UK zajedno). toliko o identiteskoj priči i nacionalnim interesima ispred lukrativnih (ako je neko sumnjao). 10 hours ago, roksi said: ... pristup stambenoj arhitekturi bio generalno zaista fokusiran na dobrobit i sadrzajnost zivota stanovnika. <3 uostalom, upravo kao sto si negde i spomenula, le corb;) je zaceo pricu sa the radiant city. pa da, iako problematične ideološke prošlosti, on je započeo tu novu liniju u arhitekturi sa "skulpturama sa društvenom namenom", građevinama-spomenicima navodno u službi ljudi. humanizam i... anti-renesansa. host oseća koji su elementi (priroda, antički ukrasi...) te ideje, ali ih stavlja u obrnuti kontekst jer, eto, i on voli da bude anti nadahnuto objašnjenje zašto je brutalizam i te kako v sodelovanju z naravo i zašto je vraćanje na renesansne/antičke elemente u arhitekturi u suštini anti-umetnički i reakcionerno, daje (ko drugi do) meades (ok, poslednji put, obećavam) Quote Brutalism changed the way that architecture drew upon nature. Applied decorative representations, usually formal, occasionally naturalistic, of, say, bearded steroid junkies called atlantes, of boughs, tendrils, fronds, bucrania, of vessel-bearing maidens called caryatids - all of these disappeared with International Modernism. They didn't return. Brutalism, however, did not shun representation. Anything but. Instead, however, of just incorporating natural forms, its ambition was to create buildings which were themselves natural forms. Such a remaking of the planet was not a modest undertaking. It didn't copy what was already there. It invented natural forms, new natural forms. That's what art does. It makes what was not there before, it creates what was lacking.
roksi Posted October 6, 2019 Posted October 6, 2019 (edited) 11 hours ago, beyoncé said: host oseća koji su elementi (priroda, antički ukrasi...) te ideje, ali ih stavlja u obrnuti kontekst jer, eto, i on voli da bude anti <3 mora malo da zacini:) 11 hours ago, beyoncé said: nadahnuto objašnjenje zašto je brutalizam i te kako v sodelovanju z naravo i zašto je vraćanje na renesansne/antičke elemente u arhitekturi u suštini anti-umetnički i reakcionerno, daje (ko drugi do) meades (ok, poslednji put, obećavam) Brutalism changed the way that architecture drew upon nature. Applied decorative representations, usually formal, occasionally naturalistic, of, say, bearded steroid junkies called atlantes, of boughs, tendrils, fronds, bucrania, of vessel-bearing maidens called caryatids - all of these disappeared with International Modernism. They didn't return. Brutalism, however, did not shun representation. Anything but. Instead, however, of just incorporating natural forms, its ambition was to create buildings which were themselves natural forms. Such a remaking of the planet was not a modest undertaking. It didn't copy what was already there. It invented natural forms, new natural forms. That's what art does. It makes what was not there before, it creates what was lacking. super je, dobar je meades:) (nisam odgledala do kraja - moracu! dobro je koncipirao i sve u svemu daje bas dobar osvrt). 11 hours ago, beyoncé said: pa da, iako problematične ideološke prošlosti, on je započeo tu novu liniju u arhitekturi sa "skulpturama sa društvenom namenom", građevinama-spomenicima navodno u službi ljudi. humanizam i... anti-renesansa. istina. i onda od le corba (da ne kazem corbyja - jer tu bi tek meades popzdeo:)) pa do tangea, odnosno metabolista i kisho kurokawa-e (one of my absolute faves <3). (iako taj koncept [metabolism] nije preziveo, i dalje je epohalno znacajan) Edited October 6, 2019 by roksi
hazard Posted October 7, 2019 Posted October 7, 2019 Jedna vremešna lepotica sa Zvezdare (Zečevićeva ulica):
bey Posted October 7, 2019 Posted October 7, 2019 (edited) 19 hours ago, roksi said: super je, dobar je meades:) (nisam odgledala do kraja - moracu! dobro je koncipirao i sve u svemu daje bas dobar osvrt). ako nekada budeš imala vremena i ako te zanima, pogledaj i ostale njegove emisije, sve su sjajne. ja ga slušam samo iz literarnog zadovoljstva njegovi tekstovi o arhitekturi se smatraju jednim od najboljih i najznačajnih, posle njih idu oni o hrani i kuvanju (marco pierre white ga je proglasio najboljim kuvarom amaterom). inače, meades živi u marseju, na drugom spratu stambene jedinice/blistavog grada. * iako začetnik stila, matori seronja corb nikada nije upotrebio termin brutalizam za svoja betonska zdanja Edited October 7, 2019 by beyoncé
ultra plasticni Posted October 7, 2019 Posted October 7, 2019 To je zato sto nije svaki beton brutalizam, 90% stvari ovde koje su okacene nije brutalizam
roksi Posted October 9, 2019 Posted October 9, 2019 On 8.10.2019. at 4:35, beyoncé said: ako nekada budeš imala vremena i ako te zanima, pogledaj i ostale njegove emisije, sve su sjajne. ja ga slušam samo iz literarnog zadovoljstva njegovi tekstovi o arhitekturi se smatraju jednim od najboljih i najznačajnih, posle njih idu oni o hrani i kuvanju (marco pierre white ga je proglasio najboljim kuvarom amaterom). inače, meades živi u marseju, na drugom spratu stambene jedinice/blistavog grada. * iako začetnik stila, matori seronja corb nikada nije upotrebio termin brutalizam za svoja betonska zdanja al to je doslo kasnije! jeste bio tezak covek ali tesko je sporiti njega kao izuzetnog arhitektu, jednog od naj ikada. doduse, istina, i on je kao kahn imao svojh nekoliko ana (tyng) - jedna od njih je charlotte perriand: hocu, kad stignem pogledacu i ostalo od meadesa hvala za tip!
roksi Posted October 9, 2019 Posted October 9, 2019 On 7.10.2019. at 23:25, hazard said: Jedna vremešna lepotica sa Zvezdare (Zečevićeva ulica): daj jos!
hazard Posted October 9, 2019 Posted October 9, 2019 34 minutes ago, roksi said: daj jos! U tom kraju ima interesatnih primeraka iz tog doba, sve to od Radoja Domanovića pa do Preševske. Sad kada bude sunčan dan od vikenda, mislim da ću prošetati i napraviti par fotki...i onako često govorim sebi da moram, jer se bojim da će neke od ovih stvari nestati. Ovakve zgrade baš i ne, ali ima kuća koje su pred rušenjem... Za sada evo jedne kuće koja me je uvek fascinirala: Već duže vreme (10ak godina) stoji ovako napuštena i propada. Bila je na čistini, sada je već zarasla...okružena je novogradnjom ali izgleda da njena parcela još nije završila kod nekog investitora. Isto na Zvezdari, ali malo dalje, kod Kluza, odmah ispod tramvajske stanice kada se sa Bulevara krene ka Učiteljskom naselju. Po izgledu bi rekao da izgrađena najkasnije 20tih godina, možda grešim.
bey Posted October 9, 2019 Posted October 9, 2019 8 hours ago, roksi said: al to je doslo kasnije! u pravu si, neznalica sam (mada, termin je postojao i u njegovo vreme) treba mi ova njena stolica sada
hazard Posted October 10, 2019 Posted October 10, 2019 'A masterpiece': Norwich council houses win Stirling architecture prize Quote Street of 105 homes hailed as high-quality architecture in its most environmentally and socially conscious form Goldsmith Street in Norwich represents what has become a rare breed: streets of terraced homes built directly by the council, rented with secure tenancies at fixed social rents. And it’s an architectural marvel, too. The 105 creamy-brick homes are designed to stringent Passivhaus environmental standards, meaning energy costs are around 70% cheaper than average. The walls are highly insulated and the roofs are cleverly angled at 15 degrees, to ensure each terrace doesn’t block sunlight from the homes behind, while letterboxes are built into external porches, rather than the front doors, to reduce any possibility of draughts. Immense thought has gone into every detail – from the perforated brick balconies to the cleverly interlocking staircases in the three-storey flats at the end of each terrace – to ensure that every home has its own front door on the street. The back gardens look on to a planted alley, dotted with communal tables and benches, while parking has been pushed to the edge of the site, freeing up the streets for people, not cars. The architects won the original competition because they were one of the few firms to propose streets, rather than slabs of apartment blocks. They took inspiration from the city’s Golden Triangle, a desirable neighbourhood of Victorian terraced houses, where the streets are laid out more tightly than modern overlooking regulations would allow. The architects used this precedent to argue that their new neighbourhood could be just as humanely scaled, while fitting in more homes. Marking the first time in the 23-year history of the Stirling prize that it has been awarded to social housing, the project beat stiff competition from the revamped London Bridge station, an opera house in a former stable block, the Macallan whisky distillery in Scotland, a visitor centre for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, and a house made entirely of cork. The decision represents a welcome contrast from last year’s winner, Norman Foster’s £1.3bn headquarters for Bloomberg, which involved importing 600 tonnes of bronze from Japan and a quarry-full of granite from India, while claiming to be the most sustainable office building ever conceived.
hazard Posted October 10, 2019 Posted October 10, 2019 Budimpešta 2014. Šalu na stranu, ovo bar na ovoj fotki ne izgleda kao kič u Skoplju, deluje dobro urađeno. Ima komentara ispod ljudi koji su prolazili i kažu kako nisu uopšte bili svesni da je to nova zgrada. Zanima me da li je ovo skroz novi projekat ili je pak rekonstrukcija stare zgrade koja se tu nalazila ali je uništena u ratu ili tako nešto (čini mi se da je moguće, jer su zgrade oko nje - koje se vide i na gornjoj slici - stare, a i spomenik je rekonstrukcija).
palikaris Posted October 10, 2019 Posted October 10, 2019 2 hours ago, hazard said: streets of terraced homes built directly by the council, rented with secure tenancies at fixed social rents. Komunjare
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