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Working on a dream reči ne zavredjuju pažnju, ali ovo je nešto drugo. Mogu da zamislim Bukowskog kako kaže "mali, znaš da mrzim tu muziku i da mi se jebe za tudje pesme, ali ovo nije loše..."THE WRESTLERHave you ever seen a one trick pony in the field so happy and free?If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen meHave you ever seen a one-legged dog making its way down the street?If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen meThen you've seen me, I come and stand at every doorThen you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had beforeThen you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floorTell me, fan, can you ask for anything more?Tell me can you ask for anything more?Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and wheat?If you've ever seen that scarecrow then you've seen meHave you ever seen a one-armed man punching at nothing but the breeze?If you've ever seen a one-armed man then you've seen meThen you've seen me, I come and stand at every doorThen you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had beforeThen you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floorTell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?Tell me can you ask for anything more?These things that have comforted me, I drive awayThis place that is my home I cannot stayMy only faith's in the broken bones and bruises I displayHave you ever seen a one-legged man trying to dance his way free?If you've ever seen a one-legged man then you've seen me

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My Lucky Day je procureo jedan dan ranije.Bruce-ov glas je ponovo nekako "utopljen" u muziku (što nije bio slučaj sa Working on a Dream, a što je uprkos priglupom tekstu davalo neku nadu). Ova pesma inače zvuči mnogo bolje od Working on a Dream, mada od teksta (iz pomenutog razloga) razumem malo, skoro ništa. U nastavku prenosim teks onako kako ga je neko postavio na netu.Malo sam zbunjen. Poslednja MTV budala danas ima vrhunsku produkciju... Dodje mi da se pridružim kritikama na račun Brendan O'Brien-a. Sviđali su mi se The Rising i Devils and Dust, ali ovo zvuči kao nešto što slušam kroz odškrinuta vrata.Ne računajući ovo (ako je to moguće), pesma mi se sviđa... (Uzgred, pesma se može naći na demonoidu. Ko ima problema sa tim, mogu da mu je pošaljem mailom, i onako je samo 3,77 MB; sutra će je verovatno biti svuda po netu)MY LUCKY DAYIn the room where fortune fallsOn a day when chance is allIn the dark of this exileI felt the grace of your smileHoney you're my lucky dayBaby you're my lucky dayWhen I've lost all the other bets I madeHoney you're my lucky dayWhere I see strong hearts give wayTo the burnings of the dayTo the weary hands of timeWhere fortune is my kindHoney you're my lucky dayBaby you're my lucky dayI've waited at your sideI carry all the tears you cryBut to win darlin' we must playSo hide your heart awayHoney you're my lucky dayBaby you're my lucky dayWhen I've lost all the bets I madeHoney you're my lucky day

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Ovo vec bilo, jel?"My Lucky Day" World Premier on MySpaceToday at 12:18amBruce Springsteen's new song "My Lucky Day" - from the album Working on a Dream (January 27 / Columbia Records) -- will be available on AmazonMP3 and MySpace Music for one week starting today.Additionally, Amazon.com and MySpace today exclusively debuted the music video for "My Lucky Day," the first time that the two sites have collaborated on streaming video. Fans can visit Bruce's MySpace page or Amazon.com to watch the video and download the new single. As an added bonus, fans can also check out an extra two-minutes of behind-the-scenes footage of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band preparing to record the song (Amazon only).Springsteen's new album 'Working on a Dream' has been set for January 27 release on Columbia Records. Working on a Dream was recorded with the E Street Band and is the fourth collaboration between Springsteen and Brendan O'Brien, who produced and mixed the album.MySpace.com - Bruce Springsteen - FREEHOLD, New Jersey - Rock - www.myspace.com/brucespringsteen

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Jel' ima neko "dublje" informacije o ovome?

Juče je počela prodaja ulaznica za deseti, jubilarni festival ?Egzit", koji će od 9. do 12. jula sledeće godine biti održan na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi u Novom Sadu. Jubilarni ?Egzit" mogao bi da bude otvoren najvećom koncertnom atrakcijom koja je ikada pohodila Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu, nastupom Brusa Springstina i ?I strit benda".Izvor Pressa blizak organizatorima festivala nagovestio je da se vode pregovori sa menadžmentom slavnog rokera:- Zasad je rano da se govori o imenima mogućih izvođača, ali mi sada već gledamo ko je na turnejama sledeće godine i ko bi mogao da se uklopi u naš program. Nažalost, ne mogu direktno da potvrdim da je Springstin među izvođačima na sledećem ?Egzitu" zato što bi to bilo kršenje poslovne etike i narušavanje toka pregovora sa menadžmentom, jer je običaj da se imena izvođača ne otkrivaju pre potpisivanja ugovora - govori naš izvor.
Iskreno da kazem ne svidja mi se ideja....Meni je Ušće potpuno ok ako se rade "grande" prostori, ako se ide u nesto manje opet mi je mnogo toga bolje nego "festivalski dan"... Edited by veljaGB
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