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Facebook unveiled on Wednesday a new feature that lets you share, chat and e-mail with small groups of friends. Groups, which differs from another feature with the same name, is designed for a small number of people who know one another—think families and coworkers. Here, you can share pictures, comments and articles privately with only the people in the group. The former group pages, which targeted large communities of people with a common interest, will still be active.

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Ne, jedan od ovih klinaca mi je rođak :isuse: Već masovno postaju fanovi legende:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1274935077#!/pages/Ivan-Bogdanov-Legenda-Severa-i-Srbije/125047554217776

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Dobro žene, šta vam se sad sviđa na prozoru, klaviru, radnom stolu, ormaru, haubi... ? :mellow:
Okacila moja zena "svidja mi se na komodi", ja lajkovao i rekao "dobra ideja". Tek posle mi objasnila sta je. Rekoh, pa i jeste dobra ideja. :D (Zezam se, prvo mi je objasnila).
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Pa to, sumnjam da je većina odavde sa 14 godina bila skroz osvešćena i potpuno van svakog negativnog spoljnog uticaja.Ovo jesu neki extremi, ali verujem da bi to neko interent lupetanje pre npr 15ak godina bilo ekvivalentno ovom sadašnjem.

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