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Svetska Kriza 2008-....

Yonkers United

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Posted (edited)
Evo kome treba i nacrtano, dete moze da razume:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHe0bXAIuk0
Gledao sam to pre par dana i to je previse simplificirano. Ima jos puno faktora koji uticu i to puno. Ali, bazicno, za razumevanje kako danasnji "zapadni" kapitalisticki sistem funkcionise, nije lose.edit: ubacen quote Edited by Zaz_pi

Naravno da je simplifikacija kao i bilo koji drugi model.Mislim da je najveci problem to sto se kriza tridesetih godina poistovecuje sa krizom sada i time se ti ciklusi dugorocno predstavljaju stabilnim. Medjutim, tri presudna faktora cine nasu sadasnju krizu kriticnijom; ona se ne moze resiti makroekonomskim potezima. Ta tri faktora su medjusobno usko povezana: zagadjenje, nestanak fosilnih goriva i prenaseljenost. Ono sto se moze zakljuciti iz ovog filmica je da je kriza 2008 bio tek talascic prema onome sto nas ocekuje. A promene neophodne da se ta kriza prezivi moraju nuzno voditi potpunom preobrazaju kapitalizma, konzumerizma, logistike, poljoprivrede, stanovanja... svega.

Posted (edited)

Svaka na mestu: http://paulcraigroberts.org/2013/10/14/whatever-became-western-civilization-paul-craig-roberts/Wall Street and the City of London, the two world financial centers so beloved and misrepresented by free market economists as financiers of investment and economic growth, are in fact legal, government supported, Mafia gangs that loot. Their profits come from looting.Finansijski gangsteri. Belosvetski Miskovici i Karici. Nema razlike u odjevanju. Western civilization, to the extent than any civilization remains, is confronted with a total collapse of economic and government morality. Looting and exploitation rule, and the presstitute media does its best to hide the fact.`Zapadnu` civilizaciju u kantu.

Edited by noskich

Гле, приметили су чим су почели и код куће да пљачкају као што су пљачкали напољу. Док су код куће били штогод уздржани, све је било у реду и све потаман.


Ovaj dobar isto:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Bravo Svajcarci! Ovo je demokratija, a ne plutokratija:http://www.globalres...-policy/5359076On November 24, the Swiss will vote on whether to take a further step — limiting executive pay to no more than 12 times the lowest salary in the company. Such a maximum wage policy allows the CEO pay increases, but only if workers get at least a twelfth as much.The Swiss are also set to vote, on a date yet to be set, to create a guaranteed basic income of $2,800 (2,500 Swiss francs) per month for every adult. That’s about $16 per hour for a full-time worker, but it’s guaranteed even for those who can’t find work.

Edited by noskich

primećujem da ti je početni polet nešto ispuhan i da nisi komentarisao vest da je obožavanje kapitalističkog jarma ustanovljeno kao zvanična religija u suicerlandu. :fantom:

  • 4 weeks later...

Жив је Енрон, умро није... сад се зове Џејпи Морган:http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/22/business/off-limits-but-blessed-by-the-fed.html?_r=1&

  • 3 weeks later...
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Како смо још онда знали да истина мора да је црња од оног што смо наслућивали... ево анализе.

A highly complex set of laws and exemptions from laws and taxes has been put in place by those in the uppermost reaches of the U.S. financial system. It allows them to protect and increase their wealth and significantly affect the U.S. political and legislative processes. They have real power and real wealth. Ordinary citizens in the bottom 99.9% are largely not aware of these systems, do not understand how they work, are unlikely to participate in them, and have little likelihood of entering the top 0.5%, much less the top 0.1%. Moreover, those at the very top have no incentive whatsoever for revealing or changing the rules. I am not optimistic.

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