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Svetska Kriza 2008-....

Yonkers United

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Posted (edited)

To su ti sto Yoyogi kaze `kriminalci sa Blekberijima`: http://www.alternet.org/corporate-accountability-and-workplace/americas-new-math-1-wall-street-hour-21-years-hard-work-rest?page=0%2C1&paging=offAmerica's new math: 1 Wall Street hour = 21 years of hard work for the rest of us.Together the top 10 hedge fund managers waltzed off with $10.1 billion in 2012, which is more than enough to hire 250,000 entry level teachers or 196,000 new registered nurses.1. Insider trading2. Design financial products to fail so you can collect the insurance3. Manipulating the media -- rumor mongering4. High frequency tradingtumblr_lzyqvlYXWs1qc3wjlo1_500.jpg

Edited by noskich
http://www.sovereignman.com/finance/heres-what-happens-when-a-central-bank-goes-bust-12440/Lehman Brothers famously went under in 2008 because they had insufficient capital. They had assets of $691 billion, and equity of just $22 billion… about 3%.So let’s apply the same yardstick to central banks and see how ‘safe’ they really are:■US Federal Reserve: $54 billion in capital on $3.57 trillion in assets, roughly 1.53%. This is actually less than the 1.875% capital they had in December. So the trend is getting worse.■European Central Bank: 3.69%■Bank of Japan: 1.92%■Bank of England: 0.843%■Bank of Canada: 0.532%This is one of the strongest indicators of all that the financial system as we know it is finished. When central banks can no longer credibly issue liabilities, and their home government are too broke to bail them out, this paper currency standard can no longer function.Such data really underscores the importance of owning real assets such as productive land and precious metals.
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Plutokratija 2.0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lUrG8Sk-HwPrivatni zatvori su vec tu, korporativisticka drzava je vec tu, jedino sto je preostalo je pakovanje to jest zamajavanje mase da nije tako.

Edited by noskich
Posted (edited)

već sam kačio neko istraživanje o tome da su stari ljudi najsrećniji kada vide da su mladi neuspešni (to je bio cilj one hip kampanjice za poletne buntovničiće, da svi pomremo pa da se psihopatkinja veseli) i to je verovatno i kod ovih oveštalih starkelja bio glavni pokretač, a ne pohlepa. smrt staračkom sadizmu.

Edited by Hella

Malo sam pogledala ove videe. Sudije posalju 5000 dece u zatvor zbog sitnih kradja, sala na myspace stranici ili trasspasinga, i tek nakon toga ljudi primete da ima nesto sumnjivo? Ponekad pomislim da smo mi jos sasvim solidni.

Posted (edited)

Prevod na engleski: http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2013/08/07/neue-eu-regel-sparer-muessen-um-guthaben-unter-100-000-euro-bangen/%3Finf_contact_key%3D455815b27ff2637fcf1a1222514049ea2c8d51f58f1bfb784b55df0f47c9ff64Na'>http://translate.google.com.au/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2013/08/07/neue-eu-regel-sparer-muessen-um-guthaben-unter-100-000-euro-bangen/%3Finf_contact_key%3D455815b27ff2637fcf1a1222514049ea2c8d51f58f1bfb784b55df0f47c9ff64Na nemackom: http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2013/08/07/neue-eu-regel-sparer-muessen-um-guthaben-unter-100-000-euro-bangen The Lithuanian proposal shows that if a bank goes bankrupt, get the small depositors their money not immediately up to four weeks - 20 working days - the savers will have to make do with just the bare necessities., You may withdraw 100 to 200 euros a day - no more. The EU Council under the direction of your chosen anyone in Europe President Herman Van Rompuy originally had proposed to let the saver wait four weeks for their money.Kipar scenario u celoj EU.

Edited by noskich
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Evo lepe vesti konacno, svi bi trebali da slede Madjarsku!http://americanfreepress.net/?p=12418Hungary is making history of the first order.Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny.http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/08/12/uk-hungary-imf-repaid-idUKBRE97B07720130812Hungary repaid ahead of schedule on Monday all of its outstanding debt, worth 2.15 billion euros, owed to the International Monetary Fund from a 2008 emergency loan programme, the Economy Ministry said in a statement.http://rt.com/business/hungary-bailout-loan-imf-170/The head of Hungary’s Central Bank Gyorgy Matolcsy wrote a letter to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Monday asking for it to close its representative office in Budapest as it was "not necessary to maintain" it any longer.

Edited by noskich
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
The American Dream, RIP?Mr Cowen is no stranger to controversy. In 2011 he galvanised Washington with “The Great Stagnation”, in which he argued that America has used up the low-hanging fruit of free land, abundant labour and new technologies. His new book suggests that the disruptive effects of automation and ever-cheaper computer power have only just begun to be felt.It describes a future largely stripped of middling jobs and broad prosperity. An elite 10-15% of Americans will have the brains and self-discipline to master tomorrow’s technology and extract profit from it, he speculates. They will enjoy great wealth and stimulating lives. Others will endure stagnant or even falling wages, as employers measure their output with “oppressive precision”. Some will thrive as service-providers to the rich. A few will claw their way into the elite (cheap online education will be a great leveller), bolstering the idea of a “hyper-meritocracy” at work: this “will make it easier to ignore those left behind”....The left is sure that inequality is a recipe for riots. Mr Cowen doubts it. The have-nots will be too engrossed in video games to light real petrol bombs. An ageing population will be rather conservative, he thinks. There will be lots of Tea-Party sorts among the economically left-behind. Aid for the poor will be slashed but benefits for the old preserved. Edited by Gandalf

Pomalo ide na živce taj nadmeni stav koji se vidi u zadnjem pasusu (ovo nije na adresu Gandalfa, već generalno). Ljude se mora aktivirati (obrazovati), a ne obraćati im se nadmeno s visine.

The left is sure that inequality is a recipe for riots. Mr Cowen doubts it. The have-nots will be too engrossed in video games to light real petrol bombs.
Ovo je samo delimično tačno. Have-nots će se masovno aktivirati onog trenutka kada im establišment dirne u lifestyle - a to će se desiti pre ili kasnije, potkačiće ih zasigurno.

Da za pocetak vidimo da li je uopste tacno da have-nots provode vreme igrajuci video igre... da krenemo odatle?


Ovaj lik je to malo vulgarizovao sa fokusom na igre. Mislim da se radi o verziji one predrasude po kojoj have-nots ne mare za bilo šta osim za svoj iPhone i FB nalog. Ta predrasuda je u mnogim zemljama već demantovana na terenu (uključujući i npr, Tursku) gde su have-nots pokazali još kakvu spremnost da se bore za određene ciljeve. "Problem" može biti u tome što se njihovi ciljevi ne podudaraju sa ciljevima premudrih vodenih bizona kao što je ovaj bloger koji se nadrndao na njih jer su, možeš misliti, radije igrali PlayStation kada je trebalo ustati za nešto što je njemu bitno.


Evo kome treba i nacrtano, dete moze da razume:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHe0bXAIuk0

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