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THE WIRE (2002)


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Kima Greggs26% Intelligence, 77% Morality, 27% Street-smarts, 35% Rebelliousness, 43% Industriousness, 47% Emotiveness, 32% Game and 42% Charisma!Stand around some shiny shit and get paid. Work murders and starve. What kinda shit is that? As Kima, you work the case. You don't care about making a stand against the bosses or gaining rank. You find people who are doing bad shit, and you stop them. It's pretty simple, and you like that way. These strict ethics mean that morality is your defining trait. You don't truck with manipulation or lies: you speak your mind, whether it's to your bosses or your friends. You may not be as smart as the Lesters of your world, but they would be nowhere without the information you can provide. You understand the value of having friends in both high and low places, and some day it might serve you better than you ever imagined it would.


this be some bullshit, dawgpropjoe.jpgProposition Joe23% Intelligence, 13% Morality, 52% Street-smarts, 40% Rebelliousness, 71% Industriousness, 31% Emotiveness, 47% Game and 51% Charisma!

14556837379226082010.jpgGus Haynes51% Intelligence, 79% Morality, 0% Street-smarts, 40% Rebelliousness, 20% Industriousness, 47% Emotiveness, 43% Game and 30% Charisma!Tom Wolfe wannabe, think you're gonna get a phrase like that past me? No fucking way, motherfucker! As Gus you've got a strict sense of journalistic ethics. That doesn't sound all that laudable, but if the dissemination of factual and valuable information is the basis of a free society, then your stand against the fraudsters and embossers really does mean a damn. As such, your morality is your defining trait. You aren't one for manipulating your way up the chain of command: you believe in your job and you stick to it. If a promotion comes, then it comes. Your dependability is matched by your intelligence, but never forget that the game cares not for who has "the facts" or "ethics". Even then, I very much doubt that knowing that would stop you.
2438188803453418441.jpg:(Maurice Levy58% Intelligence, 49% Morality, 50% Street-smarts, 9% Rebelliousness, 67% Industriousness, 41% Emotiveness, 74% Game and 67% Charisma!You scored 74% on Game, higher than 98% of your peers. ..all in the game..
:lol:E pa dobro, sad kad sam ovo video nije me blam da kažem da sam ispao Randy Wagstaff.
rhondapearlman.jpgaleksija, sedrik je moj!sad je i ozvaniceno.
63% Intelligence, 49% Morality, 41% Street-smarts, 35% Rebelliousness, 31% Industriousness, 55% Emotiveness, 36% Game and 58% Charisma!Whatever it is, they don't teach it in law school.As Rhonda you are doubtless one of the most intelligent of your peer group, and as such your intelligence is your defining trait. You could put innumerable perps behind bars with your large legal mind and your - shall we say - creative use of the law. That's right, not even a state's attorney is outside the game. Manipulating the opposition into working in your favour is second nature, but underlying it all there's a genuine belief that you are doing good. With a resume like that you could be doing anything (or anyone) you damn please.
jebes ga, mislila sam da sam vise rebel, al daj sta das.

ko hoce da se kladi da je hustler resavao test dok nije naleteo na omara?

ko hoce da se kladi da je hustler resavao test dok nije naleteo na omara?
Због чега би неко желео да испадне педер на тесту?
Због чега би неко желео да испадне педер на тесту?
to samo mrznja govori iz tebe.ja sam d'angelo barksdale, jebi ga.
Posted (edited)
ko hoce da se kladi da je hustler resavao test dok nije naleteo na omara?
Hahahaha, baš stvarno! Ili ona ekipa sa Stringerom isto, skotovi. Ovo za advokata lihvara me zaista čini manje stidljivim što sam onaj klinjo..Što volim kad se zapati nešto što zakuvam! :D Edited by Buck Naked
Posted (edited)
ja sam d'angelo barksdale, jebi ga.
Sta jebi ga? Covek je 1 car. ^_^ Edited by Calavera

će ga rešavam dok balončići ne ispadnu.


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