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THE WIRE (2002)


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ali to su cinjenice, to u sta nisi siguran. 

zaista su to radili.


Nego lrd ima obicaj da preporuci serije koje zasluzuju da im se posveti manje vremena od gledanja u toalet papir


Aj citat koju sam ja to govnjivu seriju preporučio, molim.


Okej. To je sve u redu. Vojska je zalegla za preostalog muškarca u familiji. 


Scena u žitu kad oni njega sretnu i onda krene ono protokolarno nabrajanje puk, regimenta, blabla, pa onda njegovo odbijanje da ode, pa natezanje oko toga...


Ne verujem da je bilo toliko čisto, romantično i plemenito. Barem ne na osnovu filma. 


ne secam se sad toga, ali kapiram da mi ne bi smetalo posto mi ni ranije nije smetalo.


Rajan ima genijalne scene borbe, neke od najboljih masovki svih vremena i za to kapa dole. Ostalo je prepatetičan sa dvodimenzionalnim likovima. Što samo po sebi ne mora da bude loše, samo je nekako dosadno i nije u skladu sa fenomenalnim scenama borbe, koju su skroz realistične.

Posted (edited)

Aj citat koju sam ja to govnjivu seriju preporučio, molim.

uf, ja mogu ali necu :fantom:

Edited by ToniAdams

uf, ja mogu al necu :fantom:


avatarom promovise jednu :fantom:




uf, ja mogu ali necu :fantom:



Nije tvoje da pričaš o tome?

Pazi, moguće je, ali uglavnom pazim da napravim razliku između govana koje gledam i onoga što preporučujem.


avatarom promovise jednu :fantom:







Rajan ima genijalne scene borbe, neke od najboljih masovki svih vremena i za to kapa dole. Ostalo je prepatetičan sa dvodimenzionalnim likovima. Što samo po sebi ne mora da bude loše, samo je nekako dosadno i nije u skladu sa fenomenalnim scenama borbe, koju su skroz realistične.


Uglavnom. Otvaranje filma su možda najbolje scene borbe koje sam ikada gledao na filmu. Naravno, film nije samo uobičajeno spielbergovski patetičan, već je i gori od toga. Najgori spielbergovski Spielberg koga sam gledao...


koji ti dobar spilberg ajante?


Ne znam otkud ti to sada? Još kada sam bio klinac, uglavnom sam bio onaj u najvećoj manjini koji brani Spielberga i onaj usamljeni koji ga poštuje...


nije ti to za citanje, vise kao vodic i podsetnik (spomenar) za seriju.

sajmon je negde rekao da je, posto wire jedini nije nastao iz knjige, resio da udovolji fanovima (tj. zeni svojoj, koja je takodje exnovinarka-krajm spisateljica laura lippman) i napravi ovo.

Hvala. Razmišljao sam da je pazarim pa da prozuji kroz nekoliko drugarskih domova, ali ne bih voleo da se ispostavi da je u pitanju samo vodič i podsetnik za seriju. Nadam se nekoj publikaciji koja bi donela neke nove, meni nepoznate sadržaje, ili dopunila praćenje serije različitim interpretacijama delova serije, kao što je to slučaj sa čuvenim šahovskim objašnjenjem boudijevog ubistva.



Ali pretpostavljam da previše tražim  :(




JUNE 17, 2015 9:45am PT by Lacey Rose
David Simon is preparing to take a racy turn.
The mastermind behind HBO's The Wire and Treme, along with his frequent collaborator George Pelecanos, is developing a potential series about the porn industry for the premium network. Assuming HBO opts to move forward with the entry, titled The Deuce, it will chronicle the legalization and subsequent rise of the porn industry in New York’s Times Square from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s. Also explored: the rough-and-tumble world that existed in midtown Manhattan until the rise of HIV, the violence of the cocaine epidemic and a rejuvenated real estate market ended the bawdy turbulence.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Simon acknowledges that he and Pelecanos were hesitant to take on the project when they first heard from one of their Treme location managers, who'd been researching the life of a man who had been one of the mob fronts on 42nd Street during that era. "He said, 'You’ve got to hear the guy’s stories,’" Simon recalls. "George and I looked at each other and said, 'I don’t wanna make a porn show. … I’m married with kids and lawn furniture. I don’t want to go there, man. That’s dark.'”
Read more THR Cover: HBO's Real-Life Game of Thrones and the Fight to Stay Rich, on Top and Score Bill Simmons
Curiosity got the best of them, however, and Simon and Pelecanos agreed to meet with the subject. When he and his stories were indeed fascinating, the pair decided to continue exploring that world. As is always the case with Simon, a longtime journalist turned showrunner, that process entailed heavy research.
Still, there were a multitude of other challenges to consider. Simon felt strongly that he didn't want to be sneering at porn while using porn to sell the show, for instance. "You don't want to make porn to critique porn because that would be a venal journey — nor do you want to look down on people because that also is fairly dishonest," he explains, adding of the sweet spot: "You really have to land it in such a way where it’s a story about people and it’s a story about markets — about the moment where something became legal and profitable and what happens to people in that environment when markets prevail."
Though the project has been in the works for some time, executives at HBO had opted to make Show Me a Hero, a miniseries about a housing project in Yonkers, N.Y., Simon's next move. Now, with the latter set to bow in mid-August, network insiders suggest a pilot order for Deuce could be forthcoming. When it's suggested to Simon that the world of '70s-era porn has the potential to be noisier — and thus higher rated — than some of the premises he's tackled in the past, he laughs. "It does," he says, "but I'm sure I'd f— it up."

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